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Daniel1948: Glad your issue is resolved.....

It's a bit early to say it's resolved. Just that it's been working for a couple of weeks now without issues.

Have you asked them point-blank for a refund or replacement? Something like: "The phone is defective. I informed you of this within the 14-day return period but agreed to let you fix it. You were unable to fix it. I'd like to return it now for a full refund." Or words to that effect. Then if they offer to replace it rather than refund it, you might accept that as a compromise, since it sounds like you like the iOS environment and would probably be happy with the phone if it worked properly.

Wishing you all the best...
It's a bit early to say it's resolved. Just that it's been working for a couple of weeks now without issues.

Have you asked them point-blank for a refund or replacement? Something like: "The phone is defective. I informed you of this within the 14-day return period but agreed to let you fix it. You were unable to fix it. I'd like to return it now for a full refund." Or words to that effect. Then if they offer to replace it rather than refund it, you might accept that as a compromise, since it sounds like you like the iOS environment and would probably be happy with the phone if it worked properly.

Wishing you all the best...
Daniel1948: Two weeks is pretty encouraging! Hope it keeps up. My issues began after a few days and then diminished to a day or two of working. You mention 14 days. I don't see this in any of the literature. I have AppleCare. Hardware issues are covered. My issues began immediately. But at first I returned to the store where I bought the phone and finally called Apple support about 3 weeks after purchasing, a tad short of 14 days. With a trip in between and calls to support, doing a software switch-out and being able to travel to the Apple Store, it's now almost 3 months into purchase date. I will "use the words" and be strong now when I go back. Hard to demand things but guess it's time. Hope there are no problems. I believe I'm covered for hardware issues. What is this 14 day deal? I do like the iOS environ but am flexible to change if quality diminishes.
My understanding is that all Apple gadgets can be returned for a full refund, no questions asked, within 14 days of purchase.

However, if you have AppleCare, then you're covered for a year, full warranty. If they cannot fix the problem, they should replace the item.

I would tell them, "You tried to fix it and you failed. Now please replace it."
@frequent reader:

Last January, my iPhone 6 #1 started randomly restarting. It happened mostly when I wasn't using it. I was only aware that it had restarted because when I went to use my phone, I would see the message that touch ID was required after a restart. I would then find my wifi disabled and the button to turn it on was greyed out, so it couldn't be toggled back on. I was able to get it working again by various steps, ranging from just turning the phone off and back on, hard reset, or resetting network settings. The issue just got progressively worse over 3 months, where it would take progessively aggressive steps to get the wifi able to toggle on again. Eventually, it reached the point where the bluetooth also stopped working. A factory reset without restoring a backup showed no wifi or bluetooth function. At that point, Apple agreed it was a hardware issue and they replaced the phone.

Whole story is here:

I wanted to mention that through all of this, I have not had Apple Care, yet I had phone support from two techs. I was within my warranty period for phone #1. The last tech I dealt with said that my problem with the second phone was Apple's fault, so it was replaced at no cost to me at all. Apparently my Canadian issued phone should not have been replaced with a U.S. issued phone in the first place. The one I got from the U.S. simply stopped working 30 days after I got it and I was back in Canada.

