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Do people who think that the 12.9 Pro is too large to tote around carry around a letter size notepad? Put that notepad in a portfolio style case and it is LARGER than the 12.9 Pro. I carry a padfolio (1/2 letter size) and that is why I'm very interested in an iPad Mini Plus. But if I carried a full letter size pad, I would find my 12.9 Pro to be fine as well.

I don't think its as much about carrying it as it is about actually using it in tablet mode, i.e. one handed reading , playing games in your lap, taking notes with the Pencil while walking around or other types of one handed use. The 10.5 is very comfortable in such use cases, whereas the 12.9 is not at all.

The decision comes down to the desktop experience (strictly laptop replacement) vs the multipurpose tablet experience (use split between laptop [desktop apps with keyboard], in tablet mode [hand held for games, reading, couch browsing], and note taking/drawing/painting mode with the Pencil).

You gotta choose what YOU use.
Yeah, I have to agree with that sentiment. I had the 10.5, exchanged for the 12.9 and found that to be too big, and so I went and swapped it out at apple one more time. I'm now very happy and very content. Its much easier to be commuting with this tablet then the 12.9. YMMV but I found the 10.5 is a great balance of power, features, and portability.
Did you replace the 12.9 at the same store where you exchanged it for your original 10.5 after 6 weeks of use? If so, what did they say? :p
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Yeah, so i decided to get the 10.5". Just strikes that perfect balance of portability AND screen size that suits me best. Now i just gotta decide btwn 256 & 512 gigs! Lol

I went for 256 but that's a question only you can answer.

My thoughts were that iOS is pretty small and the iPad is a cloud storage first device, not a final destination for saving my work.

The difference in cost from 256 to 512 is significant. The step up from lower capacities to 256 was bearable for me. 128 would probably be enough for me. I don't keep iTunes content on the device, I stream it. But currently I have about 200GB free that I'm planning to use for my own photos, video, etc.

Don't forget that imho to make the most of your pro you'll want the pencil and some sort of keyboard. Adding both of those raises the total cost significantly.

But without those features (especially the pencil) you should take a long hard look at the regular iPad IMHO. It's not as good, sure. But it's a LOT cheaper and still a great tablet.
I went for 256 but that's a question only you can answer.

My thoughts were that iOS is pretty small and the iPad is a cloud storage first device, not a final destination for saving my work.

The difference in cost from 256 to 512 is significant. The step up from lower capacities to 256 was bearable for me. 128 would probably be enough for me. I don't keep iTunes content on the device, I stream it. But currently I have about 200GB free that I'm planning to use for my own photos, video, etc.

Don't forget that imho to make the most of your pro you'll want the pencil and some sort of keyboard. Adding both of those raises the total cost significantly.

But without those features (especially the pencil) you should take a long hard look at the regular iPad IMHO. It's not as good, sure. But it's a LOT cheaper and still a great tablet.

Yup. I totally plan on getting the Apple pencil. Its one of the main reasons im upgrading to an ipad pro. To draw with it. I also plan to edit lots of video. So thats why im thinking bout getting the 512 gigs. Although 256 could work too since i have an imac at home. But i do plan to do a lot of traveling and will be on the road much of the time with the ipad being my only device besides my phone.

Don't plan on getting the smart keypad cover tho. I find the virtual keyboard on the 10.5" pro works great for me.
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If you want to save money, buy a 9.7 pro for the road and 12.9 home :)

There are some excellent prices on the 9.7 Pro right now. In my area, it's been on sale for as low as $400.00 for the 32 GB model. I still have an appreciation for the 9.7 size. To me, it's the perfect cross between not to and not to small.
Yeah, I went back to the 10.5, I just was not enjoying the 12.9, it was too big for how I use it

Went on a retreat to Lake Arrowhead this weekend. Someone brought up their 12.9"

Have to say, I thought I'd have instant buyers remorse of my 10.5" seeing a 12.9", but seeing how huge it was definitely confirmed to me that my 10.5" was the right size for me. I think it would've been a harder choice if it was still 9.7" vs 12.9", but the smaller bezels and increased screen size makes the 10.5" a good size screen.

Overall, I'm happy I resisted my temptation of having largest screen possible. I learned, because every time I have to carry my 15" rMBP somewhere, I definitely wish I had gone for a 13" rMBP.
Overall, I'm happy I resisted my temptation of having largest screen possible. I learned, because every time I have to carry my 15" rMBP somewhere, I definitely wish I had gone for a 13" rMBP.

I have a 15 rMBP and when I travel I sure notice the weight of it!
Ended up going with the 10.5 for now. I spent a fair amount of time in store with both, however the 12.9 did not have a smart keyboard attached. For me it could have been a coin flip decision, as both have their pros and cons.

The 10.5 with a case and a smart keyboard attached is shockingly small and light compared with my current 13 mbp (not the smaller 16-17 chassis). Doesn't make a huge difference as 90% of the time its carried in a backpack, but for overnight trips/traveling/ etc I could see it making a difference.

The 12.9 I just could not get over holding it with one hand by itself, let alone a case or smart keyboard. But other than couch surfing or journal reading this is probably not a frequent scenario for me. I think the larger bezels make it feel substantially bigger just in comparison.

