Hi there,
I've been using timemachine with no major problems. I was using it on a external HDD connected via USB to an airport extreme.
I recently bought a NAS (synology ds212j), and wanted to use one HDD for TimeMachine there. I started from scratch with a blank HDD.
After some time on the first backup (which is estimated to 8-10hours), the imac totally crashed everytime (i would say after 30min-1hour). I can still move the mose, but can't interract with anything on the screen, it's like a screencapture of when the imac crashed.
The only solution is to power off the imac holding the power button (not good
The weird thing is everything was allright before, and I was backing up to a network drive as well.
What I already did:
Restart the computer in safe mode, wait then reboot.
Total reset of TM (as shown here http://pondini.org/TM/A4.html ).
I checked the hard drive and it's OK.
iMac late 2009, mac os x 10.8.2.
I've saved the console, maybe it can help. The last line should be the last one when it crashed. I see lots of "sandbox deny match lookup", don't know what it can be.
Apart from this, the imac is working good and I did a clean install of ML a few months ago (not an update).
I've been using timemachine with no major problems. I was using it on a external HDD connected via USB to an airport extreme.
I recently bought a NAS (synology ds212j), and wanted to use one HDD for TimeMachine there. I started from scratch with a blank HDD.
After some time on the first backup (which is estimated to 8-10hours), the imac totally crashed everytime (i would say after 30min-1hour). I can still move the mose, but can't interract with anything on the screen, it's like a screencapture of when the imac crashed.
The only solution is to power off the imac holding the power button (not good
The weird thing is everything was allright before, and I was backing up to a network drive as well.
What I already did:
Restart the computer in safe mode, wait then reboot.
Total reset of TM (as shown here http://pondini.org/TM/A4.html ).
I checked the hard drive and it's OK.
iMac late 2009, mac os x 10.8.2.
I've saved the console, maybe it can help. The last line should be the last one when it crashed. I see lots of "sandbox deny match lookup", don't know what it can be.
Apart from this, the imac is working good and I did a clean install of ML a few months ago (not an update).
3/10/13 6:51:42.000 PM kernel[0]: AppleSRP started.
3/10/13 6:51:53.000 PM kernel[0]: ASP_TCP CheckReqQueueSize: increasing req queue from 32 to 128 entries. so 0xffffff803212f940
3/10/13 6:51:53.000 PM kernel[0]: ASP_TCP asp_tcp_usr_control: invalid kernelUseCount 0
3/10/13 6:51:53.000 PM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_mount: /Volumes/Time Machine, pid 334
3/10/13 6:51:53.000 PM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_mount : succeeded on volume 0xffffff814cc55008 /Volumes/Time Machine (error = 0, retval = 0)
3/10/13 6:51:53.574 PM UserEventAgent[131]: com.apple.TMLaunchAgent disabled
3/10/13 6:51:53.695 PM coreservicesd[63]: SendFlattenedData, got error #268435460 (ipc/send) timed out from ::mach_msg(), sending notification kLSNotifyApplicationDeath to notificationID=167
3/10/13 6:51:54.000 PM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_unmount: /Volumes/Time Machine, flags 0, pid 343
3/10/13 6:51:54.000 PM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_unmount : We are the last mnt/sbmnt using volume /Volumes/Time Machine 0xffffff814cc55008
3/10/13 6:51:54.000 PM kernel[0]: ASP_TCP do_thread_read: no reqInfo found for reqID 0
3/10/13 6:51:54.000 PM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_unmount : We are the last volume using socket /Volumes/Time Machine 0xffffff814cc55008
3/10/13 6:51:54.000 PM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_unmount : afpfs_DoReconnect sent signal for unmount to proceed
3/10/13 6:51:54.805 PM System Preferences[291]: Could not connect the action warnCullingPressed: to target of class TMOptionsSheetController
3/10/13 6:51:54.805 PM System Preferences[291]: Could not connect the action backUpOnBatteryPowerPressed: to target of class TMOptionsSheetController
3/10/13 6:51:56.865 PM System Preferences[291]: Invalid URL passed to an open/save panel: '/Users/Romfour/Movies'. Using 'file://localhost/Users/Romfour/Movies/' instead.
3/10/13 6:53:01.368 PM com.apple.usbmuxd[19]: _heartbeat_failed heartbeat detected detach for device 0x3-!