While I am pleased with the support I got, I am wondering if, had I been in this position with another brand of phone, I could have simply received a replacement from the vendor. (At the time the first phone had problems, however, I was not in a position to visit the original vendor to get a replacement.) It's rather a nuisance that one cannot just get a replacement authorization from Apple and go to one's original vendor with that for a replacement, rather than all the hassle of the item being shipped from Apple. (I had a rather harrowing experience getting my replacement phone due to poor communication from shipping companies, but it all worked out in the end.) This is something I will be considering when my contract is up with my carrier and I will be able to get another smart phone at a discount.
MiniGrek: Wow! You sure did have a pile of problems. I'm feeling like my issues are very small potatoes in comparison. Actually, my phone works in most ways.. Except for Touch ID and a few quirks. Glad it all worked out for you in the end. That is the most bizarre story yet!
daniel1948: I found the 14 day return time on Apple's legal return policy info. It is for purchases directly through Apple. Otherwise returns go to stores where you made the purchase. Guess that is standard for most purchases. Most situations such as mine have to do with warranties and extra warranty coverage such as Applecare. I like your advice. But if they think they can fix, they insist on trying. I'll try demanding a new phone this time. They can only try fixing so many times. Thanks again!
It's me again! I made a second stop at the Mac Store Genius Bar and they immediately replaced my phone for a new phone. I was a happy camper! But since I had to travel a distance each Genius Bar appointment, I wish they would have just done that to begin with as I really did all the steps humanly possible. I've had pretty good luck with the touch ID ever since, although it doesn't always work... but many times will work. I'll accept that... as it's better than never working and better than entering in the six digit code every darn time I use the phone. I did, however, learn something interesting. This Genius Bar person did mention that while it's unlikely this could happen again, there could be a chance it could still happen. There was not a clear record kept by the Mac consultant I dealt with over the phone who helped me change out the software in one of the attempts to "fix" the issue. If the software replaced was not replaced as if to a "new" phone then if the issue was somehow caused by software, the issue could be carried over (bad software) to another phone when re-entering of my phone information. Scary thought! far so good. It's lasted longer than any other fingerprint ID use and hate to say it, but the confidence level is rising :)
Cannot believe this... but my touch ID stop working AGAIN even with a second brand new phone. So hardware is not the issue. In reporting this latest to Mac, I discovered it still could possibly be bad software. It seems that the process used for replacing the software with the "old" new phone might not have gone through totally (or something) and the "bad" software could still be there and causing the issues since the software was saved on i-Tunes and reloaded onto my brand new phone. So today, I had a call-back appointment with an Apple Rep to re-do the software process. My fingers are crossed that this will last. They're going to call me in a few days to see how it's going. In the past, the touch ID lasted at times as long as a week before totally not working. So hope everything keeps going and I can pass on good news to them. If not, I'll just give up, unless they have a follow-up for this. Is it me and my "dry" fingers??? Or what??? I'm being persistent with my follow-up with Mac as I won't pay for the phone for 2 years and want it to work for a long while. Sigh.... Besides, I've had Apple Support for years with all my previous Macs and now Im finally able to use it :) Not something I like doing though. But they have been very nice about it, thankfully! I will wait a while and someday will hopefully report to all some good news for a change. Hope this saga helps anyone else who might be experiencing this. Until we meet again...
FWIW, my touch ID has worked without problems since I last re-set my fingerprints. <Touch wood!> This morning it demanded my passcode, but I think it does that every couple of days as a security measure. (?) ...

It happened again. It seems to work for a few weeks and then quits and I have to re-set my fingerprints. I can live with this. I'm never locked out of my phone because there's always the passcode. And while this bug or glitch is annoying, it's not really that big a deal. I'm going to report it to Apple, so it's on record in case it gets worse in the future, but I'm not going to ask for a new phone or a repair until and unless a definite fix becomes available.
I am so very happy to report some good news! The swapped out (my new i-phone 6S with another) and the follow-up switch from "bad" software to good software seems to have fixed my fingerprint issue. Rarely, I will need to enter my passcode... and the touch ID consistently works with my thumb print. Although my other fingerprint quit working soon after entering it, the thumb print continues to work. This is the longest period of time for the touch ID to work for me, about a month duration. I'm going to consider this fixed. I hope I'm not jinxing this by reporting this positive experience... but have to say, it's nice having a phone that is easy to use once again.
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I have a new i-phone 6S and my touch id is does not consistently work. I have entered various fingerprints and each time the latest print works for a short time and then quits; a previous print quits completely. None of my prints will work. I contacted apple support and a senior rep guided me to connect my phone to my computer to erase the software and reload it. After that, it began to work consistently for about a week. And now again the issue arises. I entered a new print and it will sometimes read that print. Now it will not read any of them. Has anyone else run into this issue? Everyone I know who uses an i-phone has not had my issue. I think it must now be a faulty phone (hardware) and not the software. Help! Any ideas?

I also have begun having this problem since I stupidly upgraded phone to 12.1. Every day I have to redo. Every day I have to reset my banks Touch ID. I am sick about this.
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