OK, so I had to take my MBP to the "Genius" Bar for a bad optical drive, so after I was done (they ordered the part, and I'll have to take the machine back later because I needed it), I tried an iPad 3G.
I must say it's a nicely made device; very hefty and solid. Screen is amazing. But as cool as it is, I can't get over the fact that you can't slip it in your pocket.
So I'll be getting an iPhone 4 once it goes to another carrier.
Anyone else feel this way about the iPad? I mean, it's a really cool device, but I want pocket portability.
I must say it's a nicely made device; very hefty and solid. Screen is amazing. But as cool as it is, I can't get over the fact that you can't slip it in your pocket.
Anyone else feel this way about the iPad? I mean, it's a really cool device, but I want pocket portability.