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Ryan Bremer

macrumors regular
Original poster
Aug 14, 2022
Anyone having issues signing into eBay using TFF? The Continue button is grayed out and doesn't do anything. It still seems to be working on Leopard WebKit (for now).

View attachment 2237931
If you log in with an Google account, then you won't have any issues:
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macrumors member
Dec 28, 2022
please note that i'm still taking requests for websites to be fixed to work in tenfourfox/iwppc!
Recently, something changed on

TFF crashes trying to load the page. It could be the back-to-school animations causing it to crash as the site worked fine until just recently.

Amazingly, the animations still actually function in LWK, albeit with broken menu layout:

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macrumors member
Dec 28, 2022
So my hunch was right. By temporarily disabling JavaScript, the animations don't play and the page loads again without crashing.

The menu layout appears to still be rendering properly in TFF.



macrumors member
Dec 28, 2022
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macrumors member
Dec 28, 2022
If you log in with an Google account, then you won't have any issues:
Just going back to the topic of eBay again, it appears that the 'Make Offer' functionality is completely broken on TFF/IWPPC. Same behavior occurs on LWK as well.

You can try this for yourself. If you click 'Make Offer', a small overlay appears and the blue loading icon spins forever. However, direct purchases (Buy Now button) works fine.


Curious if anyone has come up with a method to restore this functionality on any of the above mentioned PPC browsers.

Ryan Bremer

macrumors regular
Original poster
Aug 14, 2022
Just going back to the topic of eBay again, it appears that the 'Make Offer' functionality is completely broken on TFF/IWPPC. Same behavior occurs on LWK as well.

You can try this for yourself. If you click 'Make Offer', a small overlay appears and the blue loading icon spins forever. However, direct purchases (Buy Now button) works fine.

View attachment 2250738

Curious if anyone has come up with a method to restore this functionality on any of the above mentioned PPC browsers.
Open the developer tools => Console then click on Make Offer. Make a screenshot of the output from the browser console then share it here :)
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macrumors member
Dec 28, 2022
Open the developer tools => Console then click on Make Offer. Make a screenshot of the output from the browser console then share it here :)
OK. What I did was pick a random eBay listing and allowed all elements on the page to load. I then cleared the Browser Console and clicked the Make Offer button. The pop-up I posted above appeared with the spinning icon, and after a few seconds the below appeared.


Ryan Bremer

macrumors regular
Original poster
Aug 14, 2022
OK. What I did was pick a random eBay listing and allowed all elements on the page to load. I then cleared the Browser Console and clicked the Make Offer button. The pop-up I posted above appeared with the spinning icon, and after a few seconds the below appeared.

View attachment 2251218
sounds like a good reason to make an userscript to fix this!
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macrumors member
Dec 28, 2022
sounds like a good reason to make an userscript to fix this!
That would be awesome! It is the only broken functionality on eBay I've encountered so far, other than that sign-in glitch. But the 'Make Offer' function is a showstopper currently affecting all of the PPC browsers it seems.


macrumors member
Dec 28, 2022
Thanks for trying. I've tested many different user agents in both TFF and LWK and many other PPC browser variations and have not come across a single one that can still make an ebay offer! :/
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Ryan Bremer

macrumors regular
Original poster
Aug 14, 2022
fun fact: it's easy to make a userscript like i do!
1. go to a desired website (or use a website feature) that doesnt work in tenfourfox/iwppc
2. if a website/feature doesnt work, go to browser console and check for example ReferenceError: AbortController is not defined
3. go to and find a polyfill for the javascript function that is missing
4. once you found it, go to<package name>, such as
5. create a userscript then put the contents of that polyfill inside it
6. save the userscript (cmd+s), then reload the page and see if the affected website/function works now
7. if it doesn't work, go back to npmjs and search other polyfills for the same javascript function
8. good luck!
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Yumiko Noua

macrumors regular
May 24, 2022
hello! whatsapp web it's possible to use with userscript? maybe like discord I don't know.
but if possible, can you do this userscript? please

Yumiko Noua

macrumors regular
May 24, 2022
hello, I don't know if this project is still alive but.
after a lot of time I think that whatsapp web doesn't use anymore webassembly, and I think now that whatsapp web can be fixed but I don't know how.
so please help me, here a screenshot of the various errors of whatsapp web (with this new browser called Aquafox that is based on tenfourfox).

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macrumors member
Jul 27, 2024
the internet
Could you take a look at iCloud? It displays a message about using an obsolete browser, and I haven't had time to determine what checks are being performed to identify this. While the same error occurs on Pale Moon x86, it can be bypassed with a modified HTTP response (as discussed in the Pale Moon forum). Unfortunately, this workaround does not work for Aquafox or Arctic Fox.
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