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OT: iMovie for the iPhone is missing a lot of features, it's really not worth the price Apple is selling it for.
OT: iMovie for the iPhone is missing a lot of features, it's really not worth the price Apple is selling it for.

I have ReelDirector - but not iMovie. Both are the same price. In fact, ReelDirector was more expensive that iMovie is now and has similar features (and had less then)

4.99 for a video editing software package on a phone. I don't know what you're unrealistic expectations are - but that's not expensive or "not really worth the price Apple is selling it for"

my .02

Both editing apps can always use more features... but again it's 4.99. That's nothing in the scheme of things to EDIT ON YOUR PHONE. People are cheap when it comes to Apps...
I have ReelDirector - but not iMovie. Both are the same price. In fact, ReelDirector was more expensive that iMovie is now and has similar features (and had less then)

4.99 for a video editing software package on a phone. I don't know what you're unrealistic expectations are - but that's not expensive or "not really worth the price Apple is selling it for"

my .02

Both editing apps can always use more features... but again it's 4.99. That's nothing in the scheme of things to EDIT ON YOUR PHONE. People are cheap when it comes to Apps...
I'm not complaining about the price itself, but the actual bang for your buck. iMovie shouldn't even be named after the desktop app because of how little it resembles the actual program itself.

Compared to other <$4.99 apps on the App Store, it seems like it was coded and developed in less than a week ONLY for it to be listed as another feature and selling point with the iPhone 4 (every Genius I've heard has mentioned it at least once when demoing the phone to customers).

To top it all off, it hasn't even been updated since it's release, it's still on version 1.0.
OT: iMovie for the iPhone is missing a lot of features, it's really not worth the price Apple is selling it for.

Agreed. I realize it was going to be a basic video editor, but it seems to lack basic video editing ability (like being able to insert pics/video/whatever in the middle of a clip). And, yeah, it's not that intuitive to use either. I couldn't even figure out how to get it to do a work around the fact you can't insert things int he middle (you can only cut off the beginning or end and I got frustrated trying to figure out how to tell it I wanted to keep the first part of the clip or the last part, it seemed to make up its own mind what part to cut and what to keep).

I wish I hadn't paid for it, it wasn't worth it and in my opinion left out a very basic part of video editing.

And yeah, they haven't even done one update on it. I kinda forgot I had it cause I haven't even seen it in the app updates and I gave up on using it.
I don't know, but for $5 it isn't all that bad. I'm actually enjoying it and see lots of potential with it.
I've made about a half-dozen videos with it so far. Yeah, there are some missing features. But heck -- I'm editing HD video on a phone! I still am amazed. I'm hoping Apple doesn't ignore it for too long and updates and improves it. I think, as with iLife, Apple could have included iMovie on the iPhone as a selling point. But $5 for it wasn't that bad.
Does the program have a rotate video feature? I would rather do it on the phone instead of on the PC.
it is defietly easier to trim them in the photo album, then import into imovie
I'm not complaining about the price itself, but the actual bang for your buck. iMovie shouldn't even be named after the desktop app because of how little it resembles the actual program itself.

Compared to other <$4.99 apps on the App Store, it seems like it was coded and developed in less than a week ONLY for it to be listed as another feature and selling point with the iPhone 4 (every Genius I've heard has mentioned it at least once when demoing the phone to customers).

To top it all off, it hasn't even been updated since it's release, it's still on version 1.0.

First of all, it's on 1.0.1. They fixed some pretty glaring bugs with that update.

Secondly, it's five bucks. ReelDirector (which I haven't used in a while) is four bucks. I realize that in the "race to the bottom" economy of the App Store, anything over a dollar is outlandish, but give me a break. For the price of a fast food meal, you are editing HD video on your phone.
it is defietly easier to trim them in the photo album, then import into imovie

I had a 8 minute long clip that I trimmed into four 2-minute clips using that method but even a 2 minute clip was too long to manage in iMovie. It needs better editing capabilities.

How do I trim them in the photo album? You mean on the phone?

