wow this turned into a pretty big att vs. verizon war real fast. the point im trying to make is, not everyone spends all their time in big cities, which is where att provides their 3g. Verizon does do this, and even in colorado has 3g where att has no service at all. So i am gonna hold out for the possibility for the ipad to come to verizon so i can actually get service. i dont care about how fast it is, all i care about is it working. The place where 3g would actually be nice, in the mountain cities where there isnt wifi everywhere, is where the 3g is needed. and that is exactly where att doesnt provide it. i honesly couldnt care which one is 2 seconds faster than the other, just which one has more coverage. and that is where verizon is better.
its a lot more than 2 secs. any way like i said if you look at verzion's map. its only is bigger in the desert.
also like some others said version will not get the ipad, so you will be waiting forever.