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I'm going to buy an Ipad because I want one. It's simple as that. Yes, I know, it basically is a big Ipod touch, but people who see that as a downside don't realize what you could do with a BIG Ipod Touch. I can see myself doing a lot of things on this device, I can this partly replacing my laptop and desktop. Twitter, Facebook, RSS, E-mail, Browsing, watching movies, watching tv-series, Podcasts, Vodcast, Music, Books, Note-taking. Even drawing and basic video-editing I can do when I'm on the go. A mobile device that can do all that in a fun and quite easy way? Why wouldn't I want an Ipad?
OK, so I had to take my MBP to the "Genius" Bar for a bad optical drive, so after I was done (they ordered the part, and I'll have to take the machine back later because I needed it), I tried an iPad 3G.

I must say it's a nicely made device; very hefty and solid. Screen is amazing. But as cool as it is, I can't get over the fact that you can't slip it in your pocket. :( So I'll be getting an iPhone 4 once it goes to another carrier.

Anyone else feel this way about the iPad? I mean, it's a really cool device, but I want pocket portability.

Not another: "I saw the iPad, I didn't buy one but want to complain or say why I didn't" thread.
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