Anyway, my biggest suggestion is to NOT start a photography business. It seems like everyone thinks they have photography skills and are good enough to charge money because DSLRs are quite cheap and they took a good photo of their cousin once or twice. How good do you think you are at photography AND Photoshop, because you'll likely need to be quite proficient at both to really warrant charging money.
Actually, this really couldn't be much further from the truth. Many, many successful photography businesses are successful not because of photography skills, but because of the owner's BUSINESS skills.
My own photography business would be much more successful if I spent more time on marketing and bizdev than I do, but I'm currently involved in two start-up businesses so my photography gets sidelined a lot.
Even the words "Photography business" mean a bunch of different things, from fine art, to sports, to events, to weddings, to stock, to portraits, to textbooks...
All ego aside, the measure of success in a photography business isn't "how good is my photography" but "are people buying what I'm selling?" That's why I suggested writing a business plan. Until you figure out what you're selling to who and how much you need to sell it's not really a business, it's a hobby that might make the occasional buck.
I've seen plenty of good photographers who couldn't sustain a business and I think I've seen even more bad photographers who have very successful photography businesses. I've seen shots that I evaluated as "I've thrown a lot better than that away" sell, and I've seen people rave over stuff that I wouldn't even press the shutter on. Heck, I've had shots I knew were great not sell at a show, and others that I thought were only slightly above average sell like wildfire.
It's rare that I see consistent shots from someone where I'd think "Hey, I'd buy their work." William Neil is about the only photographer who consistently produces work that I'd hang on my walls if my own wasn't already up. I've seen lots of gallery and Web portfolios where I wouldn't pay a dime for any of the work displayed (including a few "big names,") so without actually looking at the OP's site, I'll just chime in that that's hardly a metric for success.