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Pocket God (not sure if this counts)
Oregon Trail
Tap Tap Revenge - Metallica
Ragdoll Physics
Unblock Me
Draw Race

are my top 4 games at the moment
I have simple tastes:

Labyrinth 2

Worst Puchase: Tetris.
What are the best multiplayer online games? I have live poker (free), adrenaline poker ($4.99), Touch4 (free), adrenaline pool lite, checkers online lite, and chess with friends.

I really like Eliminate (multiplayer online shooter game), even though I suck at it. I showed my ex-gf, and she kicks my butt at it, lol. It's a really fun multiplayer online shooter.
My ten favorite games at this moment, my favorite being listed first, and then the rest in no particular order:

Text Twist Turbo- Totally addicted. Great word jumble game. Was up to level 700 before my iPhone took a dump on me and had to do a restore.

Doom Classic-I'm a Doom junkie from way back

Doom Resurrection- See above

Resident Evil 4-Ok, I'm a horror game junkie (always loved R.E. games)

Resident Evil Degeneration- See above

F.A.S.T- Great fighter pilot simulation game

Real Racing-Awesome racing simulation, as close to perfection as far as a racing game on the iPhone.

Gangstar-As close to Grand Theft Auto 3 as you can get on the iphone, lotsa fun !

Driver-I was in love with this game on the original Playstation back in 1999, 11 years later, the love is strong. Grand Theft Auto 3, which came out in 2002, owes a lot to Driver when it comes to ideas shared by both games.

Cubes- The first game I was addicted to on the iPhone, still love it

Others I'm addicted to that come close to my top 10

300 Bowl- Not the greatest graphics, but a simple bowling game that is fun

Bejeweled 2- Great game, have spent many hours playing

Papi Jump and Doodle Jump- Both fun and addicting !

Nova-Amazing FPS

Hero of Sparta
Assasins Creed
Solitaire- (Still addicted big time, like I have been for many years)

Modern Combat:Sandstorm- As close to a console military shooter as you can get on the iphone. Reminds me a lot of Ghost Recon Advanced Warfare on the Xbox 360. GREAT graphics, maybe the best graphics on the iPhone.

Skies of Glory- An awesome World War II fighter pilot simulation.

I have a Playstation Portable, but it's amazing how much I play games on my iPhone compared to my PSP. My PSP is gathering dust, as it gets about only 5% portable play time compared to my iPhone. I don't miss any of my games on my PSP, loving the gaming experience on the iPhone.
Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars
Doodle Jump
Cooking Dash
Crusade of Destiny
Dungeon Hunter
I'm having trouble justifying the $6 price tag for [Oregon Trail]. I played the original every day in elementary school so I really want this .. obviously you think it's worth it.

What's funny is that it probably costed about $6 when you were playing it in elementary school. :rolleyes: It amazes me how anything more the 99¢ is deemed to be too expensive and not worth it. Even though months (yes, months) go into the development of so many games on the app store.
1. Galcon (Great fun) *
2. Doodle Jump (Really is addicting)
3. Orbital (Also addicting)
4. Labyrinth 2 (Overall it's a blast)
5. Galcon Labs (Awesome) *
6. Depict (Fairly addicting) *
7. Elephants (Pretty fun)
8. Archibald's Adventures (Brilliant puzzle game)
9. Ramp Champ (Excellent graphics)
10. Artifice (Fun)

* Indicates online multiplayer. Note Labyrinth 2 contains local multiplayer.

Honorable Mentions:

- Smiles Zen
- Rat on Run
- Cosmic Nitro
What are the best multiplayer online games? I have live poker (free), adrenaline poker ($4.99), Touch4 (free), adrenaline pool lite, checkers online lite, and chess with friends.

Skies of Glory is pretty damn fun. I've played against 8 ppl over an 3G connection and it was fairly smooth. You can play Free For All, or Team Deathmatch, or you can bomb each other's base.


Single player is not bad, but I'm getting my ass handed to me on the shipyard level.
X2 Snowboarding
Angry Birds
Inotia 2
Street Fighter 4
Plants vs Zombies
Geodefense Swarm
Real Racing
I don't have 10 favorite games. I think that maybe I'm overly picky but if a game doesn't combine the right amount of graphics, replay value, and casualness of play it just doesn't draw me in. I try and try out a variety of games but very few stick. Here's my list of favorites, any suggestions?



GeoDefense ($1.99)


Geodefense has stunning graphics, challenging gameplay, and great replay value. It's been on my phone for several months and doesn't seem to be going anywhere.

Abca [Previously Lexic] ($2.99)


Abca is a game that I long for a larger iPad version of. It's kind of like a word search. I play it cooperatively with friends. It's also been on my phone for some time. It's one of the few social games for the iPhone that I see people in the real world getting drawn into.

Fuzzle ($1.99)


My girlfriend wants to get an iDevice just to have something to play Fuzzle on. It's that much fun. Pretty colors, and easy gameplay make this a favorite. Because the game logic is relatively easy I throw on a podcast, lean back, and casually play this one. It's a beautiful thing.

Fieldrunners ($2.99)


Everyone loves fieldrunners. :)

Harbor Master ($1.99)


Another casual game. I love the graphics!
I don't feel ambitious enough to point out my favourite ten, but these are a few of my gems at the moment.

Flight Control – it's been mentioned before but it's an addictive game with such a simple idea. So easy to pick up and play, but difficult to actually be any good at.

Minigore – everyone in my family loves grabbing it for a quick game. It's my go-to game of choice when I'm out and about and needing to fill a few minutes of spare time. Brilliant arcade-style fun, and beautiful to look at!

N.O.V.A. – possibly my favourite game because it really showcases what can be done with the platform. It's slick and stunning to look at, with great controls and gameplay. Every FPS should be this good.

Real Racing – an earlier example of how the platform can be pushed. The first App Store game I actually spent money on and I've loved it ever since.

Sheep Launcher – a blessing and a curse. It's so simple to pick up and play for a couple of minutes, but as soon as the younger members of my family hear the bounces they quickly chase me for a go.
I don't have 10 favorite games. I think that maybe I'm overly picky but if a game doesn't combine the right amount of graphics, replay value, and casualness of play it just doesn't draw me in. I try and try out a variety of games but very few stick. Here's my list of favorites, any suggestions?

I just picked up [app]Spirit[/app], for 115 yen, it's a definite steal! The controls are brilliant, and the game challenging. The best retro games fitted to iPhone touch controls I've seen. My new got-a-few-minutes-to-kill goto game.

I've also been enjoying [app]Skies of Glory[/app] Bluetooth games against my wife and son.
my top ten games are:

HR battle 3D
Words with Friends
press your luck
flight control
valet hero
lets golf!
poker quest
bejeweled 2
jungle crash
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