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macrumors G3
Jun 24, 2010
I wonder how many congressmen worry about the Chinese manufactured TVs hanging in their offices. Almost all sets include a microphone and the customers always connect them to the internet.
We always have to start somewhere. Doesn’t mean it will end with TikTok. DJI drones could be next as well.


May 27, 2021
I do find it humorous that when the previous administration was looking to do this they were completely destroyed by the media as being "Xenophobic and Paranoid!!"

Current administration wants to ban it and the same media outlets are saying "yeah good idea!"
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macrumors 6502a
Jun 15, 2010
Three anti-China stories I've read in 10min. There is no doubt that there is a concerted effort, a collaboration between US and UK, and lead by the US, to totally economically strangle both China and Russia. Fortunately, their efforts will ultimately fail. I just hope the US doesn't drag the rest of the world down with it.

I do find it humorous that when the previous administration was looking to do this they were completely destroyed by the media as being "Xenophobic and Paranoid!!" Current administration wants to ban it and the same media outlets are saying "yeah good idea!"
Funny how the news can have such an effect on what people think and say.


macrumors G3
Jun 24, 2010
I do find it humorous that when the previous administration was looking to do this they were completely destroyed by the media as being "Xenophobic and Paranoid!!" Current administration wants to ban it and the same media outlets are saying "yeah good idea!"
Yeah. Personally I think Trump was right then and Biden is also right now.
It’s the media that plays partisan. Both sides of media unfortunately.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 9, 2012
I find it interesting that China has been banning Facebook and similar western based SoMe for years. Not because they were afraid of western surveillance, but because they’re afraid of their own population.

Whereas the west is considering banning Chinese SoMe (and more) because we’re afraid of China.

I’m not exactly sure why we’re afraid of China. Of course they’re gonna try out every trick in the book to spy on us, but we’re doing the same anyway. That’s what superpowers do to each other. That’s the name of the game. Like it’s perfectly alright to have drones flying all over the Middle East and right up to Russian borders.

Unggoy Murderer

macrumors 65816
Jan 28, 2011
Edinburgh, UK
Why is it terrible?

I'm not agreeing or disagreeing but please tell me why its terrible?
"Viral at any cost". Encouraging children to potentially put themselves in risky or dangerous situations just so they can get a dopamine rush isn't healthy at all. I've had an instance of a child (probably about 10-12 years old) run out in front of my car, do a "dance" then run back on the pavement while their friends recorded it on their phone. The child was wearing a TikTok hoodie, so I'm assuming it was some stupid attempt at getting themselves on to the algorithm.

My sister is a school teacher, and she's noticed changes in kids using the app, they're completely failing to maintain any kind of attention in class after a couple of minutes. Where phones have been confiscated, the kids often have extreme reactions to being separated from them. Some have literally ran away from school after being told to hand over their phone, which obviously comes with a whole other set of problems.

Educate kids in moderation, we've got the tools in iOS and Android to limit their use. Use them.

Unggoy Murderer

macrumors 65816
Jan 28, 2011
Edinburgh, UK
Because Twitter and Instagram are so much better...
Not saying they are, I'd be more than happy to see them gone too.

In my opinion, social media is one of the worst things to have happened to humanity. It was great in the start, but once money-makers figured out they can exploit the human mind to make big dollar, that's when it went downhill.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 9, 2012
"Viral at any cost". Encouraging children to potentially put themselves in risky or dangerous situations just so they can get a dopamine rush isn't healthy at all. I've had an instance of a child (probably about 10-12 years old) run out in front of my car, do a "dance" then run back on the pavement while their friends recorded it on their phone. The child was wearing a TikTok hoodie, so I'm assuming it was some stupid attempt at getting themselves on to the algorithm.

My sister is a school teacher, and she's noticed changes in kids using the app, they're completely failing to maintain any kind of attention in class after a couple of minutes. Where phones have been confiscated, the kids often have extreme reactions to being separated from them. Some have literally ran away from school after being told to hand over their phone, which obviously comes with a whole other set of problems.

Educate kids in moderation, we've got the tools in iOS and Android to limit their use. Use them.
That’s SoMe in general doing that. And lack of involvement from parents (who are probably just as addicted to other SoMe). Surely TikTok is a terrible thing, but not because it’s Chinese. If they hadn’t invented it, then someone else would have done it.


