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Actually I find the matte screen on my 24" extremely easy on the eyes and it's a pleasure to stare at it all day!
Yep, my eyes are struggling a bit too - but I spend an insane amount of time sitting at this 24" beauty, so I'm asking for trouble. I work from home and spend all day on it, and then in the evening I'm doing my own stuff, photo/video editing, etc, which leaves my eyes the most tired. There have even been times I've had slightly blurred vision/trouble focussing - not drink related, I promise, just the consequence of a long, long session of video editing.

But I'm guessing it's just a case of being sensible in terms of the brightness settings, taking breaks etc. Wouldn't swap the 24" for anything in the world (apart from Liverpool getting relegated), it's magnificent.
My eyes hurt if they are not parallel with top portion of the screen. I've had to rearrange my set up to make it go away. See the booklets that came with the iMac and look for the bit about ergonomics.

you got BOOKS with your imac!, I thought its against macs religion to include ANY manuals or instructions.
I herd you but I dont know what multi quote means?? what does it mean
It means that you should
The Rules said:
Combine your comments into one post rather than making many consecutive posts to a thread within a short period of time.
as per the rules.

Multiquote is this button:

That makes it possible to answer more than one post at the time, just click it as you read through threads whenever you see a post you want to reply to and then hit reply once when you're ready.

Not entirely sure why you should use that, rather than just gather your thoughts in one post at the time, but I guess that is what they are meaning. ;)
When the new iMac's were announced, I went to our local store to give them a look. After looking at the 24" iMac for about 10 seconds, my head (and eyes) started to strain. I think this is down to the brightness because it seemed alot brighter than the 20" model that was next to it (which didn't actually hurt my eyes or head at all).

I would love to know peoples thoughts on this because I am looking at buying the 24" iMac after a processor bump.
iMac 20'' hurts my eyes

I know this is a thread for 24'' users, but I have the same problem with an iMac 20''.

I have better than 20-20 vision, but with the iMac 20'' my eyes hurt, turn red, and later lose focus. The former begins in less than a half hour, the latter after a few hours. If I'm on for any longer, it gets to the point where reading a book or newspaper afterwards is annoyingly difficult. And on the days where I happen to use it throughout the day, my friends have actually commented on the fact that my eyes look "out of focus" or "bloodshot." Throw on a Bob Marley t-shirt and I think the assumption would be obvious.

Now, I know red eyes are not unusual after staring at a computer screen. But I also own an iBook, and can use it for more than 12 hours without a problem. (I now use that laptop whenever possible.)

What is unusual is that my eyes are actually losing focus semi-permanently; that is, this monitor is causing a lasting effect - one that is noticeable long after I finish using the computer. That worries me. Are there others experiencing this problem? I've installed the utility mentioned in an earlier thread (, but I can feel that my eyes aren't responding any differently.

I sit further than my arm can reach, but still get the feeling as if I were staring at a TV screen too closely. I also have the curtains drawn, but can see my own reflection in the screen.

Is it glare? Is it brightness? Has Apple incorporated a new type of display? Why are people who have never had this problem experiencing it now?

If, in my case, the severity is somehow uniquely strong, then I again would like to mention that I have nothing to suggest a predisposition for it. I've never had this problem before, have excellent eyesight, and do not have the same problem with other Apple monitors. Or any other monitor. It is just this computer.

Sadly, it's time to finish this post - my eyes are starting to hurt.
You guys should calibrate your screens. That might help for the eye-strain.
Instead of 1.8 gamma, use 2.2 gamma. I find that it helps. I even use "David's Profile" on my iMac and find everything is easier on the eyes.
yes, i had the 24" at first, i exchanged it today for the 2.6 20" feels so much better to me and the screen is fine i adjusted the calibrate setting to 2.2, no longer do i have headaches lol
Not at all

I am enjoying my 24" iMac (latest) modle but my eyes keep hurting me after watching a few tv shows on it, i used to have a 20" iMac (latest modle aswell) but did not supper from this problem, even when i switch the brightness to lowest my eyes hurt a bit.

I can play +5 hours on my other computers without my eyes hurting me but 2-3 hours on the 24" iMac and my eyes start to hurt, is this normal?

My eyes don't hurt after an extended session at my iMac but then they have never hurt at any monitor so I was not expecting them to hurt. I think that monitor placement is probably your problem (although I'm not an optician and you should consult one if you're having problems). Try moving the monitor back a bit and changing font sizes if you can't see them properly.
weird thing 20" wouldnt turn on after this afternoon, took it to best buy they didnt have anymore 20" iMacs, got a brand new 24" 2.8 200 off. 1,599.00. i had to take the deal. They only cut the price like that because I use to work there and i have been in there 3 times already exchanging macs because of issues. This is a bright screen i keep it on the lowest setting, mess with the calibration a little bit. and all is well :D

-keep it in the :apple: family
At first I had aching eyes as-well, even with DarkAdapted installed.
But it seems my eyes have adjusted, I can turn the brightness all the way up without troubling my eyes.
(DarkAdapted is now used for one reason only: making the whites look better in less than ideal viewing angles)

Another possibility could be the LCD screen itself has settled down a bit, the bright straining glow somehow has disappeared.
just got my 24" back the 20" wasnt doin it. I just adjust the settings and mess with the calibrate and...its good. definatley the adobe (1998) setting and then 2.2
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