Dont get me started about iMovie!
Its an EDITING app, Correct?
For editing Movies, Correct?
Its not a SatNAv or in any way a navigation or location app, Correct?
Then why oh why did apple decide to make the app unusable UNLESS you turn on location services and your GPS? :-0
I mean really, ... REALLY!
ReelDirector is great, it does everything i need and does not force me to allow it access to my location services or GPS etc...
So i am unable to comment on iMoive as i have never used it as i REFUSE to give an EDITING app access to my location and GPS. I own the app and did pay for it, however i aint giving it access to my location just to edit a movie! TomTom and Navigon etc can have my location, but iMovie... i dont think so!
I say try ReelDirector for when you want to save and conserve battery etc and not have you GPS and location pushed out when all you want to do is edit a movie.
Im angry today arnt i