SLI on Vista64 / MacPRO
After some more tests, I got to some conclusions:
1. Under OSX, it will only use one 9800gx2 core. You can still use both cores for CUDA application and all that stuff that doesnt require SLI to use both cores.
2. Under Vista64, it is possible to put the 9800gx2 (single card) in SLI. Making use of both cores of the card. Instructions bellow.
How to make 9800gx2 (single card) SLI works under Vista64 on a Mac PRO.
In my case I had to connect one display on each video card. One display on the DVI-2 port of the 8800gt and one on the DVI-1 of the 9800gx2. Plug the monitor that you want to be your main display on DVI-1 of the 9800gx2.
1. Make sure you have the latest drivers for windows installed, and that both cards (8800gt and 9800gx2) are working under vista64. Se my past posts if you want to know how.
2. Go to control panel and open the display configuration (I don't recall the exact names). On the display configuration panel, make the display on the 9800gx2 your main desktop, and disable the display that is connected to the 8800gt (disable "extend my desktop" also).
3. Right now if you try to go to the nvidia control panel to enagle SLI, you wont be able to. Do the next step.
4. Go to the Device Manager option, under ControPanel/System. Then go to Display Adapters. You should see one 8800gt and two 9800gx2 (each core is recognized as one card).
5. Right click on the 8800gt, and click disable.
6. Now go to the nVidia control panel, and enagle SLI for your 9800gx2 (option should be available now). If the nvidia panel asks to close application and stuff, just click " yes" for everything.
7. Your screen will go blank and windows will make the 8800gt your display again (using framebuffer at 640x480). Don't panic. Nvidia control panel will looks like it is freezed. Don't worry. Just Accept everything the system asks you and then reboot your computer.
8. Login on windows again.
9. Go to the Device Manager again.
10. Go to the Display Adapters list, under System. Right click the 8800gt and hit "Enable".
11. Reboot your computer.
Now you should have both cards working again and the 9800gx2 will be in SLI. Make the 9800gx2 your default display again. You can now use the 8800gt to extend your desktop if you wish.
To make sure that SLI is really enable and working, use this tool here:
It will show you a green "SLI Enabled". And allows you to enable SLI load bars. So you will see in game one green bar showing the GPU usage for both cores.
Sorry for the quick and dirt explanation. Just don't have time right now to do something more elaboreted.
Have fun.