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macrumors G4
Original poster
Ideas for the May assignments go here...

If there's a common consensus, we'll just go with that rather than having the poll since it seems most people should be happy with that option - let's give it til the 3rd? If there are a couple that are popular, we can decide if we need a poll to tiebreak it or whether we just make the second option, the one for June?

Keeping in mind the idea that we follow KISS in suggestions, mine for the month is "Water"


macrumors 6502
Jan 29, 2006
somewhere in kansas
Applespider said:
Ideas for the May assignments go here...

If there's a common consensus, we'll just go with that rather than having the poll since it seems most people should be happy with that option - let's give it til the 3rd? If there are a couple that are popular, we can decide if we need a poll to tiebreak it or whether we just make the second option, the one for June?

Keeping in mind the idea that we follow KISS in suggestions, mine for the month is "Water"

How about favorite places in Kansas!

Just kidding, but a "favorite places" would be fairly general, (if not too general), it should allow most to come up with something to post?


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location

Could be people chillin' out on the grass somewhere, or a great place to potentiall chill out and spend some leisurely time.

What about sunrise/sunsets?

Anyone else find it weird that we haven't had any topics where people are the main focus?


Moderator emeritus
May 1, 2005
I have never participated, I just love to see everybody's photos :p, but this caught my eye...
Abstract said:
Anyone else find it weird that we haven't had any topics where people are the main focus?
What about "Courtship?" "Relaxing" seems like it would have interesting results as well.


macrumors 6502
Mar 6, 2006
Bucks, UK
Abstract said:
Anyone else find it weird that we haven't had any topics where people are the main focus?

I said that in the last one, I like the courtship idea...perhaps we could call it relationships as that broadens it to parent/child etc.


macrumors G3
Feb 7, 2002
relaxing sounds good to me. so does courtship, which i would possibly extend to "relationships" as well...

stop letting us think so much and just tell us! ;)


macrumors 6502
Jan 5, 2006
What about Broken, or Rundown.

For sure not against any of the other suggestions though

edit: perhaps somone can come up with a better word then I did, I looked up some synonyms but can't quite get the right feeling for the word I want.


Moderator emeritus
Oct 21, 2003
Portland, OR
MacMosher said:
edit: perhaps somone can come up with a better word then I did, I looked up some synonyms but can't quite get the right feeling for the word I want.

Perhaps you should elaborate on what it is you're trying to say then?


macrumors 6502
Mar 6, 2006
Bucks, UK
Ok well, we've had people suggest and endorse 'courtship'/'relationships' in one mannor or another, so can we just have that and get going?

Rather than have a poll...blah blah blah...get caught in red tape...loose interest.....

Can't we just say, 'Relationships' is the topic for this month you have 3 weeks starting tomorrow?


macrumors G4
Original poster
Can do... although some like a poll rather than feeling foisted upon.

Relaxing and Relationships have had equal support though looking down the thread. Since relationships don't necessarily have to be human, it might be interesting. Or are we specifying human relationships? I'm a little wary of photographing strangers in public without access to a long lens.

I suspect we have enough to start a quick poll now with voting til Friday (5 May) which would give lots of shooting time.

Shortlist would be
Flowers (although there is a relatively active flower thread already) and maybe too specific

Clix Pix

macrumors Core
Applespider said:
Can do... although some like a poll rather than feeling foisted upon.

Relaxing and Relationships have had equal support though looking down the thread. Since relationships don't necessarily have to be human, it might be interesting. Or are we specifying human relationships? I'm a little wary of photographing strangers in public without access to a long lens.

IF we decide on "relationships" as a topic, then, yes I think it should be broadened to any sort, not just human.... Some of us don't have a lot of opportunities to photograph family or friends and as Applespider notes, shooting at perfect strangers in public is not a good idea, even with a long lens....

Yes, let's run a quick poll....


Clix Pix said:
IF we decide on "relationships" as a topic, then, yes I think it should be broadened to any sort, not just human....

I'm currently doing a project with some friends with the topic "networks", which can cover anything from hugely technical to human connections. I don't know if that's helpful or not....

Clix Pix

macrumors Core
Lau said:
I'm currently doing a project with some friends with the topic "networks", which can cover anything from hugely technical to human connections. I don't know if that's helpful or not....

Great idea for the topic, Lau! "Networks" encompasses so much more than simply "relationships" per se..... Jumping off from that, "Connections" also has nice possibilities.


Clix Pix said:
Great idea for the topic, Lau! "Networks" encompasses so much more than simply "relationships" per se..... Jumping off from that, "Connections" also has nice possibilities.

Ooh, I like connections.
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