you need to put a space between the 'f' and the first '*', and use a capital 'T', exactly as so:
rm -f *Ti*
I have tried it both ways, and still no luck
you need to put a space between the 'f' and the first '*', and use a capital 'T', exactly as so:
rm -f *Ti*
Go into the Legal.rtf directory. Do:
ls -lq
The 'q' option shows nonprintable characters in the filename as a '?' character. I'm curious to see if that's part of the problem.
ls -b
it should display non-printable characters using their octal equivalents.
<duplicate post>
Ok, since we had some luck with 'ls -b', let's do it again and get the inode number with 'i', i.e.
ls -ib
That should print out something like:
123456 Tie\314\202\314\201ng Vie\314\202\314\243t.html
where '123456' is the files inode number. Take that number and use it as follows:
find . -inum 123456 exec rm -f {} \;
With the file in trash, hold option key, and do empty trash.
craig:~/tmp# touch "`echo $'Tie\314\202\314\201ng Vie\314\202\314\243t.html'`"
craig:~/tmp# ls
Tiếng Việt.html
craig:~/tmp# rm Tiếng\ Việt.html
craig:~/tmp# ls
I have tried everything to delete this file
Terminal (rm -rt)
nothing works...Can anybody help?
I had a similar problem. I ended up moving the file to /tmp/ to get rid of it (that worked), but I don't know why.