Point taken, and I agree with you in part-- that the ATV has its niche and it fills it well. I'm not arguing that. But what I'm seeing in the list above is that (aside from the Roku) all of the devices are serving as many functions as they can within the limitations of their specs. AppleTV isn't.
AppleTV (depending on how you look at it) is either deliberately crippled to prevent it from doing anything more than its base function, or it's begging for an upgrade so that it can not only do its current job well, but can start playing ball against other boxes on their own terms. Again, I go back to the iPod analogy-- if the AppleTV can master its current job, why on earth wouldn't you see if it could maybe cram a few more popular functions into it? Again, there was a time when saying the iPod could be used for something other than music was blasphemy... but once the musical capabilities of the iPod were essentially maxed out, the only way to improve it was to add more features.