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macrumors newbie
Sep 5, 2012
I thought I was the only one.. I went into apple after 3 fulls day and 4 different techs from home. I finally had enough and talked to genius bar, they hard drive failure.-and wanted $250 bucks. I went out and bought a seagate, got home with it .. It wouldn't recognize in the disk utility. The returned it thinking it may be a faulty one. Came back and got the West Gate one.. Got home, same thing again, didn't recognize it. I may have found a work around using external drive and putting OS X on it. From there taking it out of external drive and putting in for main HDD. Then chunking my old one out.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Aug 8, 2012
I thought I was the only one.. I went into apple after 3 fulls day and 4 different techs from home. I finally had enough and talked to genius bar, they hard drive failure.-and wanted $250 bucks. I went out and bought a seagate, got home with it .. It wouldn't recognize in the disk utility. The returned it thinking it may be a faulty one. Came back and got the West Gate one.. Got home, same thing again, didn't recognize it. I may have found a work around using external drive and putting OS X on it. From there taking it out of external drive and putting in for main HDD. Then chunking my old one out.

Now they tell me its a logic board issue I dont get these guys , they were certain that it was the HD cable after I ruled out the HD issue

logic board = $300 repair . ME= WTF


macrumors 6502a
Feb 23, 2011
I would suggest always going with apple for resolving your problems. If you try to repair it yourself you risk ending up paying twice for the same problem or having Apple refuse to repair it.

If you go to Apple and they tell you for sure its a hard drive issue and you pay them to fix it and it still isn't working, I am pretty sure they wouldn't fully charge you to fix the logic board if it turned out it was the logic board. They would probably even reimburse you the full cost of the hard drive replacement in the form of subtracting that cost from the cost of the logic board.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Aug 8, 2012
I would suggest always going with apple for resolving your problems. If you try to repair it yourself you risk ending up paying twice for the same problem or having Apple refuse to repair it.

If you go to Apple and they tell you for sure its a hard drive issue and you pay them to fix it and it still isn't working, I am pretty sure they wouldn't fully charge you to fix the logic board if it turned out it was the logic board. They would probably even reimburse you the full cost of the hard drive replacement in the form of subtracting that cost from the cost of the logic board.

UPDATE: So I recieved a call from Apple today telling the issue is bigger than they thought it's not a HD Cable issue but a Logic Board issue, I was like ok thanks I'll pick up the MBP tonight I wont go with the $300+ Repair at the moment, left it at that, raced after work to pick it up before they close the store made it just in time, checked in one at the Genius Bar, guy came over paper work sign this sign that , I explained to him whats been going on , this is my second trip blah blah ( I can tell he didn't even want to hear it) before I signed anything I wanted to make sure my Laptop is leaving the same way I left it with Apple , I wanted to make sure it booted up at least and tried to see if I can boot from SL just to open up disk utility , the guy was impatient telling me its not going to boot up etc , I was like if it doesnt boot up I dont want it , thats not how I left it , I would like the MBP in the same condition I left with you guys , he said He will get the manager I said great I would love to speak with the manager, took about 10 minutes or so I explained everything to the manager I was honest ( dumb enough) to tell him that I replaced the HD myself just to rule out the HD issue which I did ( with all of you help), we talked back and forth for a few good minutes, telling him that you guys told me this and that and every time it's something new, and I just don't think it's fair that your repair might've caused more damage( that's what the guy actually said that the repair they did to replace the HD Cable might've caused more damage to an already failing logic board?? so I brought that up and all I was getting is you know stuff fails without warning..... he offered me the 300 repair blah blah I wasn't interested and I told him I dont have 300 to spend on a machine that I just bought few years ago , it should last more than 2-3 years, he didnt say much I was disappointed, upset he gave me his business card, like hey if you decide to do something let me know come see me personally we can work something out, I took the card and just walked out I just wanted to cry loool :D, I get home I boot up with my SL in the drive I open disk utility like what the hell lets try one more time........I formatted my hard rive YES it formatted I was like WTH, that's a good sign, HD is recognized now, installed leopard and it FREAKING WORKS! I did recall the rep when getting his papers together telling me here just sign this ( a paper stating that they did the HD Cable repair anyways ) and I wasn't going to get charged for it..... thats when I told him give me a second to see if this thing boots up , you know the rest from here

What really happened here? did they replace the HD Cable ( obviously they did something) and that took care of the issue or is this like a temporary fix and I still have a logic board issue? the laptop works just fine its just a little hot... other than that I'm just glad it works did they fix it and not charge me? I dont want to jinx it, should I upgrade to Lion /ML or leave it at SL to avoid issues :D
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