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iClarus said:
I found this thread because I visit these forums fairly regularly.

The bottom line is that when mistakes are made and brought to my attention, I will absolutely work to set things right.

I am not looking to scam anyone, especially not fellow Mac users.


Ok well return the peoples money before they need to resort to filing a paypal complaint.
iClarus said:
Hi there, all.

I am not looking to instigate a flame war here, but I wanted to take a moment to respond to the comments made above that are not completely accurate.

As amacgenius was so kind to mention, I have duly shipped orders all over the world. With any new venture - especially a small, largely one-man operation - there are bound to be a few hiccups or unsatisifed customers.

My PayPal account has not been suspended due to "fraudulent activity".

It is, however, on hold pending resolution of a claim by a customer that he did not receive an order for which I have signed delivery confirmation. He believes that someone else in his office building signed for the package.

Secondly, all orders for Stevequote t-shirts were refunded a few weeks ago as I do not have the funds, time, or manpower to launch and ship a new product line right now, as I had originally intended. I apologize that I clearly overlooked your order when I issued these refunds in mid-May. By the way, I issued your refund this morning, not PayPal.

If you have attempted to contact me via e-mail and did not receive a reply, I apologize for that as well. If you would like to discuss this matter further, please do not hesitate to call or e-mail me.



TyT! :p - Thanks for clearing things up and getting those refunds out.
CanadaRAM said:
However, until you can meet your obligation to communicate with paying customers in a timely fashion, it is exceedingly difficult to differentiate between an incompetent business with good intentions, and an outright fraud.

If you leave people dangling, you cannot criticize them for imagining the worst in the absence of any information.

Thank you for that. It's good to have a third party agree with you.

Additionally, I'd like to point out that I wasn't the only person who you 'overlooked', one person I can understand but two people (that we know of) is pushing the boundaries a bit. Additionally, there is still no indication on your site that you aren't fulfilling orders anymore.

Additionally (again:) From the email I got from PayPal:

Dear *skoker*,

We have concluded our investigation into your claim.

Transaction Date: Apr 28, 2006
Transaction Amount: -$39.85 USD
Your Transaction ID: XXX
Seller's Transaction ID: XXXX
Case Number: PP-XXX-XXX-XXX
Seller's Name:
Seller's Email:

You have received a refund via PayPal in the amount of $39.85 USD because the seller's PayPal account is now suspended for possible fraud. PayPal Protection Services has completed their investigation and has concluded that the seller is at fault. For privacy reasons, we can not give you any more information regarding the results of our investigation.


Protection Services Department

^^That would lead me to believe that PayPal issued the refund and not you, but that's just my opinion

What would have happened if I didn't bring this this up in the forums? Would I have ever heard from you? Would I have ever have gotten my money back? Would I even get a single email apology or something to at least acknowledge that there was a problem or an error or you 'passed over' me?

It's just very, very poor customer service and public relations.
I just went through a claim with Paypal for a fairly expensive eBay item. I won an item, and received it broken. So I contacted the seller and he told me to send the item back and he would give me a refund. I sent the item back, but never received a refund, so I filed a claim with Paypal and the seller never responded within his deadline. Paypal decided in my favor but only refunded half my money. This makes me wonder if it was the original seller who refunded your money?
Re: TyS! Response

^^That would lead me to believe that PayPal issued the refund and not you, but that's just my opinion.

There is an option to authorize PayPal to issue a refund to resolve the dispute in the Resolution Center. That's what I did.

Again, I apologize for the inconvenience and take full responsibility for the oversight. is not a full-time, income generating endeavor, and other concerns did force me to put it on the backburner for a bit.

If you send me your e-mail address, I will be glad to send you a complimentary, "Thank you, Steve!" t-shirt, but I suspect you wouldn't be much interested given the opinions already expressed.

iClarus said:
^^That would lead me to believe that PayPal issued the refund and not you, but that's just my opinion.

There is an option to authorize PayPal to issue a refund to resolve the dispute in the Resolution Center. That's what I did.

OK, I've never had to issue a refund to anybody so I've never seen it, sounds fair enough. I've closed the claim (why does PayPal make me?) from my end, and you have a PM from me.

EDIT: No you don't, you have email and pm's turned off. My email address is my MacRumors username *at* osxempire *dot* com
iClarus said:
If you send me your e-mail address, I will be glad to send you a complimentary, "Thank you, Steve!" t-shirt, but I suspect you wouldn't be much interested given the opinions already expressed.


That's very nice of you Thomas, if you send me a PM or email (larry [AT] amacgenius [DOT] com) I can send you my mailing address and shirt size :).
Let me make this public:

Thomas is a great guy, I bought one of the previous shirts before the steve quotes, he contacted me personally when it got shipped, and I loved the quality of the shirt.

Sure I was mad about not getting my other shirt I bought, but it is a one man project, and people do have lives, cut him some slack.

I'm glad he was willing to take care of this peacefully, personally I think this thread/thread title should be X'd - because this is NOT a scam or a bad company, and this is very misleading!
amacgenius said:
Let me make this public:

Thomas is a great guy, I bought one of the previous shirts before the steve quotes, he contacted me personally when it got shipped, and I loved the quality of the shirt.

Sure I was mad about not getting my other shirt I bought, but it is a one man project, and people do have lives, cut him some slack.

I'm glad he was willing to take care of this peacefully, personally I think this thread/thread title should be X'd - because this is NOT a scam or a bad company, and this is very misleading!
But, when you do send your money -- you do expect to get your stuff.

If you don't get your stuff -- you are perfectly within your rights to complain and let others know that a business cannot deliver.

Excuses are excuses, and the customer likely doesn't give a ****, they only care about how quickly the issue is resolved.
Sun Baked said:
If you don't get your stuff -- you are perfectly within your rights to complain and let others know that a business cannot deliver.

Thank you. I'm going to try and see if I can get Doctor Q or somebody to change the thread title once I see that Thomas holds up his end of the deal, I think it's fair enough.
Update 6/19/06: Haven't heard or received anything promised from the seller. I thought he was going to make this better by trying to be nice, but I'm not too confident he will come through.
Yeah, seriously...

you already recieved your refund. Obviously this guy has poor business practices and we can now see that. Let it go already.

You're beating a dead horse now so to speak
I got a surprise in the mail today. My shirt came finally, and I even got a free 'livestrong'-ish bracelet.

If I can figure out how to, I'll edit the thread title.

Thanks Tom!
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