Are we truly sure that TikTok app is absolutely sandboxed with no access to other apps.
Yes, we are absolutely, truly sure.
There is zero chance that China or any other state actor would waste a Pegasus-level attack on something like TikTok. Anything like that, they’re saving for targeted attacks on people worth the expense.
Even without that sort of hack, they’re in danger of getting banned by Congress.
Is it possible that they’ve used TikTok as an entry point for something Pegasus-like? Sure, but, even then, it would make more sense to use email or SMS or whatever. Why point fingers at themselves?
Delete the app and call it a day.
And, if you don’t believe me … what makes you think your new phone won’t be pre-hacked at the Foxconn plant?
If you trust Apple enough to own the phone in the first place, you should trust them enough to get the sandbox right. And to patch up any messes after the fact.