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macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 17, 2009
I have an eight year old Apple mouse which I'm running on a Mini with SL. A simple question, is it worth spending the money on a new Magic Mouse? I would like to hear good (and bad if there are any) stories about this recently released accessory based on your experiences.
Well, I haven't had too much time to play around with it, since I haven't gotten my new iMac yet, but I played around with it at the apple store and it was actually pretty cool.

Well, if you're asking me if it's worth spending the money.. I'd have to say it depends on what kind of person you are.

If you're looking for many buttons on it, obviously you won't find much in there.
however, the gestures are pretty cool, and it is the first mouse to ever do that.
And I've been thinking lately, that maybe apple will release updates for it to let people do more gestures. But who knows.

I can't really tell you much.. since it's a mouse. And that's something you need to pick out yourself. But, as far as good and bad goes, I haven't really heard any bad news about it. But then again.. it is a mouse.
i got the magic mouse from a mate , if i had smaller hands i would have kept it too ,but it simply is to flat , nice design but i would say its highly overpriced if bought without new iMac , anyway no fan of wireless stuff ..annoying things which are always empty when you need them
i wonder if there would not be a possibility to fit a inductive charger into the foot /stand of the iMac , so you could recharge just by placing your keyboard or mouse best both on the foot when not used and recharge them without fuss or contacts
simple things like electric toothbrushes use this technic since years now
so why not mouses :confused:
I really like the new magic mouse. i have had no problems with it what so ever. I've been using 8 hours a day for about two weeks, and haven't had wrist ache etc. However i do have pretty small hands lol

Plus it looks amazing too!
I got one with my imac and after two weeks bought one to use with my mini. I really like this mouse a lot. I like the feel, function and look of it.
Mine is great. Always used Apple mice and this is easily the best so far. People complain that its too 'flat' and I can understand where they are coming from but it allows you to rest your entire hand on it instead of grasping it with fingers which help minimise the strain on your fingers.

The swipe features are great and will only improve when/if new actions/buttons are released with updates.

I'm very pleased with it but I do agree its a bit expensive but not necessarily overpriced.
Ive gone to the Apple store 5 times in the last month to play on the new iMacs while I wait for my i7 to arrive. The Magic Mouse is very nice. Although, they have it pretty warm in the store and I noticed if my hands get a little moist, the gestures on the mouse are very difficult to perform, especially 2 fingers forward or back. Im sure its a matter of getting used to it.
With that said, I still want to buy one for my MBP. It tracks very well and the scrolling and left/right mouse clicks are very nice. It feels good in the hand as well.
Love mine in every way for general computer use.

Don't expect it to be like a high end logitech though, the ergonomics are not great as you don't really hold the mouse like you would a moulded gaming mouse, I find I sort of 'clamp' mine with my fingers.

Touch scrolling both horizontally and vertically is fantastic, I picked it up in no time.
It's cool. Not worth upgrading to though. A mouse is still just a mouse. The only gestures that it really has is back and forward in your browser... My logitech G5 has that.

I also have a bluetooth Mighty Mouse and I wouldn't buy a new mouse if it didn't come with my iMac.
I have been using one since it came out with the 27" iMac I bought when they were released. I have two issues with it.

No middle mouse button. I use a cad application where I have been using the press and hold of the middle button for years to rotate my models on the screen. Because the MM doesn't have a middle button, I have to use a regular mouse while using that cad program.

Low form factor. Unless you have hands the size of a 10 year old, your hands are going to be too big for the mouse. It means that the palm of your hand ends up resting on the table which is a bit awkward from a normal mouse.

You may also need to use a third party mouse application to get the tracking speed you are used to. On the iMac, even at max setting there was no way to move from one side of the screen to the other without physically picking up the mouse because you had run out of wrist movement.

If you buy one you have 14 days to take it back, so why not try it, and if you don't like it you can return it for a more reasonably priced and more useable mouse.
I love it! I've been using it since I got my 21.5" iMac. The other day I had to go back and use the Mighty Mouse and it felt a bit odd and clunky.

The Magic Mouse is nice because its not hard on your hand and wrist. You also don't have to worry about cleaning anything.
I love mine. However, I do miss having an extra physical button or two. I'm coming from a wireless Mighty Mouse and knowing that I won't have to ever worry about cleaning that little ball anymore is worth the price of admission.
I love my Magic Mouse, but I have only one complaint about it. It's heavy, relative to a wired mouse. Keep this in mind - for me, moving the mouse around quickly isn't easy to do.
I love my Magic Mouse, but I have only one complaint about it. It's heavy, relative to a wired mouse. Keep this in mind - for me, moving the mouse around quickly isn't easy to do.

That and the sensitivity is crazy low!!! Even when turned all the way up. Makes these big screens a burden. :p
The Magic Mouse is amazing. I just hope they add the other multi-touch gestures as well and adjust the sensitivity. I am sure both will be added.
It's good. I like it. But....

Gestures? There are none other than being able to go backwards and forwards on web pages, and folders. etc. Not currently being able to invoke expose or spaces from it is a bummer, but not a big one. I do like not having to clean the Mighty Mouse's ball (sounds weird when I put it like that :) ).

I hope that three fingered gestures are added at some point.

I can't wait to use it... But I certainly will keep my logitech MX620 plugged in for games, etc. I never was able to use apple mice correctly... my hand just doesn't like the non-button feel of them...
It's great. Well worth the money.

You can get a bluetooth mouse with forward and back for 25 bucks. They did nothing to take real advantage of multi-touch yet. When Pinch, 3 Finger gestures, Trackpad Mode or anything like that are enabled, I'd say it could be worth the pricetag. Right now... It's only a mouse with forward and back capability... Been around for a very long time and are found much cheaper.

Hmm, I never noticed this since I use hot corners.

Hot corners FTW here. The squeeze gesture with the original mighty mouse was a bit cumbersome.
Everyone who misses middle click:

The mouse has as much multi-touch as your trackpad.
This enables a 3 finger tap to do middle click which was sorely missed for the last 2 weeks.
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