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I've found that at least one component of "Karibiner Elements" could only be removed through the terminal. Took some internet searching to discover that.
lol that app is a piece of trash. I have a file from that app left in /Applications. And i've tried everything to remove it. The official uninstaller, terminal commands, etc etc. It's stuck. I've never ever seen an app that is so hard to uninstall app related files.
I have already spoken to the application developer and he has already clarified my doubts. Thanks.
johann wrote:
"lol that app is a piece of trash. I have a file from that app left in /Applications. And i've tried everything to remove it. The official uninstaller, terminal commands, etc etc. It's stuck. I've never ever seen an app that is so hard to uninstall app related files."

Find the answer here, as I did:
Not to necro this but funny thing is I heard the same thing no idea from who as it was years ago but I think it was from an Apple employee that stated the same when I very first got a mac and asked the same question on how do these files get deleted since there is no uninstaller as I was so accustomed to on Windows. Said something about how it cleans itself up after some time as the OS did its own scrub. Never questioned it (as Apple is very "it just works") until today I deleted an app just to get it to stop self launching (was not in the system settings "Log in Items" to be able to remove). Then later found the .plist that was launching it *after* deleting it which made me go down this rabbit hole of googling if this thing I learned years ago was true. lol. Anyways now I am looking for the best delete app to use :p Half tempted to leave them there and check again in a couple months to see if MacOS truly scrubs itself lol.
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