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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jun 11, 2011
Paris, France
Hi there,

I've been using timemachine with no major problems. I was using it on a external HDD connected via USB to an airport extreme.

I recently bought a NAS (synology ds212j), and wanted to use one HDD for TimeMachine there. I started from scratch with a blank HDD.
After some time on the first backup (which is estimated to 8-10hours), the imac totally crashed everytime (i would say after 30min-1hour). I can still move the mose, but can't interract with anything on the screen, it's like a screencapture of when the imac crashed.
The only solution is to power off the imac holding the power button (not good :( ).
The weird thing is everything was allright before, and I was backing up to a network drive as well.

What I already did:
Restart the computer in safe mode, wait then reboot.
Total reset of TM (as shown here ).

I checked the hard drive and it's OK.
iMac late 2009, mac os x 10.8.2.

I've saved the console, maybe it can help. The last line should be the last one when it crashed. I see lots of "sandbox deny match lookup", don't know what it can be.

Apart from this, the imac is working good and I did a clean install of ML a few months ago (not an update).
3/10/13 6:51:42.000 PM kernel[0]: AppleSRP started.
3/10/13 6:51:53.000 PM kernel[0]: ASP_TCP CheckReqQueueSize: increasing req queue from 32 to 128 entries. so 0xffffff803212f940 
3/10/13 6:51:53.000 PM kernel[0]: ASP_TCP asp_tcp_usr_control: invalid kernelUseCount 0
3/10/13 6:51:53.000 PM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_mount: /Volumes/Time Machine, pid 334
3/10/13 6:51:53.000 PM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_mount : succeeded on volume 0xffffff814cc55008 /Volumes/Time Machine (error = 0, retval = 0)
3/10/13 6:51:53.574 PM UserEventAgent[131]: disabled
3/10/13 6:51:53.695 PM coreservicesd[63]: SendFlattenedData, got error #268435460 (ipc/send) timed out from ::mach_msg(), sending notification kLSNotifyApplicationDeath to notificationID=167
3/10/13 6:51:54.000 PM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_unmount: /Volumes/Time Machine, flags 0, pid 343
3/10/13 6:51:54.000 PM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_unmount : We are the last mnt/sbmnt using volume /Volumes/Time Machine 0xffffff814cc55008
3/10/13 6:51:54.000 PM kernel[0]: ASP_TCP do_thread_read: no reqInfo found for reqID 0
3/10/13 6:51:54.000 PM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_unmount : We are the last volume using socket /Volumes/Time Machine 0xffffff814cc55008
3/10/13 6:51:54.000 PM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_unmount : afpfs_DoReconnect sent signal for unmount to proceed
3/10/13 6:51:54.805 PM System Preferences[291]: Could not connect the action warnCullingPressed: to target of class TMOptionsSheetController
3/10/13 6:51:54.805 PM System Preferences[291]: Could not connect the action backUpOnBatteryPowerPressed: to target of class TMOptionsSheetController
3/10/13 6:51:56.865 PM System Preferences[291]: Invalid URL passed to an open/save panel: '/Users/Romfour/Movies'.  Using 'file://localhost/Users/Romfour/Movies/' instead.
3/10/13 6:53:01.368 PM[19]: _heartbeat_failed heartbeat detected detach for device 0x3-!
3/10/13 6:53:05.767 PM[342]: Starting manual backup
3/10/13 6:53:06.356 PM[342]: Attempting to mount network destination URL: afp://tm@Romf-2.local/Time%20Machine
3/10/13 6:53:06.000 PM kernel[0]: ASP_TCP CheckReqQueueSize: increasing req queue from 32 to 128 entries. so 0xffffff802dc36b80 
3/10/13 6:53:06.000 PM kernel[0]: ASP_TCP asp_tcp_usr_control: invalid kernelUseCount 0
3/10/13 6:53:07.284 PM[342]: Mounted network destination at mount point: /Volumes/Time Machine using URL: afp://tm@Romf-2.local/Time%20Machine
3/10/13 6:53:07.000 PM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_mount: /Volumes/Time Machine, pid 357