Jan 10, 2023
Again, this has been discussed for years now and it's not happening. I wish it would, but I don't think it's going to. There are far too many mindless zombies feeding on this trash.
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Unggoy Murderer

macrumors 65816
Jan 28, 2011
Edinburgh, UK
I agree but as per usual in psychology anything you tell kids to stay away from are ultimately things they will try out for sure. I’d rather invest in education which seems has room for development in North America.
Definitely. Banning in households isn't the solution, but teaching moderation is (I think anyway) a reasonable compromise.
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macrumors 603
Feb 7, 2011
Three anti-China stories I've read in 10min. There is no doubt that there is a concerted effort, a collaboration between US and UK, and lead by the US, to totally economically strangle both China and Russia. Fortunately, their efforts will ultimately fail. I just hope the US doesn't drag the rest of the world down with it.
Probably correct, though that doesn't mean we shouldn't be concerned about Tik-Tok just we should look at all social media and "mind-hacking" but yea I sometimes think this is more perilous than the Cuban Missile Crisis just no-one is really paying attention.


macrumors 68030
Feb 23, 2016
In my opinion, social media is one of the worst things to have happened to humanity. It was great in the start, but once money-makers figured out they can exploit the human mind to make big dollar, that's when it went downhill.
All of it is trash. It has turned people into zombies. Not a day goes by that I don't see someone just staring at their phone while walking, barely looking up. Thankfully, I have never had any interest in social media. Facebook is the worst if that is even possible.


macrumors 65816
Dec 18, 2012
I hope they ban it, and EU follows suit. This app is a plague, that has two different functions in China and the west. In China, it has more educational purpose, while in western world, it is made to completely destabilize peoples mindsets and attention spans. It's basically a mental health concern. There is already more than enough research that tells us that social media apps are very very bad for human mental health, and TikTok is working by the book in order to inflict as much mental health damage as possible. Doesnt matter if it's Chinese or Brazilian, it has to go unless you want your kids to grow up into complete morons with 3 seconds attention span and plethora of mental issues.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 9, 2012
I hope they ban it, and EU follows suit. This app is a plague, that has two different functions in China and the west. In China, it has more educational purpose, while in western world, it is made to completely destabilize peoples mindsets and attention spans. It's basically a mental health concern.
Well… that might say more about us in the west than the Chinese 😂 we’re more stupid and easily brain-hacked


Jan 10, 2023
TikTok is 1/1 following the recipe for behavioral addiction which is already having a detrimental impact on the predominantly developing brains that are using the app.

Yes, many apps and digital platforms exploit these vulnerabilities in the human brain/sensory system. But TikTok has taken it to an extreme.

They’ve done brain scans of Internet/video game/media addicts/phone(etc.) addicts and their brains patterns (reactions to visual input) shift away from normal brain patterns and get close to or completely identical to drug, sex or gamble addicts.

At its core, TikTok is essentially your classic slot machine but with perpetual visual/auditory stimulation that continuously adapts to show more of the content that gets the most watch time from the user.

If you think it’s completely benign that every person below 25 is glued to the same app for 6-12 hours a day then obviously I have no argument here.

My gripe with the app isn’t that it’s made by China but that it’s creating a generation of smartphone addicts.

TikTok would have been long gone before these privacy concerns if anyone listened to the research done on smartphones and behavioral addiction.

Have you ever read about the mice that get their brains wired up to a machine with a button they can press that releases dopamine in their bodies indefinitely without them having to move or do a single thing to get the “reward”? They press the button over and over again, more and more until they forget their other needs and their health withers away.

TikTok is an instantaneous, no effort, no payment dopamine trigger for humans that’s continuously being adapted to get better at making the user press the trigger again.

It’s completely terrible and I pray that ByteDance don’t sell their shares and that TikTok gets banned in the West permanently.
I agree with you except for one point. While I think these apps play a role in creating a generation of smartphone addicts, it is the parents who are stuffing smartphones and tablets into young children's hands who hold the lion's share of the blame. Throwing a digital babysitter in your child's hands is no way to parent. It is lazy and pathetic. If you get defensive over this post, you should probably take a long look at your situation and maybe you should consider modifying your behavior.


macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
Viral at any cost"
Educate kids in moderation, we've got the tools in iOS and Android to limit their use. Use them.
So this seems less a tiktok specific issue and an issue of parenting. Basically the parents that choose not to be involved in moderating and managing the kids social platforms are now turning to the government to do their job for them.

Again, I'm not for or against tiktok. I'm on the outside looking in, and wondering what's people's opinions.

I don't see too much difference in this over other social platforms and to blame one saying how evil it is, because a Chinese company owns it but giving other platforms a pass (or at least a blind eye) seems hypercritical.

Unggoy Murderer

macrumors 65816
Jan 28, 2011
Edinburgh, UK
That’s SoMe in general doing that. And lack of involvement from parents (who are probably just as addicted to other SoMe). Surely TikTok is a terrible thing, but not because it’s Chinese. If they hadn’t invented it, then someone else would have done it.
Yup, but TikTok is taking it to the extreme. Directly rewarding risky or dangerous videos with viral fame and potentially money. The number of cases of children and young adults dying because of some stupid craze that originates on these platforms is just growing and growing, not to mention suicides.
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macrumors 68020
Jul 20, 2012
out of curiosity, how does a country "ban" an App?
Asking/Forcing Apple to remove it from the App Store is a start. They can do the same with Google but people could still sideload it.

They could ban any access to the TikTok domain through major ISPs just like they do with torrenting sites. A VPN would be a way around it though.
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