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Designer Dale

macrumors 68040
Mar 25, 2009
Folding space
Cat Herding

OK… Didn't expect to find this degreee of debate here...

This is a list of the topics brought up so far. I didn't post the second count because we seem to need to settle our differences on the lomo issue first.






Beauty in the Ugly


Repeating Elements





*Light and silhouette are previous Challenge topics. Transportation was a Weekly Contest theme not long age (Planes, Trains and Automobiles).

One of the words brought up to stand in for lomography has been ubiquity. In it's adjective form the word is defined as present, appearing or found everywhere. How about satisfying both corners with a topic like Commonplace? Folks who find their zen in shooting on the hoof and those find it in a tripod would then find have common ground.

Remember it all comes down to John.

Phrasikleia : "Un-photogenic urban environment" describes where I live to a T. Now add constant grey sky half the year to that formula...

Dale :cool:

deep diver

macrumors 68030
Jan 17, 2008
"Un-photogenic urban environment" describes where I live to a T. Now add constant grey sky half the year to that formula...

Dale :cool:

I thought you said you moved away from Ohio. Oh yeah........ we have all of the snow too.

I like several of these but to narrow it down:

Lomography and Beauty in the ugly.


macrumors 68040
Jan 15, 2006
Phrasikleia : "Un-photogenic urban environment" describes where I live to a T. Now add constant grey sky half the year to that formula...

Same here. Add to that other constant distractions such as work and general living and I think we live in the same place!

Wandering around clicking away and then sifting through a bunch of uninteresting images returns very few rewards for the time invested, at least for me. I do a lot better with surgical strikes. If I have an idea and pursue it with some planning, I usually end up getting at least one keeper without having spent much time on it. I definitely end up getting into the "zone" that way, since it's great fun for me, so it's a great escape from anything that might be weighing on my mind.

Another thing you may forget is that traditional lomography camera's are built with imperfections, meaning, that even the most mundane shots can turn into something beautiful. Don't forget multiple exposure, which for me has been very exciting growing up in a world of digital photography, some really interesting and creative shots can be created in the camera with no need for photoshop!

I two am a fan of ubiquity and randomness.

Commonplace I think is to vague and then the topic will turn into photos that don't really relate to one another. At least that's the way I see it!


macrumors 65816
Jan 16, 2009
Well, I'm happy that my suggestion of lomography has produced discussion. It's a good discussion as well, one that I've benefited from by reading it. That's one of the things I like about the photography forums. Some of the forums on Macrumors offer no benefit in reading the posts.

I should've been more clear with my suggestion. I know little about Lomography the "movement". I just ran across it a few days ago. I am intrigued by the aesthetics of the images though. When I suggested "lomography" as a topic I was really suggesting the attributes of the images as the topic. Lomography was just a term to wrap it all up. So the other suggestions like unnatural, common place, randomness, closeups, etc would work as well.

For me, a very small fraction of what I shoot are keepers, and most of those I don't like. Sometimes I have some accidents (also known as lack of skill for me) that turn out to be pretty intriguing for one reason or another. Sometimes I try to replicate those accidents when I think it would make a subject more interesting. That's probably what got me interested in the lomographic images. Regardless of the rules and definitions I took it as photographers working with known imperfections (the camera, technique...whatever) and attempting to get an intriguing image out of it. When I suggested it though, I was mainly curious to see what people thought about trying to replicate that look and feel with a DSLR (or lomo camera if you had one).

I do agree though that it might be difficult to do technically and also difficult to critique. (especially if a lot of folks like me aren't that familiar with it) To be honest I'm fine with any topic. The biggest benefit to me is when I force my self to go and shoot something during the time period instead of relying on a shot I already have. That's why I like the Fortnightly challenge. And I'd also agree with the previous poster that what makes the challenge great is the critiques and suggestions. I'm going to try to be better at commenting during the challenge as well.


macrumors 68020
Aug 12, 2003
At home
I like several of these but to narrow it down:

Lomography and Beauty in the ugly.