3/10/13 6:53:05.767 PM com.apple.backupd[342]: Starting manual backup
3/10/13 6:53:06.356 PM com.apple.backupd[342]: Attempting to mount network destination URL: afp://tm@Romf-2.local/Time%20Machine
3/10/13 6:53:06.000 PM kernel[0]: ASP_TCP CheckReqQueueSize: increasing req queue from 32 to 128 entries. so 0xffffff802dc36b80
3/10/13 6:53:06.000 PM kernel[0]: ASP_TCP asp_tcp_usr_control: invalid kernelUseCount 0
3/10/13 6:53:07.284 PM com.apple.backupd[342]: Mounted network destination at mount point: /Volumes/Time Machine using URL: afp://tm@Romf-2.local/Time%20Machine
3/10/13 6:53:07.000 PM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_mount: /Volumes/Time Machine, pid 357
3/10/13 6:53:07.000 PM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_mount : succeeded on volume 0xffffff814cc5c008 /Volumes/Time Machine (error = 0, retval = 0)
3/10/13 6:53:22.621 PM com.apple.backupd[342]: Creating disk image /Volumes/Time Machine/Romains iMac.sparsebundle
3/10/13 6:53:28.419 PM mdworker[355]: *** Failed to decode quoted-printable data, treating as binary
3/10/13 6:53:28.596 PM mdworker[355]: *** Failed to decode quoted-printable data, treating as binary
3/10/13 6:53:28.651 PM mdworker[355]: *** Failed to decode quoted-printable data, treating as binary
3/10/13 6:53:28.730 PM mdworker[355]: *** Failed to decode quoted-printable data, treating as binary
3/10/13 6:53:28.747 PM mdworker[355]: *** Failed to decode quoted-printable data, treating as binary
3/10/13 6:53:28.872 PM mdworker[355]: *** Failed to decode quoted-printable data, treating as binary
3/10/13 6:53:29.750 PM mdworker[355]: *** Failed to decode quoted-printable data, treating as binary
3/10/13 6:53:29.983 PM mdworker[355]: *** Failed to decode quoted-printable data, treating as binary
3/10/13 6:53:30.592 PM mdworker[355]: *** Failed to decode quoted-printable data, treating as binary
3/10/13 6:53:41.710 PM mdworker[355]: *** Failed to decode 8bit data, treating as binary
3/10/13 6:53:46.000 PM kernel[0]: hfs: Initializing the journal (joffset 0x392a000 sz 0x9800000)...
3/10/13 6:53:47.065 PM mdworker[355]: *** Failed to decode textplain data, treating as binary
3/10/13 6:53:47.099 PM mdworker[355]: *** Failed to decode textplain data, treating as binary
3/10/13 6:53:47.423 PM mdworker[355]: *** Failed to decode textplain data, treating as binary
3/10/13 6:53:47.553 PM mdworker[355]: *** Failed to decode textplain data, treating as binary
3/10/13 6:53:47.556 PM mdworker[355]: *** Failed to decode textplain data, treating as binary
3/10/13 6:53:47.773 PM mdworker[355]: *** Failed to decode textplain data, treating as binary
3/10/13 6:53:47.812 PM mdworker[355]: *** Failed to decode textplain data, treating as binary
3/10/13 6:53:48.042 PM com.apple.backupd[342]: Failed to hide extension on /Volumes/Time Machine/Romains iMac.sparsebundle, error: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4 "The file Romains iMac.sparsebundle doesnt exist." UserInfo=0x7fb0b5023940 {NSURL=file://localhost/Volumes/Time%20Machine/Romain%E2%80%99s%20iMac.sparsebundle/, NSFilePath=/Volumes/Time Machine/Romains iMac.sparsebundle, NSUnderlyingError=0x7fb0b503bb50 "The operation couldnt be completed. No such file or directory"}.
