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Alpha God Vonn

Sep 20, 2021
Three anti-China stories I've read in 10min. There is no doubt that there is a concerted effort, a collaboration between US and UK, and lead by the US, to totally economically strangle both China and Russia. Fortunately, their efforts will ultimately fail. I just hope the US doesn't drag the rest of the world down with it.
THE USA ChIna UK all are corporations & they all work together.
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macrumors 6502a
Oct 4, 2003
I do find it humorous that when the previous administration was looking to do this they were completely destroyed by the media as being "Xenophobic and Paranoid!!"

Current administration wants to ban it and the same media outlets are saying "yeah good idea!"
I'm fairly certain the same people are making the same arguments for and against, regardless of the administration. It might just feel different to you because you're looking for a bias.

And who am I to get in the way of another man's self-pleasure?


macrumors 6502a
Feb 21, 2022
Three anti-China stories I've read in 10min. There is no doubt that there is a concerted effort, a collaboration between US and UK, and lead by the US, to totally economically strangle both China and Russia. Fortunately, their efforts will ultimately fail. I just hope the US doesn't drag the rest of the world down with it.
How many Western social networks are allowed in China?
Western countries can't even get map data, they can't have Google.
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May 27, 2021
I'm fairly certain the same people are making the same arguments for and against, regardless of the administration. It might just feel different to you because you're looking for a bias.

And who am I to get in the way of another man's self-pleasure?

Find me an article calling the current administration Xenophobic, racist, or overly paranoid. Go ahead, I'll wait.


macrumors 6502
Jun 21, 2009
I don't like TikTok.

But I fail to understand how TikTok is a matter of "national-security".

This is clearly just another piece of propaganda funded by Zuckerberg & friends. They need to find a way to eliminate a competitor that’s getting way too big, way too fast.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 6, 2021
The fact that it appeals so much to children, encourages production of potentially dangerous content, and how it is changing the behaviours of children.

That could be said about every social network. Why has Youtube never faced calls for bans despite the fact that they datamine kids and spread harmful challenges, crafts, and other misinformation?

It’s so transparent
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macrumors regular
Apr 20, 2017
It's amusing the US is so caught up dealing with TikTok when there are equally-dangerous US companies around! Maybe it's because the US government uses those companies for their own purposes and can't do it with TikTok!


macrumors G5
Jun 27, 2007
I see we are once again at the point in the presidential cycle where the current president's approval rating is low so they threaten to ban TikTok.

Meanwhile the US is just salty that when people use TikTok, the US Government can't spy on them.

That being said, I think most of these social networks are a doomsday device and I think we should nuke all of them. Especially FaceBook, which is a blight on society, and Twitter is quickly getting there, and Instagram is causing suicide in young women. But out of all the social networks out there, TikTok actually seems like the most chill and fun that I have seen looking from the outside.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 9, 2012
By “100km” and “last month”, I think you are misunderstanding the difference between “100km” and “directly violating airspace”.
First US has presented zero evidence on what that balloon was actually doing. It has presented a lot of accusations.

Second - I’m pretty sure Russia/Chinese drones flying around 100km from US coast would cause quite a stir.

Meanwhile US has payed Taiwan several official visits and has military forces at Taiwan. That’s the equivalent of China visiting Cuba and having military bases there.
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macrumors 6502
Jan 21, 2019
More Freedom than Yours
I do find it humorous that when the previous administration was looking to do this they were completely destroyed by the media as being "Xenophobic and Paranoid!!"

Current administration wants to ban it and the same media outlets are saying "yeah good idea!"
OrANgE MaN BaD!!!


macrumors 68000
Jan 14, 2013
Given how pervasive it has become, I expect a delicious outrage if it gets banned 🤣.

I mean, most socials are potentially bad, and I'm guilty of doom scrolling on Instagram (I feel horrible after, every time), but I have never seen anything like tiktok before.

I see people CONSTANTLY using the app (much more that I saw facebook or instagram being used, at their peak) and it's beyond ridiculous.
It's especially creepy when you see people chatting at a bar (let's say), then stopping to scroll on tiktok, then chatting a little more, then stopping to scroll on tiktok (rinse and repeat).

Even in the days of snapchat, vine and instagram, I almost never saw people staging """performances""" in the road.
Now I see it all the time.

The thing I'm most scared of is the dangerous effects on health for teenagers, especially the the ever shortening attention span.

I'm in my 30s, didn't have internet as a kid, didn't have a smartphone until I was 22 and I still feel like I have a shorter attention span than people
older than me and I for sure feel I had a longer capacity for attention 5-6 years ago.

For example, when listening to new music I developed this nasty habit of scrolling through a track to to get a feel for it, while in the past I let at least a third of the song play before skipping.

I recently realised this was no good, and I'm forcing myself to engage in activities that make me excercise my capacity for sustained attention, like reading novels or studying.

I think the shift in the way we all behave has been monumental.
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macrumors 68020
Aug 4, 2008
This app should have been banned years ago when it was first proposed, but it was seen as "racist", because of who tried to push for it.

It produces nothing but degeneracy, and will raise a generation of people who will have severe cases of ADHD, and will have all kinds of other negative effects on people's mental health. Similar stuff is also happening with YouTube (shorts), Instagram, and Twttier.

szw-mapple fan

macrumors 68040
Jul 28, 2012
How many Western social networks are allowed in China?


