ok i get on step 14 failed to write to remote file 4
this happened when in the very beginning when i tried this so i tried your program wth is wrong ?![]()
Never seen this before. Try the command again a few times, but it's probably what caused my program to fail in the first place.
Ok I tried it again and still no luck - same problem with having no installer icon showing up. I am thinking that I am not rebooting properly. I am used to turning the IPod on and off using the power button in the top left hand corner - how does one slide to turn it off?
Yep - just figured that out - sorry for the dumb question and thank you. Hopefully the third time will be the charm.
OK - looks like I'm in. I see the installer icon on my Ipod now although I see nothing about a TripPogo whatever. At this point I have to find the apps on my own correct?
i have, same thing occurs after restore and everything.
Sorry, man. I don't know what to suggest anymore, but I'm going to guess that it's probably a computer-specific issue. Maybe you could try using a friend's computer?
aaagh, how come i cant use the terminal in winSCP?, To get some iPhone apps on the touch i have to enter a command, but i cant use the terminal! i just get the error message : Connection has unexpectedly closed. Server sent command exit status 127. Error skipping startup message. Your shell is probably incompatible with the application (BASH is recommended).
planet - can you post a changelog, especially from v4 onward. curious what's changed in version 5. thanks!
Could anyone direct me to a link for the snycing problem? ive got the installer apps program on but cant connect it to itunes. thanks in advance
I didn't need to use any sort of terminal or enter any command. All I did was right-click on (for example) Maps.app after uploading it and choose to enable Execute permission for the user. That sets the 'x' bit permission it needs.
It's the same effect as that command you would enter into a terminal - it sets the permission so the user can run the file.
There ought not to be a sync'ing problem. What happens when you open iTunes and connect the iPod?
I restarted my computer. plugged in the the touch and itunes still diddnt open. when i personally open itunes it states, "The software required for iphone is not installed. Run the itunes installer to remove itunes, then install itunes again. i went through the control panel then uninstalled itunes. downloaded it again off apples webpage and installed it. and again i get the same error message.
It sounds like you moved iTunesMobileDevice.dll from C:\Program Files\Common Files\Apple\Mobile Device Support\bin when I had instructed you to copy it. Try copying it back to the folder.