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macrumors member
Feb 23, 2006
Brava Centauri
I guess if you really want to switch to Cingular for the iPhone this would be the time to do it. But if you're having no trouble with Verizon, I don't know why you'd want to switch to another carrier just to get a specific phone. You'll probably get tired of the iPhone after awhile, and who knows if Cingular has good coverage near you. I'm with Cellular One right now and it does not work at all anywhere near my boyfriend's house, but Verizon does so I'm switching to them when I can scrape up the cash. Verizon has been excellent for my boyfriend and I've read too many horror stories about Cingular not having coverage in areas where it really should.


macrumors 65816
Sep 26, 2003
So does this mean if you suscribe to text messaging that this is not a material change to your contract? The reason I ask, is because if I go over my limits the per text charges still apply...

I want an iPhone but don't want to pay early termination fees...:eek:


macrumors newbie
Sep 16, 2006
I agree with Webcookie--you have to decide why you want a phone--if it is to make phone calls, the coverage area is the most important consideration, the phone itself is secondary--

I am very happy personally with Verizon, I use it all over Seattle and New York, and have never had coverage problems.


macrumors regular
Dec 11, 2006
I have tons of problems in nashville, TN with Verizon dropping calls. Friends of mine on Cingular do not have that problem here. Couple that with an iPhone, and Cingular , here I come


macrumors 68030
May 16, 2006
Waterbury, CT
the big plus for verizon is all in network texts are free with the in plan which most of us have. and more people seem to have verizon than anything else at least here on the east coast. its by far the best service both talk and data here


macrumors 65816
Jun 5, 2005
Tacoma, WA
Will someone explain why you wouldn't have to pay a termination fee because of the messaging price raise? I read the engaged article, but don't get it.


macrumors 603
Jul 3, 2004
Mac since 7.5
The rate increase for text messaging constitutes a material change to the contract you signed when you joined Verizon, providing you don't have an SMS plan on your contract [since the SMS plan price has not changed].
Since the rates have changed, you should have a limited time to void your contract or accept the revised terms.

A more dramatic example would be the additional minutes charge going from $0.25 per minute to $2.50.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 7, 2005
You can check street-level coverage here:

I just check the map and theh 3G network comes up to about 1 mile from my house...

I has Cingular when it was BellSouth and even after the change for a while. I was very disappointed. I was always loosing calls in areas where other providers didn't.

I had been with Cellular One (now Verizon in our area), no problems.
PowerTel (now T-Mobile) for a couple of years, no problems.
Switched to BellSouth (now Cingulare) because of my company provided the service for 2 years.

Now I'm back with Verizon and don't have any majors complaints about the coverage... (ok, maybe ONE BIG ONE...there is one spot that will always drop the call and it seems I am always talking to my wife when I drive through this area. Even if I tell her it's about to drop she gets mad...) (sorry, needed to vent.)

Will I switch? I doubt it. Even though Cingular has updated their network in our area, I still have lots of people complain about it. (I deal with a bunch of doctors and their Tech Toys... PDAs, SmartPhones, computers, cameras...)
At the current price points, not even if I save up until Christmas.
Unless the company ponies up for it, I'll just sit back and wait for one of the Docs to get one and bring it to me to show them how to use it.
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