My ten favorite games at this moment, my favorite being listed first, and then the rest in no particular order:
Text Twist Turbo- Totally addicted. Great word jumble game. Was up to level 700 before my iPhone took a dump on me and had to do a restore.
Doom Classic-I'm a Doom junkie from way back
Doom Resurrection- See above
Resident Evil 4-Ok, I'm a horror game junkie (always loved R.E. games)
Resident Evil Degeneration- See above
F.A.S.T- Great fighter pilot simulation game
Real Racing-Awesome racing simulation, as close to perfection as far as a racing game on the iPhone.
Gangstar-As close to Grand Theft Auto 3 as you can get on the iphone, lotsa fun !
Driver-I was in love with this game on the original Playstation back in 1999, 11 years later, the love is strong. Grand Theft Auto 3, which came out in 2002, owes a lot to Driver when it comes to ideas shared by both games.
Cubes- The first game I was addicted to on the iPhone, still love it
Others I'm addicted to that come close to my top 10
300 Bowl- Not the greatest graphics, but a simple bowling game that is fun
Bejeweled 2- Great game, have spent many hours playing
Papi Jump and Doodle Jump- Both fun and addicting !
Nova-Amazing FPS
Hero of Sparta
Assasins Creed
Solitaire- (Still addicted big time, like I have been for many years)
Modern Combat:Sandstorm- As close to a console military shooter as you can get on the iphone. Reminds me a lot of Ghost Recon Advanced Warfare on the Xbox 360. GREAT graphics, maybe the best graphics on the iPhone.
Skies of Glory- An awesome World War II fighter pilot simulation.
I have a Playstation Portable, but it's amazing how much I play games on my iPhone compared to my PSP. My PSP is gathering dust, as it gets about only 5% portable play time compared to my iPhone. I don't miss any of my games on my PSP, loving the gaming experience on the iPhone.