Two things I don't like about the 10.5.
1) The smart keyboard does not sit flat. Have done some research and have noticed this is a pretty common problem, unsure if its batch related or just a fault of the product.
2) Having not used an ipad in a long time, I did not realize the differences between iphone tailored apps and ipad apps. Where this makes a difference is multi-tasking, where the 50/50 split uses the iphone scaled apps and can be fairly annoying (no tabs in safari, limited controls with onenote etc).

Although my requirements are pretty light, some quirks with both the mobile apps and hardware of the 10.5 (see keyboard) may push me to the 12.9 or to picking up a new MBP instead.

Hope that helps anyone looking at both.
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Of course we can't be sure, but I really doubt Apple will release a mini-pro. I really think plus sized iPhones have pretty much killed the line.

Anyway, I went from the original 12.9, to 9.7, and am back at 12.9. While I was initially thrilled with the portability of the 9.7, I did eventually miss the size of the 12.9. It's actually not that less portable, and Duetdisplay works better with it as a shared screen for a laptop.

If you're going to get one and are at all interested in the 12.9, try the 12.9 first. It's easier to rule out that it's too big and go down to the 10.5, rather than realizing it after you've already returned a 10.5.

I hope not because the iPad mini actually gets iPad apps and not iPhone apps only. There is a difference even if the screen size is the same.
2) Having not used an ipad in a long time, I did not realize the differences between iphone tailored apps and ipad apps. Where this makes a difference is multi-tasking, where the 50/50 split uses the iphone scaled apps and can be fairly annoying (no tabs in safari, limited controls with onenote etc).

Starting in iOS 11, Safari has tabs in 50/50 view on 9.7” and 10.5” iPads. So that’s at least one pain point that will be addressed in the fall.
Yeah, I went back to the 10.5, I just was not enjoying the 12.9, it was too big for how I use it
Whoah--so you went from the 10.5" to the 12.9" and then back to the 10.5" again? I think I remember you writing a thread about how cool Apple was about letting you switch. Were they just as cool about letting you switch back?
Starting in iOS 11, Safari has tabs in 50/50 view on 9.7” and 10.5” iPads. So that’s at least one pain point that will be addressed in the fall.

I just installed the iOS 11 beta today and noticed some of the differences. However the swipe from the side to multi task an app seemingly doesn’t work, nor the pull from the top down to switch apps in the 25/50% pane, maybe just a glitch of iOS 11 or the apps I’m using.

I also think with the keyboard that the dock/recent apps may be easier to pull up with the 12.9 due to the thicker bezels (more room between the bottom of the screen and the top of the keyboard).

2 more usage notes: The 10.5 keyboard does not sit flat, and the keyboard seems to angle up about half an inch, which is somewhat annoying while typing but not the end of the world, certainly a fault in a 150$ keyboard. After some searching and a call to apple, this seems to be a recurring problem (albeit the only solution is trying to bend the hinge or just replace it.

I seem to use the pencil and keyboard simultaneously while working, and the 10.5 is easy to reach each corner without really lifting your arm from the desk using the length of the pencil. Not sure that would be the case with the 12.9. The 10.5 really does just “feel right” in the hands and even at the desk (probably because you sit closer).

The only issue is when watching any videos with more than one person (say on a coffee table) or multi tasking. With the 50/50 split I am constantly zooming, readjusting and eventually just cmd tab between programs. The 12.9 undoubtedly has it there.
In landscape mode I never really felt cramped on one note, and being able to hold the iPad with one hand against the desk while taking notes was not bad.

Maybe old habits die hard but i still find myself reaching for the macbook for video watching, and switching through web browsing, PowerPoints and other apps. I’ll give it another week before I decide if it could actually prevent me from taking my laptop with me or if the 12.9 or a new mb is really the answer.
Whoah--so you went from the 10.5" to the 12.9" and then back to the 10.5" again? I think I remember you writing a thread about how cool Apple was about letting you switch. Were they just as cool about letting you switch back?
Yes, indeed, I'm extremely pleased at their customer support, yet as I worked through my usage, I did not want that level of gratitude to influence or prevent me from making the right decision. I'm very pleased and content with my 10.5. I suppose as I posted in that thread, the grass is greener and I erred in my decision but in the end, I now have the iPad that I really like :)
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I just installed the iOS 11 beta today and noticed some of the differences. However the swipe from the side to multi task an app seemingly doesn’t work, nor the pull from the top down to switch apps in the 25/50% pane, maybe just a glitch of iOS 11 or the apps I’m using.
The multitasking system has been completely redesigned in iOS 11 and no longer works the way it did in iOS 9/10. Split view and slide over view are created by dragging apps up from the dock. The grabber at the top is only used to switch the app from slide over to split view and back. It no longer accesses app switching for the second app. The good news is that this system allows for the 75/25 view to be on either the right or the left and you can also have multiple pairs of split view apps. You may want to visit Apple’s iOS 11 site or read some of the articles on this site to learn more. The new system is a bit more complicated compared to iOS 9/10 but is also much more powerful.
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