... one question though for the OP: now that the glass is off, how does it compare to your old iMac's matte LCD? I'd be coming from a similar machine (original core duo imac).
I actually like this screen more (now that I have removed the glass). It doesn't exhibit the "sparkle" on solid colors that the old iMac had due to the matte diffuser screen. Note that I didn't have bright spots of glare (from a window, light, etc.) -- I think if you had bad glare or reflections from a light source, removing the glass would NOT help. My glare was just from ambient light in the room and from my own reflection in the glass.
But today I am sitting here typing this -- wearing a white shirt with the brightness almost at minimum -- and I can't see any reflections!
I don't think there's much of a risk in taking off the screen-- if you decided to put it back on, you'd have to really clean it carefully ... but taking on and off is quite easy, especially if you have someone to help you handle the glass.
I'm buying some black mat board today to create a little bezel to go around the screen... I'll update if that turns out well.