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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Oct 11, 2013
Baltimore, MD
Hi all,
So I've recently restored a time machine backup on a new machine only to find that some of my Utilities applications are "Incomplete or Damaged." Terminal, System Information, and a few others read "Zero Bytes."

I've downloaded iTerm2 so I have some form of Terminal access, but I'm wondering if I can just do something easy like run the 10.9.4 Combo Update overtop of my existing 10.9.4 install to fix this? Really don't want to do a full reinstall...

Anyone have experience with this? Any help is appreciated. Thanks.


Copying applications over from another machine does not fix.
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macrumors 601
Jul 1, 2006
Vancouver Island
Running the 10.9.4 combo update will not harm anything and in fact is just what I do at times to repair my system if something goes in the toilet.


Staff member
Jul 1, 2014
I think OP will need to download and install from App Store due to the combo update might not have the missing pieces.

For example, OP says that his Terminal app is zero bytes. The 10.9.4 combo update does not have an update to Terminal, ergo, his Terminal will still be zero bytes.

Then again, OP said copying over apps from another machine is not working either, so, maybe a failing disk? Some bigger issue with file tables etc? So, maybe best to wipe and reinstall.


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Oct 11, 2013
Baltimore, MD
Combo Update did not fix. I can deal for now, with Yosemite coming soon, it will be a reinstall, technically. I can still launch Disk Utility from the copied application, and iTerm is fine for a Terminal. Those were the real big two. Hopefully another update will fix soon. Thanks.


Hmmm... Can I reinstall 10.9.4 overtop of my current install of 10.9.4? That would update the files included with the base system, but if I don't erase the drive, shouldn't it not touch any of my settings?
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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Oct 11, 2013
Baltimore, MD
A reinstall of OS X 10.9.4 overtop of my current 10.9.4 install repaired the damaged utilities. Thanks for the help.

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