To-do Lists version 1.5.2 is out
Hi. We are glad to announce the availability of the next minor update for To-do Lists application.
Since version 1.5.2 we also provide
free 3-week trial :
What's new in this version:
Version 1.5.2 Feb 11. 2012
- extended number of items in 'remove completed delay' option
- added 'Rename List' item to To-do List popup menu
- added default list control to list's popup menu
- added quick-palette for tasks color
- changed color for urgent tasks on red background
- configurable palette for background colors and to-do colors (see Preferences->Appearance section)
- fixed issue with not preserved custom color in to-do text
- some minor fixes here and there
- improved performance for iCal syncing
- fixed possible problem with deleting tasks from iCal
- fixed problem when position on second monitor was not saved
- excluded situation where both Dock and menu bar icons are hidden
- fixed app activating by clicking Dock icon
- dragging tasks by whole text's area
- fixed jumping of long task lists while adding new tasks
- fixed some misprints
- fixes with default black background color
- option to hide lists after startup
- option to add a new list by double clicking on menu bar icon