The clip needs to be in camera roll. Select the video and move either end of the top bar to trim.

If you have a video in one of the albums other than camera roll, that means you've already imported it in iPhoto and you might as well use the full iMovie program on the Mac. Much easier and faster that way.
First of all, it's on 1.0.1. They fixed some pretty glaring bugs with that update.

Secondly, it's five bucks. ReelDirector (which I haven't used in a while) is four bucks. I realize that in the "race to the bottom" economy of the App Store, anything over a dollar is outlandish, but give me a break. For the price of a fast food meal, you are editing HD video on your phone.


And that same consideration should also be given to comment about having long clips and it not being "adequate" to handle them. As powerful as the iPhone is - it's still a "phone" and you are editing HD on it. Just break down your longer clips into smaller ones.

5 bucks, cell phone and video editing. Cheap and pretty "cool" all things considering.
First of all, it's on 1.0.1. They fixed some pretty glaring bugs with that update.

Secondly, it's five bucks. ReelDirector (which I haven't used in a while) is four bucks. I realize that in the "race to the bottom" economy of the App Store, anything over a dollar is outlandish, but give me a break. For the price of a fast food meal, you are editing HD video on your phone.

No I'm not. I found it too useless to do what I wanted to do. Even with its severe limitations (I still maintain they really should have let you insert clips/graphics in the middle of a clip), it was too frustrating for me to figure out and I couldn't find any help on how to use it. So I paid five bux for a program that is taking up space on my iphone in hopes that I get around to trying to play around with it again to figure out how to use it (I tried a work around where I'd install the main clip, cut off the end, put in the graphic or whatever, then install hte clip again and cut off the beginning. Problem is it was hard to get it to cut right at a particular clip - where I cut it last time - and on top of that it kept trying to cut off the end when I put in the clip at the end rather than the beginning. I couldn't figure out how to tell it that this time I wanted to keep the end and not the start).
Dont get me started about iMovie!

Its an EDITING app, Correct?
For editing Movies, Correct?
Its not a SatNAv or in any way a navigation or location app, Correct?

Then why oh why did apple decide to make the app unusable UNLESS you turn on location services and your GPS? :-0

I mean really, ... REALLY!

ReelDirector is great, it does everything i need and does not force me to allow it access to my location services or GPS etc...

So i am unable to comment on iMoive as i have never used it as i REFUSE to give an EDITING app access to my location and GPS. I own the app and did pay for it, however i aint giving it access to my location just to edit a movie! TomTom and Navigon etc can have my location, but iMovie... i dont think so!

I say try ReelDirector for when you want to save and conserve battery etc and not have you GPS and location pushed out when all you want to do is edit a movie.

Im angry today arnt i :eek:
Also not impressed. I thought with a name like iMovie it would have a lot more in it. Hoping an update comes along to beef it up.
Despite the many negative reviews I've seen, I still downloaded iMovie. I've made a video using clips and pictures I took during my recent vacation. I think it's totally awesome! I was able to create and edit a 720p movie ON MY PHONE! Come on, it's only $5! What do you expect??? A crappy combo at McD cost more than this!
Am I missing something, or does it not allow you to even split clips and trim them? From the short time I played with it it seemed as if the only thing you can really do with it is put clips in order and apply transitions between them?
Am I missing something, or does it not allow you to even split clips and trim them? From the short time I played with it it seemed as if the only thing you can really do with it is put clips in order and apply transitions between them?

Despite the many negative reviews I've seen, I still downloaded iMovie. I've made a video using clips and pictures I took during my recent vacation. I think it's totally awesome! I was able to create and edit a 720p movie ON MY PHONE! Come on, it's only $5! What do you expect??? A crappy combo at McD cost more than this!

See above comment I quoted. That is exactly what I expected out of it, to be able to split clips (I consider that a pretty basic function of video editing). And I never got around to getting the hang of clipping videos and being able to clip what I wanted, not what imovie decided I wanted so I wouldn't even consider it that intuitive.

For five bux I wanted at least basic video editing functionality. Not being able to split clips is under that basic video editing functionality.
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