3/10/13 6:53:07.000 PM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_mount : succeeded on volume 0xffffff814cc5c008 /Volumes/Time Machine (error = 0, retval = 0)
3/10/13 6:53:22.621 PM[342]: Creating disk image /Volumes/Time Machine/Romain’s iMac.sparsebundle
3/10/13 6:53:28.419 PM mdworker[355]: *** Failed to decode quoted-printable  data, treating as binary
3/10/13 6:53:28.596 PM mdworker[355]: *** Failed to decode quoted-printable  data, treating as binary
3/10/13 6:53:28.651 PM mdworker[355]: *** Failed to decode quoted-printable  data, treating as binary
3/10/13 6:53:28.730 PM mdworker[355]: *** Failed to decode quoted-printable  data, treating as binary
3/10/13 6:53:28.747 PM mdworker[355]: *** Failed to decode quoted-printable  data, treating as binary
3/10/13 6:53:28.872 PM mdworker[355]: *** Failed to decode quoted-printable  data, treating as binary
3/10/13 6:53:29.750 PM mdworker[355]: *** Failed to decode quoted-printable  data, treating as binary
3/10/13 6:53:29.983 PM mdworker[355]: *** Failed to decode quoted-printable  data, treating as binary
3/10/13 6:53:30.592 PM mdworker[355]: *** Failed to decode quoted-printable  data, treating as binary
3/10/13 6:53:41.710 PM mdworker[355]: *** Failed to decode 8bit  data, treating as binary
3/10/13 6:53:46.000 PM kernel[0]: hfs: Initializing the journal (joffset 0x392a000 sz 0x9800000)...
3/10/13 6:53:47.065 PM mdworker[355]: *** Failed to decode textplain data, treating as binary
3/10/13 6:53:47.099 PM mdworker[355]: *** Failed to decode textplain data, treating as binary
3/10/13 6:53:47.423 PM mdworker[355]: *** Failed to decode textplain data, treating as binary
3/10/13 6:53:47.553 PM mdworker[355]: *** Failed to decode textplain data, treating as binary
3/10/13 6:53:47.556 PM mdworker[355]: *** Failed to decode textplain data, treating as binary
3/10/13 6:53:47.773 PM mdworker[355]: *** Failed to decode textplain data, treating as binary
3/10/13 6:53:47.812 PM mdworker[355]: *** Failed to decode textplain data, treating as binary
3/10/13 6:53:48.042 PM[342]: Failed to hide extension on /Volumes/Time Machine/Romain’s iMac.sparsebundle, error: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4 "The file “Romain’s iMac.sparsebundle” doesn’t exist." UserInfo=0x7fb0b5023940 {NSURL=file://localhost/Volumes/Time%20Machine/Romain%E2%80%99s%20iMac.sparsebundle/, NSFilePath=/Volumes/Time Machine/Romain’s iMac.sparsebundle, NSUnderlyingError=0x7fb0b503bb50 "The operation couldn’t be completed. No such file or directory"}.
3/10/13 6:53:51.299 PM fseventsd[44]: could not open <</Volumes/Time Machine Backups/.fseventsd/fseventsd-uuid>> (No such file or directory)
3/10/13 6:53:51.299 PM fseventsd[44]: log dir: /Volumes/Time Machine Backups/.fseventsd getting new uuid: 25DBEC0E-5291-4E4F-9FB9-0BA9AD01D56C
3/10/13 6:53:51.316 PM System Preferences[291]: _GetISImageRefFromIconRefInternal: could not retain image ref 0x28dd0020 (err=-2580)
3/10/13 6:53:51.316 PM System Preferences[291]: _GetISImageRefFromIconRefInternal: could not retain image ref 0x28dd0020 (err=-2580)
3/10/13 6:53:52.264 PM[342]: Disk image /Volumes/Time Machine/Romain’s iMac.sparsebundle mounted at: /Volumes/Time Machine Backups
3/10/13 6:53:52.288 PM[342]: Backing up to: /Volumes/Time Machine Backups/Backups.backupdb
3/10/13 6:53:52.290 PM[342]: Ownership is disabled on the backup destination volume.  Enabling.
3/10/13 6:53:52.351 PM System Preferences[291]: ISGetIconFamilyFromStorage: seed mismatch for 28dd0020, actual seed is e7e50280
	1   OSServices                          0x000000010cbec950 _ZL26ISGetIconFamilyFromStoragejPP17CIconStorageArrayPj + 140
	2   OSServices                          0x000000010cbecaf8 _ISReleaseStorageRefInternal + 33
	3   OSServices                          0x000000010cbecabe _ISReleaseStorageRefWithCache + 40
	4   OSServices                          0x000000010cbec9fb _ZL25ISReleaseImageRefInternalP16OpaqueISImageRefPPK9__CFArray + 72
	5   OSServices                          0x000000010cbec98e _ISReleaseImageRef + 49
	6   LaunchServices                      0x000000010ce6c0b9 _ZN13CIconRefEntry13SetImageLayerEP16OpaqueISImageRef + 27
