I will give you the benefit of the doubt that you didn't troll me with your one line rebuttal. Please state your case if you are not trolling.
A mobile working environment does not mean you need no connectivity.
Let me explain my point of view.
You are correct that most people do not need all the connectivity that is still present, but there is some benefit you might consider. If you buy a MacBook with HDMI, Ethernet, USB, DisplayPort and Audio In / Out, you are not only buying these ports, you are also buying the chipset components that drive these components.
Your GPU provides HDMI and DisplayPort signals, reading its own VRAM.
Your Ethernet port is using a chip from Intel, Broadcom or anything you might imagine
Your USB Ports are behind a USB Host Controller, providing the power and protocol safety.
Apple removes all of that and shifts the burden for stability a reliability to vendors that sell you $30 adapters.
These adapters might or might not work well in any combination.
I work at an office, but we have no assign desks. Sometimes I need a VGA connector for a conferencing system, if I work on projects on the corporate network I"m required to use Ethernet for security reasons.
I need a USB headset to answer calls at my desk, I need HDMI to connect to my desk monitor.
The point is, we don't need these ports all the time, but shuffling adapters and fighting incompatibilities is definitely a big step backwards.
The TouchBar is only useful if you are not looking at an external monitor.
The large trackpad is disturbing if you need to sit comfortably and want the keyboard closer to the edge of your desk.
Uf you need a keyboard, you probably leave a USB keyboard and a wired mouse at your office,
What Apple describes as great flexibility is not for people who need to focus on their work and have everything ready with as little hassle as possible.
You can do all of that with a new MacBook, but you are still much better of with a machine that suits your needs in as many situations as possible.
Ports do not waste space except the MacBook footprint might be a little larger.
Short inflexible adapter cables on both sides of your MacBook do waste space, in my opinion they are terrible.
Of course everyone works in different ways, but whenever I can, I still use a mechanical USB keyboard and a wired USB mouse.
Everything else is great for checking mail in a boring meeting, our walking over to your colleague with your MacBook at hand, but it's not at all the future.