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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Aug 6, 2005
I purchased $39.85 USD worth of shirts from on April 28th, and paid with PayPal. The money was received and I got an email from the owner of the site saying I should have my shirts within a week or so.

Flash forward: Stardate 26 May 06, and several emails and phone calls have gone unanswered. I know a few other people who have also not gotten their shirts yet.

I'm beginning to feel that I've been had- anyone else had a similar experience with TyS?
Hurry and file a complaint. Paypal only gives you so much time to do so. After that time has passed... yes you will have been had.
kevin.rivers said:
Hurry and file a complaint. Paypal only gives you so much time to do so. After that time has passed... yes you will have been had.

Dear xxxxxxxx,

Thank you for contacting PayPal. We have begun our investigation of the
following transaction:

Transaction Date: Apr 28, 2006
Transaction Amount: -$39.85 USD
Your Transaction ID: xxxxxxx
Seller's Transaction ID:xxxxxxx
Case Number: xxxxxxxxx
Seller's Name:
Seller's Email:

We will make every effort to resolve this claim within 30 days although we
may require additional time to complete our investigation.

Our investigation will be made on a best-effort basis and PayPal cannot
guarantee funds recovery. For more information about our Buyer Protection
Policy, please review the PayPal User Agreement at:


It may be worth contacting the owners of the site and telling them you've filed a chargeback in case this spurs them into action. I did this recently with a different site - ordered a t-shirt, after much pissing around emailed the site on a Monday to tell them that if they didn't email me by Wednesday I would initiate a chargeback through my credit card company. On the Wednesday I still hadn't heard, so filed the chargeback, and on the Thursday there was a t-shirt on my doorstep sent airmail from the US. I cancelled the chargeback. :)
Thanks for the head's up on this skoker, hopefully it will prevent many people from getting swindled.

This must have been a big deal for you since you appear to have come out of MacRumors retirement (yet again!) to post this! :p ;) :D
Lau said:
It may be worth contacting the owners of the site and telling them you've filed a chargeback in case this spurs them into action. I did this recently with a different site - ordered a t-shirt, after much pissing around emailed the site on a Monday to tell them that if they didn't email me by Wednesday I would initiate a chargeback through my credit card company. On the Wednesday I still hadn't heard, so filed the chargeback, and on the Thursday there was a t-shirt on my doorstep sent airmail from the US. I cancelled the chargeback. :)

That's the whole reason I opened the Claim, note that this isn't the typical PayPal dispute, but they sent it straight to Claim status. Leads me to believe that there may be other open cases.

Either way, they've got till the 5th to respond to the claim or they get *assuming* their PayPal account locked.
Skoker is taking this a little too far, I've already ordered a shirt from them in the past, no problems, these shirts had to be printed (as per the email I got from the site owner) and he said they'd be available soon, but I too got sick of the wait so I filed a claim as well, but I'm not saying that you shouldn't order from them because of one (or two) errors.

They make great shirts, I love mine.
amacgenius said:
Skoker is taking this a little too far, I've already ordered a shirt from them in the past, no problems, these shirts had to be printed (as per the email I got from the site owner) and he said they'd be available soon, but I too got sick of the wait so I filed a claim as well, but I'm not saying that you shouldn't order from them because of one (or two) errors.

They make great shirts, I love mine.

That's great- That why I got mine- I loved yours- BUT- when you say a week and a half and a month later you can't even respond to a freakin email- that's a problem.
skoker said:
That's great- That why I got mine- I loved yours- BUT- when you say a week and a half and a month later you can't even respond to a freakin email- that's a problem.

Totally - the site I ordered from was obviously a guy screenprinting some shirts, and I suspected he'd just been overwhelmed by demand. But if he'd just answered one of his emails saying "I do exist and I will get the shirt to you as soon as possible, I've just been overwhelmed by demand" I would have been more than happy to wait.

It's just good business practice, innit. :)
skoker said:
Dear xxxxxxxx,

Thank you for contacting PayPal. We have begun our investigation of the
following transaction:

We will make every effort to resolve this claim within 30 days although we
may require additional time to complete our investigation.

Our investigation will be made on a best-effort basis and PayPal cannot
guarantee funds recovery. For more information about our Buyer Protection
Policy, please review the PayPal User Agreement at:



I remember I filed one of these complaints about a year ago for $100. I haven't seen my money til this day.
Just a quick update- he/she still hasn't answered the Claim with PayPal yet. 4 days left.
Just got an email from PayPal, they suspended TyS's PayPal account for 'fradulent uses' and refunded me (and I'm assuming amacgenius) as well.
Re: TyS! Response

Hi there, all.

I am not looking to instigate a flame war here, but I wanted to take a moment to respond to the comments made above that are not completely accurate.

As amacgenius was so kind to mention, I have duly shipped orders all over the world. With any new venture - especially a small, largely one-man operation - there are bound to be a few hiccups or unsatisifed customers.

My PayPal account has not been suspended due to "fraudulent activity".

It is, however, on hold pending resolution of a claim by a customer that he did not receive an order for which I have signed delivery confirmation. He believes that someone else in his office building signed for the package.

Secondly, all orders for Stevequote t-shirts were refunded a few weeks ago as I do not have the funds, time, or manpower to launch and ship a new product line right now, as I had originally intended. I apologize that I clearly overlooked your order when I issued these refunds in mid-May. By the way, I issued your refund this morning, not PayPal.

If you have attempted to contact me via e-mail and did not receive a reply, I apologize for that as well. If you would like to discuss this matter further, please do not hesitate to call or e-mail me.


iClarus said:
Hi there, all.

I am not looking to instigate a flame war here, but I wanted to take a moment to respond to the comments made above that are not completely accurate.

As amacgenius was so kind to mention, I have duly shipped orders all over the world. With any new venture - especially a small, largely one-man operation - there are bound to be a few hiccups or unsatisifed customers.

My PayPal account has not been suspended due to "fraudulent activity".

It is, however, on hold pending resolution of a claim by a customer that he did not receive an order for which I have signed delivery confirmation. He believes that someone else in his office building signed for the package.

Secondly, all orders for Stevequote t-shirts were refunded a few weeks ago as I do not have the funds, time, or manpower to launch and ship a new product line right now, as I had originally intended. I apologize that I clearly overlooked your order when I issued these refunds in mid-May. By the way, I issued your refund this morning, not PayPal.

If you have attempted to contact me via e-mail and did not receive a reply, I apologize for that as well. If you would like to discuss this matter further, please do not hesitate to call or e-mail me.


How did you find this thread?
lexus said:
Why would he be googling his fraudulent a activity.

couldn't he just google for his companies url and find this link.

I google for my URL to find out if people are giving out their passwords for the download section a lot
lexus said:
Why would he be googling his fraudulent a activity.

He may have just been googling and this came up, in fact it's the 3rd listing for "", so of course he's gonna click it.
Re: TyS! Response

I found this thread because I visit these forums fairly regularly.

The bottom line is that when mistakes are made and brought to my attention, I will absolutely work to set things right.

I am not looking to scam anyone, especially not fellow Mac users.

iClarus said:
I found this thread because I visit these forums fairly regularly.

The bottom line is that when mistakes are made and brought to my attention, I will absolutely work to set things right.

I am not looking to scam anyone, especially not fellow Mac users.

However, until you can meet your obligation to communicate with paying customers in a timely fashion, it is exceedingly difficult to differentiate between an incompetent business with good intentions, and an outright fraud.

If you leave people dangling, you cannot criticize them for imagining the worst in the absence of any information.
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