this might fix your problem
Thanks for trying, but nope... Still quits on startup...
I think I will sleep now... Have been trying for 12 hours...
Will try in the morning.
this might fix your problem
This jailbreak works on the 1.1.1 firmware that fixed screen problems. So I'm not 100% what you're asking.
Did you do the jailbreak on the old firmware? The instructions did say to start with a fresh 1.1.1 update.
Before I try this new method, could someone plz confirm that this works with Windows Vista ?
Confirmed there was another qtmlclient.dll file it was contained in 3gp converter a common video converter for ipod. You might want to add that bit of info to your original post as in something like:
Warning if you use 3gp converter for converting videos for ipod please delete this file: C:\Documents and Settings\user\My Documents\3gp\cores\qtmlclient.dll
Thanks alot im going to re attempt jailbreak.
Jailbreak was unsuccessful same error occurred again.
If you are getting the same error regarding /etc/fstab, please read my first reply to you regarding giving me a copy of the fstab file that should now be in your touchfree directory.
The only way i knew how to upload it was as a text file. I looked at it and modified it to the content i found on the web and reattempted jailbreak and it was still unable to work. Unless my procedure was wrong.
aaagh, how come i cant use the terminal in winSCP?, To get some iPhone apps on the touch i have to enter a command, but i cant use the terminal! i just get the error message : Connection has unexpectedly closed. Server sent command exit status 127. Error skipping startup message. Your shell is probably incompatible with the application (BASH is recommended).
I tried jailbreaking it again but now i get stuck on the patching IPod stage again. In the settings I have 300MB of storage and the right version - just no installer icon on the UI screen.
That looks like a normal, unpatched fstab. Make sure you're running 1.1.1, restore, and follow the manual instructions at up to step 15. Make sure you do the hex editing right (best to replace it character by character) or you'll render your iPod incapable of booting and have to restore.
See if you see multiple copies of the fstab file in the image, but to be honest, I doubt it. You honestly shouldn't have this problem if you had restored right before trying touchfree.
After you complete step 15, execute touchfree from the Windows command-line (ask around if you don't know how to do that): touchfree two. This will start the procedure at stage two, and you'll be all right.
OK it officially screwed everything up - itunes does not detect my ipod anymore. Can anyone help fix this?