I need the "folders on top" feature of TotalFinder, but it doesn't work with 10.11. Anyone recommend a replacement that has a "folders on top" feature? Thanks!
Method 1:
Method 2:
- Boot to recovery partition
- Choose Utilities
- Security Configuration
- Turn off
- Open terminal then enter
Code:ba=$(nvram boot-args | sed -E "s/boot-args|rootless=.//g"); sudo nvram boot-args="rootless=0$(if [[ $ba = *[!\ ]* ]];then printf " ";echo ${ba[*]};fi)"; osascript -e 'tell app "loginwindow" to «event aevtrrst»'
sudo /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Set Folder \" Folder\"" /System/Library/CoreServices/Finder.app/Contents/Resources/English.lproj/InfoPlist.strings; killall Finder
sudo /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Set Folder \"Folder\"" /System/Library/CoreServices/Finder.app/Contents/Resources/English.lproj/InfoPlist.strings; killall Finder
Check out this link: http://discuss.binaryage.com/t/totalfinder-status-under-os-x-10-11-el-capitan/3858
It looks like the TotalFinder folks have a beta that runs on 10.11
I've not tried it out,since I'm not rocking with 10.11 nor do I use TotalFinder
Try this workaround, I have not checked it though as I don't have 10.11:
wOlf, could you clarify something? Your statement that "cDock also has an option to do this" implies that you have have cDock working running El Capitán DP1. Is that correct? I cannot stand the look of the standard Yosemite dock, and as you know the latest Developers and Public beta of 10.4 changed something that broke cDock (EasySimble if I am not mistaken). None of the posts (tickets on the Sourceforce cDock page) I have seen clarify that situation. I assume I am not the only one concerned about whether or not cDock will work in OS X 11, so while I realize you must be very busy, please do reply concerning this issue.That's literally exactly what I already posted except way more steps and doesn't mention that you need to turn off rootless but yes it does work.
cDock also has an option to do this in the extra settings if terminal is 2spooky4u.
wOlf, could you clarify something? Your statement that "cDock also has an option to do this" implies that you have have cDock working running El Capitán DP1. Is that correct? I cannot stand the look of the standard Yosemite dock, and as you know the latest Developers and Public beta of 10.4 changed something that broke cDock (EasySimble if I am not mistaken). None of the posts (tickets on the Sourceforce cDock page) I have seen clarify that situation. I assume I am not the only one concerned about whether or not cDock will work in OS X 11, so while I realize you must be very busy, please do reply concerning this issue.
Thanks for the info!! Personally, I really hope you find a way around the difficulties involved as I dislike the way Apple has rendered the look of the dock in Yosemite and onwards.No cDock themes don't work on 10.11 and I have no idea when/if they will be working.
EasySIMBL is actually working on 10.11 but I'm not really certain how to get dock theming working again. From what I can tell the Dock app is now written in Swift (I can no longer use Class-dump to get the dock classes https://github.com/nygard/class-dump/issues/51). What that means for getting the bundle working again I'm not entirely sure of.
That being said all the plist based stuff (basically everything but dock themes) works.
I have xtrafinder installed, which is partially working for me. I have only "folders on top" and "cut and paste" working for me. I personally don't need the rest of the options. I have it installed for 2 weeks now and it hasn't crashed since.
However if you will select other options, it will crash and you won't be able to open xtrafinder until you delete finder.plist and reset it.
Step 1: Turn off rootless
Step 2: Open terminal
Step 3: Paste this in and press return
Step 4: Open FinderCode:sudo /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Set Folder \" Folder\"" /System/Library/CoreServices/Finder.app/Contents/Resources/English.lproj/InfoPlist.strings; killall Finder
Step 5: Command + J
Step 6: Sort (or Arrange) By > Kind
To undo this:
Code:sudo /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Set Folder \"Folder\"" /System/Library/CoreServices/Finder.app/Contents/Resources/English.lproj/InfoPlist.strings; killall Finder
I'm going to request "Folders on Top" at https://www.apple.com/feedback/macosx.html
A whole lot of us should
Thank you for providing these terminal commands. I disabled the system protection and ran the terminal command and afterwards I enabled the system protection and it is still working. I am happy that I don't don't have instal Xtrafinder or total finder now.
Just a quick question: Would you know by any chance how to enable cut and paste like xtrafinder and total finder has done by doing a terminal command?
The question was quick, but the answer not I'm afraid, but maybe it helps. I'm still adapting to living without TotalFinder. ;-)Just a quick question: Would you know by any chance how to enable cut and paste like xtrafinder and total finder has done by doing a terminal command?
There was also another function of TotalFinder I missed, being able to copy the path of a folder or file. I now use some Automator services for that.
Right-click on a file/folder, then hold down the option key. There is now (in El Capitan) an option to copy the file path. Option + command + C also works.