I am looking for a tv (first in 10 years) for my apartment, but don't want to spend too very much. I have pretty much settled on a plasma, and of those I am considering the Samsung PN42B450 and PN50B450 (42" and 50" respectively, both 720p). These seem to be available at very good prices ($630 and $800), plus I can get an extra 10% off the 50" this weekend at Best Buy (and Sears too). I know that neither of these is 1080p, but I don't think I would ever notice the difference sitting about 10' from the screen anyway. I have also seen others, but the Samsungs seem to be a better value and have a generally better picture. Does anybody here have any recommendations? How well do these play with an iMac or an
P.S. I will be doing mostly movie watching, and most of those will be older 4:3 content film noir movies, so I thought the 50" would give me a bigger image for standard (non-widescren) movies, and the price differential is mimimal after the extra 10%.

P.S. I will be doing mostly movie watching, and most of those will be older 4:3 content film noir movies, so I thought the 50" would give me a bigger image for standard (non-widescren) movies, and the price differential is mimimal after the extra 10%.