I've always wondered why Western countries allow China to play by completely different rules.

It was high time for something like this.
Western social media are not banned, as long as they follow local laws like all other social media companies in China. LinkedIn for example complied with those laws and has operated in China for years. Apple services like iMessage and FaceTime work perfectly fine as well. It’s perfectly fine for western companies to decide not to participate in that and leave the Chinese market but it’s more of a choice by them than an outright ban by regulators.
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szw-mapple fan

macrumors 68040
Jul 28, 2012
This app should have been banned years ago when it was first proposed, but it was seen as "racist", because of who tried to push for it.

It produces nothing but degeneracy, and will raise a generation of people who will have severe cases of ADHD, and will have all kinds of other negative effects on people's mental health. Similar stuff is also happening with YouTube (shorts), Instagram, and Twttier.
You can’t develop ADHD from an app, although these short videos can be more addictive to those with ADHD. It’s not a trait but a hereditary condition that has to be diagnosed by a psychiatrist.


macrumors 68000
Oct 30, 2020
Western social media are not banned, as long as they follow local laws like all other social media companies in China. LinkedIn for example complied with those laws and has operated in China for years. Apple services like iMessage and FaceTime work perfectly fine as well. It’s perfectly fine for western companies to decide not to participate in that and leave the Chinese market but it’s more of a choice by them than an outright ban by regulators.


I assume you are technically right, but it ultimately amounts to a de facto ban.

Otherwise, why would all these social networks that want more users just "decide" to not enter the world's biggest market?
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macrumors 68000
Oct 30, 2020
So you're saying the US should be more like China? I completely disagree with that.

No, but the US shouldn't be gullible about it either.

You'll note that several countries have banned TikTok on government official devices, including the UK, New Zealand, Canada, and the EU parliament.

Why? Not because China banned Western social media apps first, but because there are significant and serious security concerns around this app and how its data is being used.

My comment was intended as a reaction to China's appeals for "fair treatment" over these TikTok bans.
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macrumors 6502a
Apr 9, 2012
No, but the US shouldn't be gullible about it either.

You'll note that several countries have banned TikTok on government official devices, including the UK, New Zealand, Canada, and the EU parliament.

Why? Not because China banned Western social media apps first, but because there are significant and serious security concerns around this app and how its data is being used.

My comment was intended as a reaction to China's appeals for "fair treatment" over these TikTok bans.
A few years ago US (NSA) was caught red handed listening in on talks between european leaders telephone calls.

I think its a fair assumption that they're probably still doing that somehow. Actually I think that intelligence agencies in US will do whatever it takes to "stay informed" about whatever is going on anywhere in the world.

So yes - we can ban TikTok and if I was a leading a country I would not have any kinds of SoMe apps installed on my workphone, no matter what country they were made in.

Looking at how different super powers are positioning them self around the world with military presence, I think its puzzling that the US is so afraid about what other countries are doing. But this is a democracy and what we all say goes... 🤷‍♂️
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Jan 10, 2023
I'm glad I don't have kids. I watch my friends and family struggle with their kids and social media. I've had a number of conversations recently with younger folks (anywhere from 17 to mid 20s) about social media and they've all told me how much they hate it, how much it is ruining their social interactions, but they have to use it because everyone does. My nephew, the TikTok junky, told me he has four friends who have tried to kill themselves.

I've grown tired of the social media apologists making excuses for all of these platforms. They're a cancer. They've made us more divided than ever, more hateful, less patient, less understanding. We wouldn't have all this "fake news" and "alternative facts" nonsense were it not for social media. The promise of connection is a total lie. The connection social media offers is not real connection. It has no substance. It creates silos and echo chambers. Kids don't know how to socialize. I find it all very depressing. I can't imagine working for one of these social media companies and having to look at myself in the mirror every day knowing what damage my actions are causing.
I'm in 100% agreement with you. I am also glad I don't have kids. I deleted all of my social media accounts three years ago. It was the best decision I've ever made in my life. It is sad that parents are afraid to say no to their children. They'd rather be their friend than their parent. The whole "everyone's kid does it so my kids have to as well" excuse is a complete joke. I dismiss it every time I hear it.


macrumors 65816
Dec 4, 2004
A few years ago US (NSA) was caught red handed listening in on talks between european leaders telephone calls.

I think its a fair assumption that they're probably still doing that somehow. Actually I think that intelligence agencies in US will do whatever it takes to "stay informed" about whatever is going on anywhere in the world.

So yes - we can ban TikTok and if I was a leading a country I would not have any kinds of SoMe apps installed on my workphone, no matter what country they were made in.

Looking at how different super powers are positioning them self around the world with military presence, I think its puzzling that the US is so afraid about what other countries are doing. But this is a democracy and what we all say goes... 🤷‍♂️
Its not about just listening in. It's about influencing an entire generation with ideals that benefit a foreign nation.

Don't get me wrong, I have no doubt the US and other western countries would pull the same strings on Chinese citizens if it were possible - but currently it's advantage China as the great firewall prevents it.

They play a much longer game over there than any government in the west (with their relatively short political terms and internal bickering) is capable of.
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