buy em, i think i get mutual funds for 100 dollars a share. and apple is releasing (rumored) intel ibooks, and new intels are gonna come out soon afterward. go for it.
Hoef said:buy apple stock and hedge your risk by buying put options 6 months out or so. If the stock tanks you can always exercise your option right to sell at a higher price.
buffalo said:i understand calls but how do puts work?
now both the MACD and STO are in a down phase so I wouldn't buy immediately.
buffalo said:out of curiosity, who is TEVANIAN, AVADIS??? it appears as though he's been doing some insider trading...
IJ Reilly said:BTW, "insider trading" is illegal.
IJ Reilly said:BTW, "insider trading" is illegal.
buffalo said:by that i just ment the higher up's who had been trading their stock
buffalo said:Now that the MWSF spike is comming back down (~$72 right now), would now be a good time to buy? Do you think there will be another spike in price with the next round of Intel announcements (maybe April 1, Apples 30 B-Day)?
What are your thoughts?
TheMasin9 said:apple has nowhere to go but up, its rocking both the personal and professional computer markets as well as the digital music arena.
yankeefan24 said:I bought at 14, sold around 28. biggest mistake of my life. BUY APPLE. that is my recommendation. I think it will go up. way up. way way up.
buffalo said:Now that the MWSF spike is comming back down (~$72 right now), would now be a good time to buy? Do you think there will be another spike in price with the next round of Intel announcements (maybe April 1, Apples 30 B-Day)?
What are your thoughts?
IJ Reilly said:Okay, but this is not by any means necessarily "insider trading." As you might remember from the Martha Stewart business, insider trading is trading on the basis of information not available to the general public -- and it's illegal.
kingjr3 said:
buffalo said:yes, yes, i've got it now. i don't know much about investing and all the lingo that goes with it. i was just going with the term i got on this invester website i use
buffalo said:I'm trying to get my Dad to buy some AAPL on Monday. He's saying that he might buy 100 shares, so do I have the right thinking that this Feb 28 event will bring a temporary spike to the price?
Should I go ahead and keep pushing for the sale, or is there some reason that it should not be bought?
ironic23 said:AAPL has been over priced since the last couple of months. when it hit an all time high of $80++, i knew that the bubble was going to burst. it was only time before investors lost confidence in AAPL and the prices of its share began to plummate. AAPL shares have been over inflated, majorly due to small investors like us who have 'superficial' confidence in the company due to its products. don't misinterpret me though. i am a big mac fan and i think Apple has done a good job with its products. however, the shares of AAPL at $80++ is just over inflated. AAPL shares have a 'real' value of $65-70. in my opinion, i wouldn't buy AAPL if its for pure speculation. if you want to invest, yes, by all means. Apple is a stable company and its shares are worth investing in. but if you try to make a quick buck, no, AAPL is not for you. this is just my two cents worth.