this is prob my 10th writeup on this
assuming Lion, issues with 6870:
6870 in mac pro unflashed: dvd player&steam crash, no bootscreen
6870 in mac pro flashed: no bootscreen
6870 in mac pro unflashed with aty_init.kext: no bootscreen
so what's the benefit of flashing? well besides not juggling with kexts (aty init), flashing usually enables you to see boot screen. but with the current 6870 efi firmware, which is derived from iMac EFI, it does not work. when apple releases a 6870 for mac pro, we can use that firmware instead to probably get bootscreen.
answers are bold:
assuming Lion, issues with 6870:
6870 in mac pro unflashed: dvd player&steam crash, no bootscreen
6870 in mac pro flashed: no bootscreen
6870 in mac pro unflashed with aty_init.kext: no bootscreen
so what's the benefit of flashing? well besides not juggling with kexts (aty init), flashing usually enables you to see boot screen. but with the current 6870 efi firmware, which is derived from iMac EFI, it does not work. when apple releases a 6870 for mac pro, we can use that firmware instead to probably get bootscreen.
answers are bold:
Hi Cindori, thank you for the reply.
- Install a 6870 card into a MacPro 3,1 Yes
- In OS X we will lose DVD player, Steam Games amd maybe a DVI port unless the card is flashed. See above
- Windows 7 will run in 64bit without any issues. Always
- The existing 8800GT can be moved in another PCI slot. If you grab power from your superdrive to power it, 6870 will need both onboard connectors
So with this in mind it leads me to what will hopefully be the last of my questions!...well maybe
- Would XFX cards be the best option as I understand they're pretty reliable? Anything with reference fan (not Super OC Mega Black XXX Triple Edition, u get the idea)
- Is it worth getting their 2GB card for games like MW3, BFBC2 and BF3? Not unless u have larger then 24" screen. Im using 1920x1200 with my 6950 1GB and im not maxing out it's memory on High/ultra in BF3.
- If I have the PC card in 1 slot and the 8800GT in another, could I use a switch so that when I boot into OS X it will see the 8800GT to use? The computer will always use the card which is connected to the screen. If monitor is connected to Card A, then Card B can not do any calculations or rendering for the monitor.
- Which would be the best PCI slot to use for the PC card? Run following in Terminal: open '/System/Library/CoreServices/Expansion Slot'
Many thanks once again for all the advice.
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