	7   LaunchServices                      0x000000010ce6c084 _ZN13CIconRefEntry6UnloadEv + 20
	8   LaunchServices                      0x000000010ce69138 _ZL22ReleaseIconRefInternalP13OpaqueIconRef + 49
	9   LaunchServices                      0x000000010ce690f4 ReleaseIconRef + 33
	10  LaunchServices                      0x000000010ce4ac74 __LSSharedFileListItemDeallocate + 32
	11  CoreFoundation                      0x00000001088a99af CFRelease + 511
	12  DesktopServicesPriv                 0x000000010ab1ba55 _ZN4TRefIP29OpaqueLSSharedFileListItemRef20TRetainReleasePolicyIS1_EED2Ev + 17
	13  DesktopServicesPriv                 0x000000010ab1a6c2 _ZN13TFileListItem18RemovePtrReferenceEv + 42
	14  DesktopServicesPriv                 0x000000010ab030ff _ZN11TCountedPtrI13TFileListItemED2Ev + 17
	15  DesktopServicesPriv                 0x000000010ab0a528 _ZN15TFSInfoOverflowD2Ev + 62
	16  DesktopServicesPriv                 0x000000010aae861d _ZN7TFSInfoD2Ev + 27
	17  DesktopServicesPriv                 0x000000010aaeadb0 _ZN7TFSInfo18RemovePtrReferenceEv + 42
	18  DesktopServicesPriv                 0x000000010aae9355 _ZN11TCountedPtrI7TFSInfoED2Ev + 17
	19  DesktopServicesPriv                 0x000000010ab05a38 _ZN5TNode19SynchronizeChildrenEjR16TNodeEventPtrSet + 6156
	20  DesktopServicesPriv                 0x000000010ab015cd _ZN5TNode10HandleSyncEj + 2629
	21  DesktopServicesPriv                 0x000000010ab14d58 _ZN5TNode10HandleSyncERK11TCountedPtrI9TNodeTaskERK8TNodePtr + 42
	22  DesktopServicesPriv                 0x000000010aaf138b _ZN5TNode17HandleNodeRequestERK11TCountedPtrI9TNodeTaskERKS0_I17TVolumeSyncThreadE + 757
	23  DesktopServicesPriv                 0x000000010ab644e7 __block_global_1 + 82
	24  DesktopServicesPriv                 0x000000010aaf1040 _Z18ExceptionSafeBlockU13block_pointerFvvE + 12
	25  DesktopServicesPriv                 0x000000010aaf0fe1 __PostNodeTaskRequest_block_invoke_0 + 91
	26  libdispatch.dylib                   0x000000010c1bdf01 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 15
	27  libdispatch.dylib                   0x000000010c1ba0b6 _dispatch_client_callout + 8
	28  libdispatch.dylib                   0x000000010c1bb47f _dispatch_queue_drain + 235
	29  libdispatch.dylib                   0x000000010c1bb2f1 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 52
	30  libdispatch.dylib                   0x000000010c1bb1c3 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 249
	31  libsystem_c.dylib                   0x000000010c25bcab _pthread_wqthread + 404
	32  libsystem_c.dylib                   0x000000010c246171 start_wqthread + 13
3/10/13 6:53:53.504 PM[342]: Forcing deep traversal on source: "ML" (mount: '/' fsUUID: A91ACB51-53E6-3532-9BC8-22C645610F4E eventDBUUID: C4AD19B7-089F-43D1-A7FE-71535364C85D)
3/10/13 6:54:05.499 PM mdworker[355]: *** Failed to decode 8bit  data, treating as binary
3/10/13 6:54:06.945 PM coreservicesd[63]: Received request to reset fmod watch. Latest received id is 669789396291. Latest sent id is 669789396291
3/10/13 6:54:07.523 PM[342]: Backup content size: 816.02 GB excluded items size: 515.48 GB for volume ML
3/10/13 6:54:07.524 PM[342]: Found 549065 files (300.53 GB) needing backup
3/10/13 6:54:07.526 PM[342]: 360.64 GB required (including padding), 1.96 TB available
3/10/13 6:54:07.557 PM[342]: Waiting for index to be ready (100)
3/10/13 6:54:53.837 PM[242]: Kernel file /mach_kernel does not contain requested arch: i386
3/10/13 6:55:03.470 PM mdworker[355]: *** Failed to decode quoted-printable  data, treating as binary
3/10/13 6:55:03.890 PM mdworker[355]: *** Failed to decode quoted-printable  data, treating as binary
3/10/13 6:55:06.736 PM mdworker[355]: *** Failed to decode textplain data, treating as binary
3/10/13 6:55:06.777 PM mdworker[355]: *** Failed to decode textplain data, treating as binary
3/10/13 6:55:07.466 PM mdworker[355]: *** Failed to decode textplain data, treating as binary
3/10/13 6:55:07.587 PM mdworker[355]: *** Failed to decode textplain data, treating as binary