3/10/13 6:53:51.299 PM fseventsd[44]: could not open <</Volumes/Time Machine Backups/.fseventsd/fseventsd-uuid>> (No such file or directory)
3/10/13 6:53:51.299 PM fseventsd[44]: log dir: /Volumes/Time Machine Backups/.fseventsd getting new uuid: 25DBEC0E-5291-4E4F-9FB9-0BA9AD01D56C
3/10/13 6:53:51.316 PM System Preferences[291]: _GetISImageRefFromIconRefInternal: could not retain image ref 0x28dd0020 (err=-2580)
3/10/13 6:53:51.316 PM System Preferences[291]: _GetISImageRefFromIconRefInternal: could not retain image ref 0x28dd0020 (err=-2580)
3/10/13 6:53:52.264 PM com.apple.backupd[342]: Disk image /Volumes/Time Machine/Romains iMac.sparsebundle mounted at: /Volumes/Time Machine Backups
3/10/13 6:53:52.288 PM com.apple.backupd[342]: Backing up to: /Volumes/Time Machine Backups/Backups.backupdb
3/10/13 6:53:52.290 PM com.apple.backupd[342]: Ownership is disabled on the backup destination volume. Enabling.
3/10/13 6:53:52.351 PM System Preferences[291]: ISGetIconFamilyFromStorage: seed mismatch for 28dd0020, actual seed is e7e50280
1 OSServices 0x000000010cbec950 _ZL26ISGetIconFamilyFromStoragejPP17CIconStorageArrayPj + 140
2 OSServices 0x000000010cbecaf8 _ISReleaseStorageRefInternal + 33
3 OSServices 0x000000010cbecabe _ISReleaseStorageRefWithCache + 40
4 OSServices 0x000000010cbec9fb _ZL25ISReleaseImageRefInternalP16OpaqueISImageRefPPK9__CFArray + 72
5 OSServices 0x000000010cbec98e _ISReleaseImageRef + 49
6 LaunchServices 0x000000010ce6c0b9 _ZN13CIconRefEntry13SetImageLayerEP16OpaqueISImageRef + 27
7 LaunchServices 0x000000010ce6c084 _ZN13CIconRefEntry6UnloadEv + 20
8 LaunchServices 0x000000010ce69138 _ZL22ReleaseIconRefInternalP13OpaqueIconRef + 49
9 LaunchServices 0x000000010ce690f4 ReleaseIconRef + 33
10 LaunchServices 0x000000010ce4ac74 __LSSharedFileListItemDeallocate + 32
11 CoreFoundation 0x00000001088a99af CFRelease + 511
12 DesktopServicesPriv 0x000000010ab1ba55 _ZN4TRefIP29OpaqueLSSharedFileListItemRef20TRetainReleasePolicyIS1_EED2Ev + 17
13 DesktopServicesPriv 0x000000010ab1a6c2 _ZN13TFileListItem18RemovePtrReferenceEv + 42
14 DesktopServicesPriv 0x000000010ab030ff _ZN11TCountedPtrI13TFileListItemED2Ev + 17
15 DesktopServicesPriv 0x000000010ab0a528 _ZN15TFSInfoOverflowD2Ev + 62
16 DesktopServicesPriv 0x000000010aae861d _ZN7TFSInfoD2Ev + 27
17 DesktopServicesPriv 0x000000010aaeadb0 _ZN7TFSInfo18RemovePtrReferenceEv + 42
18 DesktopServicesPriv 0x000000010aae9355 _ZN11TCountedPtrI7TFSInfoED2Ev + 17
19 DesktopServicesPriv 0x000000010ab05a38 _ZN5TNode19SynchronizeChildrenEjR16TNodeEventPtrSet + 6156
20 DesktopServicesPriv 0x000000010ab015cd _ZN5TNode10HandleSyncEj + 2629
21 DesktopServicesPriv 0x000000010ab14d58 _ZN5TNode10HandleSyncERK11TCountedPtrI9TNodeTaskERK8TNodePtr + 42
22 DesktopServicesPriv 0x000000010aaf138b _ZN5TNode17HandleNodeRequestERK11TCountedPtrI9TNodeTaskERKS0_I17TVolumeSyncThreadE + 757
23 DesktopServicesPriv 0x000000010ab644e7 __block_global_1 + 82
24 DesktopServicesPriv 0x000000010aaf1040 _Z18ExceptionSafeBlockU13block_pointerFvvE + 12
25 DesktopServicesPriv 0x000000010aaf0fe1 __PostNodeTaskRequest_block_invoke_0 + 91
26 libdispatch.dylib 0x000000010c1bdf01 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 15
27 libdispatch.dylib 0x000000010c1ba0b6 _dispatch_client_callout + 8
