Plus with KRCS you get an extra years warranty free anyways as well as your 1 year apple and 6 year consumer rights! Just ordered my Mac Pro from them 
I fail to see how the EU Consumer Law is going to mandate Apple pay for repair of a 7.1 Mac Pro after two years - if you don't have Apple Care. Where in the mandate does it say such a thing?
Right. No idea hah! Just saw it being discussed in this thread and it got me a bit worried! Any type of 'known defect' I've ever had with my Mac stuff was usually just sorted with a recall - ie my 2016 MBP keyboard - and they did that, for free in November, ie 3 years after - no applecare or EU Laws needed. Think we're just wondering about hypothetical worst case scenarios - at least I am!
No advantage to me personally buying through the Apple Business scheme as the discount is the same through my wife's job's existing discount deal. I guess maybe it makes life easier for IT buyers in bigger companies or whatever dealing with the business team. Interesting to see that doesn't get them any better volume discount than pretty much your average Joe Bloggs though - at least at the entry level of business account anyway.
I’m not sure how you reached the “volume discount” conclusion at the end - everyone in this thread appears to be buying in a particularly low volume - a volume of 1 in fact.
Which is why I said "at least at the entry level of business account anyway". ie people like us don't get a volume discount when buying through the business scheme, despite it being designed for people spending above a certain amount throuhg Apple per year etc (at least that's how it was explained to me by the Apple store ppl), but presumably bigger companies buying multiple units through the business scheme might (if they're not just leasing them).
Think the point I was trying to make was that you can get the 6% discount pretty easily, without having to qualify/set up a business account. ie I thought I was special, but I'm not. And now I'm being corrected on a niche tech forum about it too lol.
Thank you I appreciate you taking the time to point that outAgain, people like you don't get a volume discount because you're not buying in volume. Volume discounts are designed for people who are buying in volume...
I went into the Apple store in Covent Garden today to see which XDR display I wanted (glossy, FYI). They offered me a 6% discount on the Mac Pro and XDR display if I bought through a business. I have the choice to buy through either avenue. Direct to business, or buy personal and put through as a business expense - effectively getting consumer protection.
The UK has quite good consumer laws. I think it's around 6 years of protection for defective goods, but the same laws don't apply to business.
Putting aside the technicalities (It's technically a pseudo business/personal expense). Do you think saving 6% off the price (approx £16k inc VAT) is a good enough to forgo the consumer protection?
I've ended up with a 5% discount and consumer rights protected.
I phoned them (number from Apple Store: 0800 058 2222) up and they unexpectedly offered me a 5% discount as a consumer or 6% as a business. I ordered with the 5% discount, preserving my consumer rights. With the savings I purchased AppleCare for the display and when the 5700x is available, I will do that with the Mac Pro as well.
Overall, it will be about the same cost to me, but I'll have AppleCare on both the display and Mac Pro - which I've decided is sensible given they are both first generation products.