I store my user made photoshop brushes, etc. in the user library...
Background : I played w/ Lion (on another partition, but it also used my snow leopard user folder) to see if it would some system color issues I am having a certain app. I am not running Lion now, but I just discovered my user/library is now hidden due to Lion (as I realized it does this, digging around w/ google).
this terminal command(yes, I inserted my user name in): chflags nohidden /users/username/library - It did not work
I tried go to folder in the finder, no luck. I entered time machine for a backup (its there) but it wants to replace it(btw the dialogue comes up has the new Lion options though I am running snow leopard). I don't want to do that. I just want the current library folder visible!
Thank you for you help...
Ironically I got help from Apple's forum (of course didn't take long w/ the "Lion" word and the warning that your user library - you know - where all your prefs, and where I put photoshop stuff- would go "poof" visibly w/ Lion.)... and the thread was removed. Command line in terminal was something like: chflags nohidden ~/Library then I (on my own move) entered "killall Finder" ( I saw in other threads). And eureka, there was my library, visually.
I get Apple's thinking here w/ Lion, but in practical terms -- it goes too far, hiding library in the user folder! How is one supposed to trash prefs for an app in Lion, as an example? Has this been moved to another folder besides user/library?
I store my brushes in the Photoshop brushes folder in Applications, no need to use the library folder