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Honestly though, how many reactionary, Chicken Little type threads have been started since the announcement of the iPhone? Do we really need another one? And it's not like iPods and iPhones are the first non-desktop/laptop hardware Apple has released (Newton or Pippin anyone?).

The Newton and Pippin were pretty controversial products within Apple in their day...Mac users have argued about Apple making non-Mac gadgets for years now.

The iPod's sucess has not ended the debate either, and the recent name change has thrown fuel on the fire. Is Apple going to become a gadget company?

I don't think so, and I agree that a lot of people are getting themselves bent out of shape unecessarily over this.
I have been waiting for the pro apps like many others. My primary personal use, and what originally brought me to Apple, is video editing. I have also expanded into motion graphics and audio. In fact, I am planning on being competent in all phases of post production and animation.

So, I was disappointed there was nothing on the WWDC plate for me. However, it is not something I am upset with, or even concerned about. To me, it is far more important to have a prosperous Apple, than just providing for my immediate desires.

The only way Apple can stay on the leading edge of engineering is to have a solid revenue stream. They are not going to do this by focusing solely on a particular market. Silicone Graphics is a great example of a company that tried that and failed.

Right now, Apple has a fantastic amount of diversification. That is important for all of their products and services. Few companies can weather the market fluctuations as well as Apple. When people are not buying computers, they may still be buying consumer electronics. That cashflow is critical to keeping the R&D going.

Many of the products Apple offers, especially the Pro Apps, take a long time to bring to market. If selling iPods, iTV and iPhones provides the revenue to do this, then I surely do not see the issue. I would be far more concerned if the revenue stream was poor. Then they would have to hasten unfinished products out the door, or cut back on features.
Mac users have argued about Apple making non-Mac gadgets for years now.
That's part of my point. These "fears" of Apple neglecting its computers have been around for years and years but they've never rung true. Apple hasn't shifted their focus away from computers they have merely expanded it to include stuff besides computers.

i think the OP has a point.

we know that apple has been doing intensive R&D on iphone, :apple: TV, but how much R&D is apple doing on, say, Macbook Pro, Mac Pro?

i love my macs, but i honestly cannot think many aspect of MBP and MP are being the result of Apple's research and development. i like the form factor and design of the machines, i'm sure that takes a artist to come up with, but within the box of MP, what did apple do?

i'm sure many of you will take offend in my post, but just at least put yourself in my shoes and think about it.
If anything, the success of the iPod has increased the awareness of the mac platform, leading to more people using it, leading to more development for OS X.

Quite true, the overwhelming success of the iPod and the move to Intel chips in Macs is causing more and more people (not necessarily the business world though) to make the switch. :)
My computer is great, the OS is great and have used a Mac since 1991, yet I feel deflated by Apple's latest moves. My dedication is leaking away. Why is that?

On one hand they are pushing into other markets like comms and TV and are just becoming a global giant just like Microsoft only with shinier gizmos. You can't move for Apple news at the moment and it all seems a little bold and brash. Its become a trend and I don't like being part of trends. Greenpeace are taking swipes at their production methods, law suites about names - thats not the Apple I want to part of.

On the other hand perhaps it's just jealousy. Macs have been the worst kept secret for years and using one meant I was superior. Now everybody seems to getting one so perhaps it's just threatens something inside me? Even my bloody mother AND mother in law have now got macs, in fact my mother has 3! Perhaps I should just shut up and share.
My computer is great, the OS is great and have used a Mac since 1991, yet I feel deflated by Apple's latest moves. My dedication is leaking away. Why is that?

On one hand they are pushing into other markets like comms and TV and are just becoming a global giant just like Microsoft only with shinier gizmos. You can't move for Apple news at the moment and it all seems a little bold and brash. Its become a trend and I don't like being part of trends. Greenpeace are taking swipes at their production methods, law suites about names - thats not the Apple I want to part of.