28 libdispatch.dylib 0x000000010c1bb47f _dispatch_queue_drain + 235
29 libdispatch.dylib 0x000000010c1bb2f1 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 52
30 libdispatch.dylib 0x000000010c1bb1c3 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 249
31 libsystem_c.dylib 0x000000010c25bcab _pthread_wqthread + 404
32 libsystem_c.dylib 0x000000010c246171 start_wqthread + 13
3/10/13 6:53:53.504 PM com.apple.backupd[342]: Forcing deep traversal on source: "ML" (mount: '/' fsUUID: A91ACB51-53E6-3532-9BC8-22C645610F4E eventDBUUID: C4AD19B7-089F-43D1-A7FE-71535364C85D)
3/10/13 6:54:05.499 PM mdworker[355]: *** Failed to decode 8bit data, treating as binary
3/10/13 6:54:06.945 PM coreservicesd[63]: Received request to reset fmod watch. Latest received id is 669789396291. Latest sent id is 669789396291
3/10/13 6:54:07.523 PM com.apple.backupd[342]: Backup content size: 816.02 GB excluded items size: 515.48 GB for volume ML
3/10/13 6:54:07.524 PM com.apple.backupd[342]: Found 549065 files (300.53 GB) needing backup
3/10/13 6:54:07.526 PM com.apple.backupd[342]: 360.64 GB required (including padding), 1.96 TB available
3/10/13 6:54:07.557 PM com.apple.backupd[342]: Waiting for index to be ready (100)
3/10/13 6:54:53.837 PM com.apple.kextcache[242]: Kernel file /mach_kernel does not contain requested arch: i386
3/10/13 6:55:03.470 PM mdworker[355]: *** Failed to decode quoted-printable data, treating as binary
3/10/13 6:55:03.890 PM mdworker[355]: *** Failed to decode quoted-printable data, treating as binary
3/10/13 6:55:06.736 PM mdworker[355]: *** Failed to decode textplain data, treating as binary
3/10/13 6:55:06.777 PM mdworker[355]: *** Failed to decode textplain data, treating as binary
3/10/13 6:55:07.466 PM mdworker[355]: *** Failed to decode textplain data, treating as binary
3/10/13 6:55:07.587 PM mdworker[355]: *** Failed to decode textplain data, treating as binary
3/10/13 6:55:07.598 PM mdworker[355]: *** Failed to decode textplain data, treating as binary
3/10/13 6:55:09.673 PM mdworker[355]: *** Failed to decode textplain data, treating as binary
3/10/13 6:55:09.755 PM mdworker[355]: *** Failed to decode textplain data, treating as binary
3/10/13 6:55:18.823 PM com.apple.kextcache[242]: Created prelinked kernel /System/Library/Caches/com.apple.kext.caches/Startup/kernelcache.
3/10/13 6:56:24.994 PM mdworker[355]: *** Failed to decode 8bit data, treating as binary
3/10/13 6:57:09.297 PM mdworker[355]: *** Failed to decode 8bit data, treating as binary
3/10/13 6:57:32.805 PM mdworker32[434]: CGSGetDisplayBounds: Invalid display 0x00000000
3/10/13 6:57:32.845 PM mdworker32[434]: bootstrap_look_up2 failed with 0x44c
3/10/13 6:57:33.693 PM sandboxd[435]: ([434]) mdworker32(434) deny mach-lookup com.apple.PowerManagement.control (import fstype:hfs fsflag:480D000 flags:240000005E diag:0 uti:org.openxmlformats.spreadsheetml.sheet.macroenabled plugin:/Library/Spotlight/Microsoft Office.mdimporter - find suspect file using: sudo mdutil -t 452021)
3/10/13 6:57:33.000 PM kernel[0]: Sandbox: sandboxd(435) deny mach-lookup com.apple.coresymbolicationd
3/10/13 6:58:54.005 PM mdworker[427]: FontImporter: Validation failed - "/Users/Romfour/Movies/The Place Promised In Our Early Days (720p)/Fonts/HDZB_75.TTF".