3/10/13 6:55:07.598 PM mdworker[355]: *** Failed to decode textplain data, treating as binary
3/10/13 6:55:09.673 PM mdworker[355]: *** Failed to decode textplain data, treating as binary
3/10/13 6:55:09.755 PM mdworker[355]: *** Failed to decode textplain data, treating as binary
3/10/13 6:55:18.823 PM[242]: Created prelinked kernel /System/Library/Caches/
3/10/13 6:56:24.994 PM mdworker[355]: *** Failed to decode 8bit  data, treating as binary
3/10/13 6:57:09.297 PM mdworker[355]: *** Failed to decode 8bit  data, treating as binary
3/10/13 6:57:32.805 PM mdworker32[434]: CGSGetDisplayBounds: Invalid display 0x00000000
3/10/13 6:57:32.845 PM mdworker32[434]: bootstrap_look_up2 failed with 0x44c
3/10/13 6:57:33.693 PM sandboxd[435]: ([434]) mdworker32(434) deny mach-lookup (import fstype:hfs fsflag:480D000 flags:240000005E diag:0 uti:org.openxmlformats.spreadsheetml.sheet.macroenabled plugin:/Library/Spotlight/Microsoft Office.mdimporter - find suspect file using: sudo mdutil -t 452021)
3/10/13 6:57:33.000 PM kernel[0]: Sandbox: sandboxd(435) deny mach-lookup
3/10/13 6:58:54.005 PM mdworker[427]: FontImporter: Validation failed - "/Users/Romfour/Movies/The Place Promised In Our Early Days (720p)/Fonts/HDZB_75.TTF".
3/10/13 6:58:54.006 PM mdworker[427]: FontImporter: Validation Result - "(
3/10/13 6:59:08.000 PM kernel[0]: Sandbox: sandboxd(445) deny mach-lookup
3/10/13 6:59:10.619 PM sandboxd[445]: ([121]) coreaudiod(121) deny file-read-data /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/Flip4Mac WMA Import.component
3/10/13 6:59:10.623 PM sandboxd[445]: ([121]) coreaudiod(121) deny file-read-metadata /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/Flip4Mac WMA Import.component/Contents
3/10/13 6:59:10.627 PM sandboxd[445]: ([121]) coreaudiod(121) deny file-read-metadata /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/Flip4Mac WMA Import.component
3/10/13 7:00:31.349 PM mdworker32[460]: CGSGetDisplayBounds: Invalid display 0x00000000
3/10/13 7:00:31.377 PM mdworker32[460]: bootstrap_look_up2 failed with 0x44c
3/10/13 7:00:31.000 PM kernel[0]: Sandbox: sandboxd(461) deny mach-lookup
3/10/13 7:00:32.159 PM sandboxd[461]: ([460]) mdworker32(460) deny mach-lookup (import fstype:hfs fsflag:480D000 flags:48200000056 diag:0 uti:org.openxmlformats.wordprocessingml.template plugin:/Library/Spotlight/Microsoft Office.mdimporter - find suspect file using: sudo mdutil -t 6131183)
3/10/13 7:04:49.000 PM kernel[0]: (default pager): [KERNEL]: ps_allocate_cluster - send HI_WAT_ALERT
3/10/13 7:04:49.000 PM kernel[0]: macx_swapon SUCCESS
3/10/13 7:09:05.125 PM WindowServer[90]: Created shield window 0x80 for display 0x04272f00
3/10/13 7:09:05.125 PM WindowServer[90]: device_generate_desktop_screenshot: authw 0x0(0), shield 0x0(0)
3/10/13 7:09:05.132 PM WindowServer[90]: device_generate_lock_screen_screenshot: authw 0x0(0), shield 0x0(0)
3/10/13 7:22:59.996 PM apsd[57]: <APSConnectionNotificationQueue: 0x7fd3aac9db00>: outstanding count -1 for
3/10/13 7:23:00.089 PM apsd[57]: <APSConnectionNotificationQueue: 0x7fd3aac9db00>: outstanding count -1 for
3/10/13 7:23:00.095 PM apsd[57]: <APSConnectionNotificationQueue: 0x7fd3aac9db00>: outstanding count -1 for
3/10/13 7:23:09.366 PM[19]: _heartbeat_failed heartbeat detected detach for device 0xa-!
3/10/13 7:23:28.257 PM apsd[57]: <APSConnectionNotificationQueue: 0x7fd3aac9db00>: outstanding count -1 for
3/10/13 7:23:28.258 PM apsd[57]: <APSConnectionNotificationQueue: 0x7fd3aac9db00>: outstanding count -1 for
3/10/13 7:23:28.260 PM apsd[57]: <APSConnectionNotificationQueue: 0x7fd3aac9db00>: outstanding count -1 for
3/10/13 7:32:25.702 PM apsd[57]: <APSConnectionNotificationQueue: 0x7fd3aac9db00>: outstanding count -1 for
3/10/13 7:32:25.704 PM apsd[57]: <APSConnectionNotificationQueue: 0x7fd3aac9db00>: outstanding count -1 for
3/10/13 7:32:25.745 PM apsd[57]: <APSConnectionNotificationQueue: 0x7fd3aac9db00>: outstanding count -1 for
You need a crash report or kernel panic report, can't do much with this.

