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just did a lil playing around, and you do not have to use the proxy.pac

here is what i did (credit goes to freshster @ for the original)

ssh into the phone
go to the preferences.plist

then add the text in red into it:

<string> (ip1)</string>

<string> (ip1)</string>

be sure to change the APN in "cellular data" under "network settings" to

good luck
got it working

I got this to work. Sending from iphone now.
After upgrading to 2.0 there is a tzone hack in the cydia installer.
I ran that and rebooted and the web started working not just mail.
And make sure you have in your apn.
All Internet is working on 5.99 plan.
I got this to work. Sending from iphone now.
After upgrading to 2.0 there is a tzone hack in the cydia installer.
I ran that and rebooted and the web started working not just mail.
And make sure you have in your apn.
All Internet is working on 5.99 plan.

" And make sure you have in your apn. " :confused:

How do you set this up? Sorry for the noob question. Its my first unlocked iPhone, and I miss having internet when i'm not around wifi.
As far as I can see, you have to jailbreak and install cydia to get the ssh client to do it manually or just run the tzones hack...

Anyone running this T-Zones hack having problems with push mail services? Like Exchange ActiveSync?
As far as I can see, you have to jailbreak and install cydia to get the ssh client to do it manually or just run the tzones hack...

Anyone running this T-Zones hack having problems with push mail services? Like Exchange ActiveSync?

not pushing
not even with wi-fi

calendar and contact seem to be able to sync with mobileme over wifi
mail not pushing
I was having the same problems...

Go to-


and type in

this worked for me. Good luck
I was having the same problems...

this worked for me. Good luck

I believe that address is only for the full internet package not the t-zones 5.99 package...

I've been having problems with MobileMe all of the sudden. I thought it was due to switching over to the 5.99 internet plan but it acts the exact same way on wifi.

This is was working so well... :-(


Well I got it to sync once. Now Nothing. poopy.
I got it working on mine with the $5.99 internet. I guess it's just luck. Be sure that you reboot after installing it from Cydia. That's the only way it works. ;)
You got what working? or the whole push contacts,calendar,email?

I'm pretty sure that I got push working, but now my iPhone has an invisible shield and can't be turned on for 24 hours. -_- I'll let you know tomorrow.
Anyone have ActiveSync push working on the 5.99 internet plan?

i have mine setup but its acting like its just set to manual.

It seems when Edge is on and Wifi is off it works fine, and when wifi is on and Edge is off it works fine.
If both are on it doesn't work, it acts like its set to "manual" and only checks mail when I go into mail....
Okay, just tested an PUSH isn't working for me. With the 1 e-mail I got, it was just a coincidence with the updating time. Oh well. I guess I don't need to keep mobileme after the trial, huh? ;)
Yea, mobileme doesn't work at all... so disappointed cause I was looking for a good service to do this.

I got google contacts and calendar do work with iCal and Address Book on my Mac, and I'll sync the iphone with that for now, and use gmail as imap....

my active sync is working fine for mail but i need to figure out a way to get my exchange OWA to sync with Address Book...
Thought I would post a little update, seems my issue was resolved.

The T-Zones hack worked ok, but it affected other things from not functioning...

It seems when I used the hack my Mobile Me push mail, calendar, & contacts syncing. My Active Sync(Exchange) seemed to be working just fine.

In reading a few other posts about people having the same issue it seemed the way MM uses push was getting hindered by the way the Hack made the phone go through the web. All the information I could find said the ports that IMAP and Web used were not blocked in the t-zones hack, but it still didn't work right.

I started to see issues with my wifi connection as well. When the edge would disconnect it would do something to the wifi connection to where I would have to reboot my phone and then the wifi would start working.

I decided to start from scratch and restore my phone, install the hack and go from there. After Restoring and setting up as a new phone, then installing the hack I was able to access the internet via edge, once I tried to access the internet via wifi it would fail and I would have to turn the wifi connection off and back on.

Then tested my push services. Exchange worked, a little slow, but worked. MM did not work at all.

I decided to use my wife's phone as a guinea pig. She has the full internet package on her phone. I restored the phone, set up my MM and Exchange account and began testing. Internet worked fine whether I was on edge or wifi. I tested Exchange and that worked perfectly. Tested my Mobile Me and it worked.....PERFECTLY...

I'm not sure what it is but something in the T-Zones hack broke something or mis-routed something in regards to wifi and mobile me push service...

So for now I have the full internet plan ($19.99) and all my services are working perfectly.
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