No offense, but creating the objects in code does not give you any more control over things. It doesn't give you any less tho, so I agree with you: pick whichever you're more comfortable with.
For me IB is nice because I can create an interface as complex as needed, and only worry about what actually needs worrying in code. My controller classes are not polluted with components that relate only to the view.
Eventually I find IB really helps embracing the MVC pattern, which is kinda wicked![]()
that's great for you... I love MVC too... I'll make a view class with all my control widget objects and instantiate them in main, then I'll implement the right methods to pass the interaction on to the controller who can access the view class... I'll set it up in main and then we'll be off with a neat little gui application... You don't need interface builder to implement an OO methodology. all you need is a text editor, a dev system and the truth. I'm sorry for you that you aren't a skilled enough programmer to use MVC in pure code... really I wonder why you find it to be so great to avoid what you love... because IB makes it that much easier for you.
not really an accurate analogy... I could go and get a hammer and nails and all sorts of carpenter tools and start building and doing what I love and what I'm passionate about, or I can hire a bunch of guys and get a bunch of postmodern tools to do all of it for me and sit on my ass... the second is easier yes... but it's not doing what I love at all.... It's just lazy and shows that I really don't love carpentry and am not as passionate about it as I claimed to be.Great, then go write lines and lines of code.
No one said you had to use the hammer if you'd rather nail it with your bare hands....
... but then, don't complain that it hurts
Besides, you're argument is plain stupid. Ever tried to do .Net with Java? Qt with Objective-C? It just wouldn't make sense, so why do you want to write Cocoa code in C++? (which, incidentally, is probably the easiest of these three examples).
I don't care if I can do Cocoa in C++... that would be painful. that's not my point... my point was that a Library written in a language which is not dynamic like Obj-C and Cocoa/Carbon was able to give programs an easy way to hand code interfaces in a non-dynamic language no less, for the mac.... Apple is not inhibited by a lack of capability or an impossiblity of concept... Apple is simply choosing not to provide programmers a way to be programmers and do what they're supposed to be crazy passionate about... Apple could do this with little effort given they're using a language that cocoa was built to run on. they just don't want to because they want everyone to use their lazy ass system invented in the 90's (IB). for more insight into my reasoning, see the above posts....