If this only happens once there isn't much to worry about.
I use CCC for backups, too much trouble with TimeMachine, your prove of it as many others have had troubles with it.

thanks for your answer,

How can i get this kind of report?

And the problem is that it happens everytime, I've tried 3 or 4 times and it's always the same thing: crashing after some time. So now I'm unable to use TM

thanks for your answer,

How can i get this kind of report?

And the problem is that it happens everytime, I've tried 3 or 4 times and it's always the same thing: crashing after some time. So now I'm unable to use TM

There are a few places to look for those:

/Private/var/log (Found out it's not logs here but log, odd)

Now, if you have a standard ML install the Library folders are not visible, if you hit the Go-Go To Folder... in Menu Bar and then paste the above it will take you there.

***Username is of course your macs User Name.
Well i've been to all these folders and can't see anything that seems usefull.
In library logs, there is a crashreporter but it's just abou the iphone, and in diagnosticreports there are only old ones.




iPhone Updater Logs



(edit: these are the file lists of what's inside the folders)
Well i've been to all these folders and can't see anything that seems usefull.
In library logs, there is a crashreporter but it's just abou the iphone, and in diagnosticreports there are only old ones.


iPhone Updater Logs

(edit: these are the file lists of what's inside the folders)

Look in the (Bold) Folders.
In the crashreporter folder, it's only about iphone and ipad (1 folder for each) (they were not connected when crashes happened).

And there are 5 reports in the DiagnosticReports, about different applications (none about TM though), and they are all old ones (before I tried TM), so non relevant
In the crashreporter folder, it's only about iphone and ipad (1 folder for each) (they were not connected when crashes happened).

And there are 5 reports in the DiagnosticReports, about different applications (none about TM though), and they are all old ones (before I tried TM), so non relevant

Too bad.
Now I think of it, a couple of days ago someones Macs crashed upon shutdown, he was also connected to servers, all 3 of them did crash, also on 10.8.2
Time Machine will only be good to the person who is running it. Time Machine was never intended to be a group backup.

Now most NAS boxes share data via SMB and Time Machine runs on HFS+ GUID style. Now an enterprising blogger penned Configuring OS X Mountain Lion Time Machine to Work With CIFS (SMB) Share that deals with SMB NAS devices. So if the NAS does using smb try this.

Synology nas has option for SMB or mac share (afp?), using the 2nd one in this case.
And the NAS (ds212j) is supposed to work perfectly with TM, there's a tutorial on synology website (very basic though).

