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macrumors 601
Original poster
May 2, 2010
After a first workday of average use, I've still got 75% battery life left in my 3G/64GB/$829. Haven't used the 3G yet as I've been on good wi-fi both at home and in the office.

Should I go another day or two and get the charge down to 30% or should I top it off tonight, taking it back up to 100%? Don't want to hurt the battery or compromise my experience.


As long as you run it down once in awhile topping off shouldn't Be a problem. My iPhone still has a fantastic charge from charging nightly and running down at least once a month.
As long as you run it down once in awhile topping off shouldn't Be a problem. My iPhone still has a fantastic charge from charging nightly and running down at least once a month.

+1 And really it shouldn't matter either way...
Since Ive got the iPad I just let it run pretty much all the way down before sticking it on a charger overnight.

I always let it sleep, I don't specifically shut it down
It's best to keep it charged more often than intentionally letting it get low. Once a month charge it all the way, then run it down all the way and re-charge immediately.
A lot of the charging ideas here sound like battery voodoo - - is there a scientifically based optimal charging procedure for lithium-polymer batteries?
I tend to plug it in if it is below 80% when I am home, otherwise whenever I get back. I love the long battery so I make sure its always as full as it can be so I have that full 10 hours any time I might need it.
hahaha that's great.


To the original poster, I usually top mine every night if I know there's a chance that I'll be taking it with me the next day; otherwise, I just leave it uncharged and in sleep mode overnight.
This is my favorite part. Like the price and memory matter with battery :D:D

Edit: The sig is great too.
iPad 3G | 64GB | $829 | Apple TV | iPhone | iPod Touch x3 | Rolex x3| BMW | Trophy Wife | Beach House | iPad 3G Elitist Club® Member

I can't wait to see this sig

Had ipad/BMW/beach house/trophy wife left with money and younger man.
Now it's me and my dog. Lol
This is my favorite part. Like the price and memory matter with battery :D:D

Edit: The sig is great too.
Shush you know damn well the battery in the iPad 3G 64GB $849 version is way better than the iPad WIFI 32GB $599 version.

Not sure you can learn much about the OP's original question from this link:rolleyes:

Actually reading Apple's site about batteries is very useful. :rolleyes:
You can never tell around here. The fact that he feels he has to write "3G/64GB/$829" made me think that this person might indeed be serious with that stupid signature.

What the frick does the price have to do with anything? Oh, that's right. Absolutely nothing.
You can never tell around here. The fact that he feels he has to write "3G/64GB/$829" made me think that this person might indeed be serious with that stupid signature.

What the frick does the price have to do with anything? Oh, that's right. Absolutely nothing.

Deep down, whether realized or not, signatures that are along these lines display insecurity and the need to draw attention to oneself in an effort to 'feel' more confident or justify an a consuming emotion.
Deep down, whether realized or not, signatures that are along these lines display insecurity and the need to draw attention to oneself in an effort to 'feel' more confident or justify an a consuming emotion.

Lol, that, or if they're asking for help regarding their iPhone and don't specify which device.
This person's signature is a joke, right? RIGHT?


I thought everyone here had a trophy wife.

For instance, I have a 4G trophy wife who doesn't just need charging every night, she demands it!

Deep down, whether realized or not, signatures that are along these lines display insecurity and the need to draw attention to oneself in an effort to 'feel' more confident or justify an a consuming emotion.

You're joking right? Because if not, your own sig seems to display a similar insecurity.
After a first workday of average use, I've still got 75% battery life left in my 3G/64GB/$829. Haven't used the 3G yet as I've been on good wi-fi both at home and in the office.

Should I go another day or two and get the charge down to 30% or should I top it off tonight, taking it back up to 100%? Don't want to hurt the battery or compromise my experience.



Man, I must be a power user, after a day of use on wifi & 3G my iPad is at 20-30% left. Of course now my iPhone is at around 50% at the end of day. (it would be dead by then)

I'm lovin' it!
I'd let it run down and then send the trophy wife to recharge it.
This person's signature is a joke, right? RIGHT?

No, not at all. I have several insecurities that force me to use material possessions to compensate. I would appreciate your support. Will pay you for it, in fact.

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