3/10/13 6:58:54.006 PM mdworker[427]: FontImporter: Validation Result - "(
3/10/13 6:59:08.000 PM kernel[0]: Sandbox: sandboxd(445) deny mach-lookup com.apple.coresymbolicationd
3/10/13 6:59:10.619 PM sandboxd[445]: ([121]) coreaudiod(121) deny file-read-data /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/Flip4Mac WMA Import.component
3/10/13 6:59:10.623 PM sandboxd[445]: ([121]) coreaudiod(121) deny file-read-metadata /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/Flip4Mac WMA Import.component/Contents
3/10/13 6:59:10.627 PM sandboxd[445]: ([121]) coreaudiod(121) deny file-read-metadata /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/Flip4Mac WMA Import.component
3/10/13 7:00:31.349 PM mdworker32[460]: CGSGetDisplayBounds: Invalid display 0x00000000
3/10/13 7:00:31.377 PM mdworker32[460]: bootstrap_look_up2 failed with 0x44c
3/10/13 7:00:31.000 PM kernel[0]: Sandbox: sandboxd(461) deny mach-lookup com.apple.coresymbolicationd
3/10/13 7:00:32.159 PM sandboxd[461]: ([460]) mdworker32(460) deny mach-lookup com.apple.PowerManagement.control (import fstype:hfs fsflag:480D000 flags:48200000056 diag:0 uti:org.openxmlformats.wordprocessingml.template plugin:/Library/Spotlight/Microsoft Office.mdimporter - find suspect file using: sudo mdutil -t 6131183)
3/10/13 7:04:49.000 PM kernel[0]: (default pager): [KERNEL]: ps_allocate_cluster - send HI_WAT_ALERT
3/10/13 7:04:49.000 PM kernel[0]: macx_swapon SUCCESS
3/10/13 7:09:05.125 PM WindowServer[90]: Created shield window 0x80 for display 0x04272f00
3/10/13 7:09:05.125 PM WindowServer[90]: device_generate_desktop_screenshot: authw 0x0(0), shield 0x0(0)
3/10/13 7:09:05.132 PM WindowServer[90]: device_generate_lock_screen_screenshot: authw 0x0(0), shield 0x0(0)
3/10/13 7:22:59.996 PM apsd[57]: <APSConnectionNotificationQueue: 0x7fd3aac9db00>: outstanding count -1 for com.apple.apsd-queue-port=com.apple.syncdefaultsd.push-user=502-env=production
3/10/13 7:23:00.089 PM apsd[57]: <APSConnectionNotificationQueue: 0x7fd3aac9db00>: outstanding count -1 for com.apple.apsd-queue-port=com.apple.syncdefaultsd.push-user=502-env=production
3/10/13 7:23:00.095 PM apsd[57]: <APSConnectionNotificationQueue: 0x7fd3aac9db00>: outstanding count -1 for com.apple.apsd-queue-port=com.apple.syncdefaultsd.push-user=502-env=production
3/10/13 7:23:09.366 PM com.apple.usbmuxd[19]: _heartbeat_failed heartbeat detected detach for device 0xa-!
3/10/13 7:23:28.257 PM apsd[57]: <APSConnectionNotificationQueue: 0x7fd3aac9db00>: outstanding count -1 for com.apple.apsd-queue-port=com.apple.syncdefaultsd.push-user=502-env=production
3/10/13 7:23:28.258 PM apsd[57]: <APSConnectionNotificationQueue: 0x7fd3aac9db00>: outstanding count -1 for com.apple.apsd-queue-port=com.apple.syncdefaultsd.push-user=502-env=production
3/10/13 7:23:28.260 PM apsd[57]: <APSConnectionNotificationQueue: 0x7fd3aac9db00>: outstanding count -1 for com.apple.apsd-queue-port=com.apple.syncdefaultsd.push-user=502-env=production
3/10/13 7:32:25.702 PM apsd[57]: <APSConnectionNotificationQueue: 0x7fd3aac9db00>: outstanding count -1 for com.apple.apsd-queue-port=com.apple.syncdefaultsd.push-user=502-env=production
3/10/13 7:32:25.704 PM apsd[57]: <APSConnectionNotificationQueue: 0x7fd3aac9db00>: outstanding count -1 for com.apple.apsd-queue-port=com.apple.syncdefaultsd.push-user=502-env=production
3/10/13 7:32:25.745 PM apsd[57]: <APSConnectionNotificationQueue: 0x7fd3aac9db00>: outstanding count -1 for com.apple.apsd-queue-port=com.apple.syncdefaultsd.push-user=502-env=production