Cause they're idiots.
I'm not hell-bent on breaking the rules, I just hate stupid rules.
No, you just hate that the rules apply to even you. Special you, who takes it on yourself to "interpret" rules that affect my survival. I think it's so sad that we have gotten to this place in society, where so many people are in their little cocoon where no rules apply. You see if every day, even walking down the aisle of a supermarket. I challenge anyone to walk every aisle and not be run into by somebody so engrossed in texting that they don't see where they are going. (Oh, and they are obviously THE ONLY PERSON IN THE STORE as they hover in front of the shelf, their cart blocking the way, while they discuss at length just what kind of pasta their spouse sent them for, or their most recent surgery at maximum volume...)
These are the same, unthinking people who are willing to endanger my life for their slightest convenience or even to "make a point". No real harm walking down the supermarket aisle bumping into people, or holding up the checkout line because their phone conversation is more important than answering the checker's question, other than making fools of themselves. But the same people, no doubt, will do the same thing in their car or on an airplane, where my safety is endangered.
(Since California banned holding a cell phone while driving, I contend driving has become MORE DANGEROUS because of the damn fools going into "stealth mode" holding their phones in all sorts of odd ways trying to "duck" and not be spotted... Of course they are even more obvious and have even less control of their vehicles than they would if they'd hold the phone in a more conventional way. Or they could just get a Bluetooth or wired headset or use the speakerphone function. But that's for everybody else, you know.)
The supermarket example is a good way to observe just how many jerks the rapid adoption of personal electronics has produced. It is said that it takes society 50 years to fully adapt to any new technology.
God forbid anybody should comply with these "stupid rules" simply because it would be polite.