Turning "ON" himself.
Hello everyone and thank you for your responds.
Some of them were more funny then helpful some had interesting ideas.
Special thanks to Wesley , I did change internal clock time / +15 hrs./ and after returning to my time zone next day, my iMac is staying OFF all night. I do not have clue why this action worked, but on the other hand I do not care. So thank you Wesley again for your suggestion.
Till next time.
Hello everyone and thank you for your responds.
Some of them were more funny then helpful some had interesting ideas.
Special thanks to Wesley , I did change internal clock time / +15 hrs./ and after returning to my time zone next day, my iMac is staying OFF all night. I do not have clue why this action worked, but on the other hand I do not care. So thank you Wesley again for your suggestion.
Till next time.