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macrumors member
Original poster
Oct 11, 2007

Here are my recommended methods:


Requires Java (but older and more tested):

If those don't work, I would advise the older alpha (it's now been well-tested, but it does lack auto-install of SSH):


It is impossible to brick, or render permanently inoperable, your iPod touch. These instructions will work. Repeat them if they do not work the first time (since some of the manuevers do require good timing).

My previous restore instructions did not work so well as I found out when I first tried to test them (they were copied off of another website). I apologize for that, but here are the ones that do work for me every time:

1. If the iPod is on, turn it off. If it is not responding to commands, hold down the Home and Stand-by buttons until it turns off (will be less than 30 seconds).
2. After it has turned off, turn it back on with a special key combination. First push the Stand-by button, then push the Home button while still holding the Stand-by button. You must already be holding the Home button by the time the Apple logo displays.
3. Within moments, the Apple logo will display. At this point, release the Stand-by button but do not release the home button.
4. Hold the Home button until the logo asking you to plug the iPod into iTunes displays. You are now in Restore Mode.

Essentially the last three steps are this:
1. Push down the Stand-by button.
2. Push down the Home button.
[Apple logo displays]
3. Release the Stand-by button.
[Connect to iTunes displays]
4. Release the Home button.

If iTunes still errors during Restore, a reboot of your COMPUTER will often fix the issue. If not, just take it to a friend's computer or reinstall iTunes. Trust me, your iPod is not bricked. If you think it's bricked, I'd be glad to take it off your hands for $10. ;)

Older stuff:

Old command line version (revision 5):

Source (for revision 5):

Old readme:


- Username to SSH is root, password is alpine
- Recommended SSH client is PuTTY
- Recommended SFTP client is WinSCP
- If you're getting "connection timed out" errors, continually browse with Safari on the iPod
while trying to connect to keep wi-fi active.


- iPhuc will not show / after this procedure, but you can get root by typing the following command into iPhuc:



You can restore at any time during or after the jailbreak process. Your iPod will be in a fresh, un-jailbroken

If you're having trouble restoring your iPod, first put it into recovery mode.

If you're still having trouble, a reboot of your computer is often helpful.

I end the iTunesHelper.exe process, which is responsible for launching iTunes whenever an iPod is connected. So if you connect your iPod and iTunes doesn't appear and sync as always, just open iTunes yourself and tell it to sync. It should work fine. A reboot of your computer will restore the iTunesHelper.exe process.
Sounds great!

One quick question. I sync my iPod from my Mac, but I also have a PC.

Could I Jailbreak my iPod from my PC and then still sync with my Mac?

Thanks. :)
By close iTunes do you mean just close or end all the processes?

touchFree will try to end all the processes, but sometimes iTunes refuses to close and touchFree appears to just hang. So it's probably safest to end all the processes associated with iTunes yourself.
Can anyone help me out? While running touchfree.exe, it gets to reading ipod flash image then to patching ipod flash image. but then after that i receive an error message from windows and it closes the process. any pointers?
plz help, I jailbreaked the iPod but got no idea how to put apps on it. I downloaded the iPhone apps and all but got no idea how to put the apps on it. I read some guides on this and it says I need sprt for it. how do I open this sprt program, I used your guide to jailbreak my iPod and got no clue how go open this sprt thing so I can access the /Applications/ folder. plz tell me if its in the zip folder for touchfree3 and if so what name. Also I need to use SSH in the end to do this command thing, where is that located
Are these steps it or is there more? How long does this take. Is there a different process for installing the actual apps once its jailbroken?

Is anyone else still having major problems getting iNdependence installed? I've got iphuc working and everything is reuploaded to the ipod and working great, i've restarted the ipod using the slider method like it says everywhere. iNdependence says everything is good but it says failed each time...

Anyway if someone has a solution that would be great.

HOWEVER you don't HAVE to get it installed to atleast try a few things (I mostly wanted to get the missing iPhone apps on it). I found out a way to get around having to use SSH mostly by using the easier method found here to get springboard patched and installed.

I followed those instructions, as well as downloaded the iPhone 1.1.1 apps and put those in the Applications directory on the mounted disk image.

This is great, but the perms are wrong and the apps will just crash....

in order to fix that open terminal and do this:
chmod -R a+x /Volumes/Snowbird3A110a.N45Bundle/Applications/*

I did this by typing the first part of the chmod command in and then dragging the Applications frolder from the mounted image, then adding * at the end.

After running that I was able to unmount the image and used putfile via iPhuc to put the .dmg to the iPod.

So far I can atleast play with my apps.

If anyone is in iNdependence hell like I was hopefully this will help you.
Can anyone help me out? While running touchfree.exe, it gets to reading ipod flash image then to patching ipod flash image. but then after that i receive an error message from windows and it closes the process. any pointers?

Yep, I get the same thing.

I have followed the instructions down to a T.

Running XP 2000
Moves iTunesmobiledevice.dll to same folder as touchfree.exe
Restored my iPod
Yes, I have .NET Framwork 2.0 installed
Yes, I visited on my ipod and safari did crash.
Ran touchfree.exe and I got up to 'patching ipod flash image' and then got a error mesage and the program crashed

Any ideas how to get this fixed? :(

plz help, I jailbreaked the iPod but got no idea how to put apps on it. I downloaded the iPhone apps and all but got no idea how to put the apps on it. I read some guides on this and it says I need sprt for it. how do I open this sprt program, I used your guide to jailbreak my iPod and got no clue how go open this sprt thing so I can access the /Applications/ folder. plz tell me if its in the zip folder for touchfree3 and if so what name. Also I need to use SSH in the end to do this command thing, where is that located

plz guys I've been on forums for hours looking for a answer to this, help me plz.
Well sweet I finally got iNdependence to work. I was messing with the SpringBoard plist to get editing in mobilecal and had to reupload the system .dmg. After restarting this time and trying to reinstall iNdependence it finally worked!

Which enabled me to do the necessary changes to have iTunes sync!

Everything is working great now!
Ran touchfree.exe and I got up to 'patching ipod flash image' and then got a error mesage and the program crashed

Any ideas how to get this fixed? :(


How much time did it spend on reading the iPod flash image? Do you have a 300 MB file called rdisk0s1 in the same directory now?

One more question. Are you using firmware version 1.1.1 or the one that came with the iPod?
how long does it normally take to "patching ipod flash image"??

its taking so long... i have .NET Framework 2.0 installed, by the way i actually got it jailbreaked but i was kinda confused which steps to go next, i think i got it screwed up and thats why i decided to run touch.exe again.

though i am using mac,i using parallels to run the jailbreaker for windoze :(

i cant restore it, using iTunes, how can i restore it to begin the hack again?
Being, do you know why this error occurs? It happens while patching the ipod, and it happens immediately.
Ok i get this no one can provide me with any help so far ?

Planetbeing what do you think?

Please help been trying to jailbreak for 3 days...


  • fstabyou.JPG
    40.7 KB · Views: 1,431
ya i know i have restored like 5 or 6 times it says its 1.1.1 (3a110a) so i dunno any thoughts as what to try ?

There should be a file called fstab now in the same directory as touchfree. Paste its contents here.
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