Hehe, I would love to have a competent IT guy like you. Ours are unfortunately... well let's just say not the brightest bulbs.
Thank you for the concern though, even if I could run a Cat5 cable into the room to use it, (old old building built around 1890s-1900...) I still have the same issue as currently. ie I connect to the network but I can't get internet access even though it assigns me an IP and I can access intranet websites... because I need to figure out where I need to authenticate to get to the internet.
I'm rather skeptical they would terminate me, rather just be annoyed an report me to my superiors (who feel the same way about the IT people... who incidentally got upset when we purchased(with our own personal funds) our own more reliable printer and installed it... because they had to come by to bolt it down lol)