On the other hand perhaps it's just jealousy. Macs have been the worst kept secret for years and using one meant I was superior. Now everybody seems to getting one so perhaps it's just threatens something inside me? Even my bloody mother AND mother in law have now got macs, in fact my mother has 3! Perhaps I should just shut up and share.

I agree with your last statement. Being different for difference's sake is pointless.

I'm still PO'd at Adobe for not releasing FrameMaker for OSX. InDesign is a great app but it's not the ideal page layout app for certain types of more structured publishing.

That's really not a criticism of Apple, but I can't help but think that if it was important to Apple it would become more important to Adobe.
I agree with your last statement. Being different for difference's sake is pointless.

But I wonder how many of original Mac users will get turned off by this increase popularity for Macs? I can't go to a coffee shop nowadays without seeing loads of macbooks or macbooks pro.... and they are students NOT in any industry or fields that really need a mbp.... though I love macs, i always find it overkill to get a mbp when you only use it for word processing.

Actually, with more people using macs, we hope to get better softwares.
It's clear with Job's lust over his iPhone toy, and iTV, and all the little iPods everywhere, that design professionals are not the bedrock of Apple's plans anymore. (the same could be said for the education market). The lack of attention by Apple to the needs of the graphics industry is really wearing on me. Despite the fact that we are the ones who saved Apple's *ss during the dark days in the 90's, and are the only reason Apple retains a toehold in corporate America, Apple seems to be ignoring us.

I'll be the first one to say that graphics are still easier on a Mac, but I really wonder for how long?... If you are a web designer, you already need a PC anyway to test your pages, and I'm just wondering how long before it just makes more sense to produce on a PC instead?... Half of us are using monitors from someone other than Apple, so, how long before the boxes follow?...

I test my pages with my mac,..

If you need some help, im sure that someone could explain it to you
as a designer i now have UB quark 7 and a beta of UB Photoshop CS3 so i am set. Sure The beta has its quarks and doesnt allow 3rd party filters but it gets the job done. Nothing will ever be as fast the OS9 days but nor will i worry of the computer locking up in the middle of some complex design:apple:
I test my pages with my mac,..

If you need some help, im sure that someone could explain it to you

You are totally missing the point- you're still using windows, so if apple continues to neglect its pro users, what's to stop you from just switching primarily to a pc if you are already using windows...

Anyway, more importantly- I feel that with all the hype coming from consumer products like the iPod, iPhone, AppleTV, etc. apple should be in top form regarding its computer lines, and most importantly QUALITY CONTROL which is severely slipping. We can get all the 'switchers' in the world, but when you pay a premium for a quality computer it damn well better not come out of the box with a dysfunctional FW800 card, or a whiny fan/HD, or a down key that doesn't flippin work! We've got screens with built in dirt, plastic that stains from normal usage, and a hundred other issues- and before you tell me "1st gen always sux" let me just remind you of the reputation apple loses everytime someone has to return a brand new computer to the apple store so they can fix it! I don't keep it to myself- No one should, but if Apple continues to leave gaps in their quality control someone else will just step in and fill them- Apple is a boutique computer/electronics company that is starting to act a little like wal-mart in some ways, and if the flaws are not pointed out than Apple will assume they can get away with it, and we will lose. Just because you got a mac and you are 'reborn' from your sinful PC ways, does not mean you should defend everything they do. That is not the philosophy that got Apple to where it is today.

EDIT: thanks- I was tired...:eek:
The graphics software I use runs pretty much the same on both platforms and has done for some time (Photoshop, Painter and a few 3D apps). I've seen people do amazing work on both platforms equally.

I don't own an iPod, I don't own iTV and I don't plan on getting an iPhone. The only difference about using a Mac is that I have an OS which makes more sense to me. As long as Apple keep making decent computers, a decent OS, and the software I use still supports Macs, then I'll be fine and dandy.

I don't see any of that changing anytime soon, so I don't really see what you are worried about.
what about final cut pro, logic pro, motion, dvd studio pro, shake, the fact that maya is now a universal binary or that apple is building final cut exgtreme and leopard is 64bit you dont neede 6 bits for MS Word///
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