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macrumors 6502
May 6, 2009
Yes, I agree.
OK, let's do this: I just wait up to next Apple release - press conference, whatever it will be. If no upgrade will be available, I'll pull the trigger and buy rev C. Happy?:D


macrumors 6502a
Dec 1, 2007
A tablet with a built in stand can be VERY usable with a bluetooth keyboard. The problem with most tablets is, they tend to be underpowered. But, I have always felt a "iPod touch" type tablet with a good CPU/memory/storage and a detachable keyboard would be a KILLER machine. Imagine a Macbook air with a detachable keyboard. The screen could become a BIG iPod Touch experience.

Yes, what if the Rev D is the AirTablet?


macrumors 6502
Apr 19, 2005
Besides people on this forum, of the 11 that I know off of the board, I only know one that uses this is the primary computer.

I use my Rev A Air as my primary computer - mainly for uni work, web design and day to day tasks (only think it really can't do is YouTube HD and 1080p). I bought the HDD model with the 1.8GHz processor upgrade.

I do have an iMac G5 as well, but bar graphics related work and a nice matte screen, my MacBook Air performs better and hence the iMac is really now just a spam filter for my iPhone. :p

However, I am looking to upgrade because while the Rev A suffices as a primary computer I would like a bit more power. I'm going to wait for the Rev D because I don't desperately need to upgrade. I'd like to see 4GB RAM and SSD sizes above 128GB before I buy a new one. CPU and GPU bumps would be nice, but not essential. Also, a matte screen option would be outstanding - at least the screen on the Air isn't as glossy as on the MacBook Pros, but there are still enough reflections to give you a sore eyes after a while.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jul 30, 2009
Definitely past the point of no return for me now.

If you have a decently functioning computer right now I'd recommend to wait for Apple's 32nm Arrandale offerings.

Intel don't often majorly upgrade their mobile architecture - around once every two years, so I don't think it that prudent to get a 45nm Penryn at this end stage of the cycle. That's a 30% reduction in process size, I imagine with similarly proportioned reductions in power and heat.

It'll likely make a big difference to any updated MBA/MBP.

Getting an Arrandale Mac early next year would be the perfect timing as I see it. That is, unless it's an Arrandale in a completely new form of Mac Rev A, in which case some say it's best to wait until an ironed-out rev B comes along (eg MBA), but this isn't a strict truism (if you pardon the oxymoron).


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jul 30, 2009
And also of course for the MBA, there's the graphics issue. Will the latest 40nm ATI chip be suitable for a mobile gpu in Air's thermal envelope? I really don't know.


macrumors 68000
Oct 29, 2006
I have a feeling that the iBook name will be resurrected for this new tablet.

It is a perfect name for it :) - the iBook!
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