I don't want to isolate anyone with the Lomo thing especially someone as talented as Phrasikleia. I remain interested in the concept but will happily go in another direction.


macrumors 6502
Nov 16, 2004
I've been following with interest. I took the rules for Lomography that were posted, thought about it, and then decided that this topic would be dangerous for my career and marriage. To wit (and in complete jest):

Rule 1: Take your LOMO with you wherever you go

Meaning my camera? Or is this a kind of attitude like "mojo?" If the former, I will be sure and attach the largest lens and extender I have to the biggest dSLR body I can find. People should know I mean business. If LOMO is an attitude then how do I know I have it? What if it is really a condition and not an attitude? Perhaps I should consult the DSMV IV and self diagnose...

Rule 2: Use it all the time, at any time - day & night

How many shots do you think I could get away with during a business meeting before I get kicked out or fired? Shooting from the hip in this situation is going to be difficult...pulling the camera out from underneath the table and shooting it at my subjects using a flourish-to-thrusting motion would be more appropriate (they shouldn't see the shot coming). Some of these meetings are in darkened conference rooms which is going to necessitate mounting an sb-900; same thing with popping random shots off at night while my wife is lying asleep next to me. How many strobe pops would it take before she wakes up? How many before I get grumpily banned to a different room? What will happen when she finds out she was random midnight subject of a random shot which not so randomly gets me sent to another room? Do I fear for my life when she finds out I posted these pictures online in response to a photo challenge?

Rule 3: Lomography does not interfere with your life, it's a part of it

As you can see, I am having great difficulty reconciling integrating this as part of my life without interfering with it. What is the cop going to do when I randomly take his picture (read: flourished, thrusting motion with camera) after being pulled over for doing the exact same thing to other drivers while going down the road? On that note, I think I will tape two sb-900s together and hold them out my sunroof with one hand while triggering them with my random camera shot with the other hand; all while driving with my knee. People text and drive all the time--I'm confident I can pull this off. This should help reduce strobe glare off of car windows.

Edit: Bonus points for me if people in front of me pull over because they think I'm a cop. I'll be sure to snap their pictures while I am passing them.

Rule 4: Get as close as possible to the objects of your lomographic desire

Zoom + teleconverter. Done.

BTW--"lomographic desire" sounds dirty.

Rule 5: Don't think (William Firebrace)

Oooops. Please ignore this post so you don't break this rule like I did. Or, simply refer to rule #10 and continue with the career and marital planning like I have. Be sure and have the DSMV IV handy for quick reference.

Rule 6: Be fast

This entails a degree of sneakiness. If possible, the camera should be hidden from your subject, produced with grand flourish, and then thrust at the subject while depressing the shutter release button. Re-hide the camera as quickly as you produced it. Style points count as picture points are apparently de-emphisized.

Rule 7: There is no 7th rule. Lomography openly and explicitly discriminates against the number seven.

Rule 8: You don't have to know what's on the film afterwards either

Set camera to full auto mode: check
Set camera to highest FPS (ie "Spray n Pray): check
Completely zoomed-in per rule #4 (no peeking to see what you have): check
No chimping: check
Decide on a strategy that will statistically satisfy "random." I have decided to shoot every five minutes at whatever I am facing. Additionally, each time I hear or read the word "the" I will fire off a shot. Strategy: check

Rule 9: Shoot from the hip

Remember, style points count. Wear good running shoes and bring a taser along just in case anyone misconstrues what you are doing as offensive. Should the situation become aggressive in any way, shoot the taser at the aggressor and run away while randomly capturing photos of the convulsing scene behind you.

Rule 10: Don't worry about rules

Whew! Good thing this rule is here. I will be sure to convey to my boss/wife/cop/enraged person chasing me. :D:D:D

Levity aside--if Lomography is selected; as a person who will be viewing the photos I would ask that only truly interesting shots be posted. The risk here, is that the challenge will quickly become incredibly disinteresting. However, if any of you end up getting chased I will be keenly interested in the story and most particularly, what happened to you after you got caught. I will happily provide C&C to the hospital photos that detail any bruises / cuts you receive. If you have ever seen such photos, you know they are in dire need of some good C&C. Bonus points for you if you can manage to photograph the entire event as it unfolds. Extra bonus points to you if you can manage to use the word "scrumptious" while successfully explaining your way out of any trouble you might have clicked yourself into.

My vote? Beauty in the Ugly


macrumors 68040
Jan 15, 2006
... The Real Rules Of Lomo ...