I tried to launch the backup with every possible other apps closed, but was the same :(


Too bad.
Now I think of it, a couple of days ago someones Macs crashed upon shutdown, he was also connected to servers, all 3 of them did crash, also on 10.8.2
Is it possible some of my files are crashing TM?
Would it be useful if I try to back up just a few things first, see if a small backup also crashes? then maybe adding more?

Don't know what to do here, of course I could try another program but well, it was working before so I would like to understand
It's not a video, but here it is:

I did everything as explained, although it basically explains just how to create a specific user and share.

I didn't set any quota, ratio, and one of the 2 harddrives in the NAS is dedicated to the TM backup (there is no RAID or anything, 2 different volumes).


And as you can see, you dedicate a TM share in the "mac file service" option on the NAS, so it's definitely not a SMB share.
Is it possible some of my files are crashing TM?
Would it be useful if I try to back up just a few things first, see if a small backup also crashes? then maybe adding more?

Don't know what to do here, of course I could try another program but well, it was working before so I would like to understand

No, don't think so, might be unmounting the shares while backup is in progress.
Is the "Time Machine share" formatted for Mac OS Extended, GUID partition?

You can't chose what file system to format on the NAS. But it shouldn't be a problem, it's supposed to work like that


No, don't think so, might be unmounting the shares while backup is in progress.

what shall I do about it? i really can't seem to find anything :(
I copied gigs of file to the nas before, all at once and it worked perfectly
You can't chose what file system to format on the NAS. But it shouldn't be a problem, it's supposed to work like that

No. If the the device supports AFP that is just a communicating protocol. Time Machine NEEDS a HFS+ (Mac OS Extended Journaled) format! I say this because Time Machine (from you first LONG post) the error : Ownership is disabled on the backup destination volume

I ask again what is the format of the drive you are try to use Time Machine with?

Plus read the blog post (with older AFP drives) TIP: Connecting to older AFP NAS devices with Mountain Lion and the another informative hint Control Time Machine from the command line with tmutil.

One more thing do a Reset NVRAM & PRAM after the crash, to be safe.
Last edited:
No. If the the device supports AFP that is just a communicating protocol. Time Machine NEEDS a HFS+ (Mac OS Extended Journaled) format! I say this because Time Machine (from you first LONG post) the error : Ownership is disabled on the backup destination volume

I ask again what is the format of the drive you are try to use Time Machine with?

Plus read the blog post (with older AFP drives) TIP: Connecting to older AFP NAS devices with Mountain Lion and the another informative hint Control Time Machine from the command line with tmutil.

One more thing do a Reset NVRAM & PRAM after the crash, to be safe.

file system: ext4

but it can't be changed on the nas, you can't use another file system


OK I'm trying something that seems to have solved problems before:
O.K. So lets try this

1. Reboot your Mac into the recovery partition ( restarting with the command button plus r) and use Disk Utility and do a Repair Permission and Repair disk.

2.Try the steps in the another blog post Setting up Time Machine Support on Synology and see if that helps/works for you.

Thanks a lot for your help,

I will try this when am back home.
Just, on your first step, on which disk should I run the disk utility? All the NAS drives don't appear in the disk utility, so I guess it's on my imac system disk?
Thanks a lot for your help,

I will try this when am back home.
Just, on your first step, on which disk should I run the disk utility? All the NAS drives don't appear in the disk utility, so I guess it's on my imac system disk?

Well you can check from Terminal. Follow the steps in one of the article (
Control Time Machine from the command line with tmutil
and run the command:
diskutil list

and post the outcome (with the Snology disk mounted when running the command).
No. If the the device supports AFP that is just a communicating protocol. Time Machine NEEDS a HFS+ (Mac OS Extended Journaled) format! I say this because Time Machine (from you first LONG post) the error : Ownership is disabled on the backup destination volume

You are mistaken. Yes, HFS+ is needed for a local, USB Time Machine drive, but it is not required for a networked Time Machine backup. That is what AFP is for. Many users here are using Synology NAS devices with Time Machine and Synology formats their disks in EXT4.
You are mistaken. Yes, HFS+ is needed for a local, USB Time Machine drive, but it is not required for a networked Time Machine backup. That is what AFP is for. Many users here are using Synology NAS devices with Time Machine and Synology formats their disks in EXT4.

If you are so knowledge then help the original poster please!
Hi there,

So I finally had time for further tests, and before going any further, I tried making a TM backup of my macbook air using exactly the same method...
And well, it worked flawlessly.
So looks like the problem is on the imac side and not on the NAS side...
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