Great write up with some true comedy! I think it has certainly lightened the mood of this debate!

I had a funny thought myself:

Rule 8: You don't have to know what's on the film afterwards either
A.K.A. after shooting, find the closest bin, and dispose of your footage. You've had such fun shooting you'll only be disappointed by your results!


macrumors 68020
Aug 12, 2003
At home
I think we can see where lomography is headed. But hey it been fun while it lasted. I was almost looking forward to being a pseudolomographer.

Beautiful ugly is cool.


macrumors 601
Feb 24, 2008
Over there------->
Maxxamillian should get the "post of the month" award for that one! :D I pulled up my chair, unwrapped my lunchtime sammy and enjoyed every word of it.

I too like Beauty in the Ugly.

Designer Dale

macrumors 68040
Mar 25, 2009
Folding space
Cat Herding II

We need to give John a tally that he can base his decision from, so here it is.

I second Beauty in the Ugly

Current topics with vote counts.

Colorful +


Twilight +



Beauty in the Ugly ++++

Lomography +++

Repeating Elements


Silhouette* +



*Light and silhouette are previous Challenge topics. Transportation was a Weekly Contest theme not long age (Planes, Trains and Automobiles).

Dale :cool:


macrumors 65816
Jan 16, 2009
Maxx that was pretty funny. I had images of the lomography exercise turning into some kind of paparazzi-ish nightmare. Your rules made me want to go out and get one of those double harnessed BlackRapid slings, hang two cameras with giant primes and flashes off it and hide it all under a big black trench coat. Maybe fire them both off at full FPS double handed from the waist (a la Rambo style) at unwitting bystanders waiting on the Metro. "Spray and Pray" as you said.

I still find some of the images associated with lomography compelling. I think maybe we are past it though. Beauty in the Ugly sounds interesting and should work. Beauty and ugliness are relative to one's individual perception so it offers a wide interpretation but finding one in the other forces you to really think about the shot which is what I like.


macrumors 65816
Jan 16, 2009
I wish I had read all the way through to Rule 10 before trying this. Please forward all of my emails to That address will be active for the next 3-5 years.

The bonus here is that while your in the pen you'll have to make your own camera from a bar of soap, a toilet paper tube, and some dental floss. This equipment and images will of course fall nicely in line with the goals of lomography!


macrumors 6502
Original poster
May 5, 2006
Duluth, MN
Thanks Dale for continuing to be the cat herder. :)

I think the idea of lomo is very interesting, but might be confusing to newbies if they are not familiar with the style. However, if lomo gets the most votes, it goes up as the new topic. I currently see five (5) for "Beauty in the Ugly" and three (3) for Lomo. Please vote by tomorrow morning at 10AM CST, I'll be posting the new challenge about then.


deep diver

macrumors 68030
Jan 17, 2008
Thanks Dale for continuing to be the cat herder. :)

I think the idea of lomo is very interesting, but might be confusing to newbies if they are not familiar with the style. However, if lomo gets the most votes, it goes up as the new topic. I currently see five (5) for "Beauty in the Ugly" and three (3) for Lomo. Please vote by tomorrow morning at 10AM CST, I'll be posting the new challenge about then.


Ironic -- we have "ugly" and "lomography" while trying to avoid ugly lomography.

Designer Dale

macrumors 68040
Mar 25, 2009
Folding space
By concept of Beauty in the Ugly is looking for art where most people would overlook it. Paint smears, rust, moss and stuff like that. It would be a Challenge requiring a sharp eye and good framing and placement. Good photo stuff.

The moldy orange that someone did (Bruce or Simon?) comes to mind.

John: It is a pleasure to herd these funny cats...:D...


Designer Dale

macrumors 68040
Mar 25, 2009
Folding space
At one time we maxed out at five cats and two dogs. I know what I'm talking about. Love the video.

Bugs and Morie.

Bugs couldn't stand her and she never left him alone. She's the smitten one and he's the one who is about to bail out. You can tell it by his eyes. Life was interesting back then. My wife-at-the-time had a cat called Tamicon that caught snakes alive and brought them into the house. Found a Garter snake in a box of cloths in the bedroom. Now it's just me and you guys and gals. I'm OK with that.



  • Bugs_Morie finished.jpg
    Bugs_Morie finished.jpg
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