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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Dec 1, 2017
Here is the video proof... Attention for especially right shift key. Is this acceptable for $3,099.00 device.........?

I have bought MBP 14 m2 max device but i hate it now. I am very unlucky person about Apple products. Almost %80 of my all devices (iphone, mac etc) came with 1 or more defects.

1) There are clicking and rattling loose keys on keyboard especially enter/return key, right shift key, caps lock key and escape key. I do not need to press them, they click/rattle when i touch them... Especially enter key rattling is terrible... I compared with demo devices in store. They are fixed with quality and does not have these noises. I really hate this situation.

2) This device came with 5 battery cycle counts and some people told that it is a result of quality control in factory. But this explanation did not satisfy me because while the majority of devices coming with 1-3 cycles why mine came with 5? what kind of extra testing needed? The question: "is my device used before?" is still active in my mind. I want to ask Apple: Is it to hard to make a decleration about battery cycle count ranges so people can know the situation and feel themselves much more safe about their brand new devices...

3) Hinge gap assymetry between left and right side when close the lid

The only thing correct about this device is there is no dead or stuck pixel...

I believe, i am so unlucky that if i buy a solid compact mac mini or mac studio, it is possible to come with defects too...

I could not return in 14 day period because i was making search about 5 battery cycle counts of the new device out of the box is normal or not... I have noticed clicking keys and gap asymetry later because the clicking sound occurs especially touching or pressing one side of the button.

Imagine I bought a very expensive device but i am not sure about assembling a used battery and some keys make click sound like mouse when you only touch their surface...

I wish i did not buy this device...

Every unboxing is full of fear stress and suffer for me.
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macrumors 6502
Jan 2, 2017
New York
I wouldn't be concerned about the battery cycle count. If you had somewhere around 20, then I would say that it would warrant exchanging the laptop. If you noticed the other issues within the return window, I'm not sure why you wouldn't start the exchange process?

I'm not sure how far out of the return window you are, but I would plead your case with customer service and see if they would make an exception. Regardless, the issues you mentioned (aside from the battery) should be covered under the 1 year MFG warranty as long as there's no signs of user inflicted damage.


macrumors 6502
Nov 26, 2017
I have bought MBP 14 m2 max device but i hate it now. I am very unlucky person about Apple products. Almost %80 of my all devices (iphone, mac etc) came with 1 or more defects.

1) There are clicking and rattling loose keys on keyboard especially enter/return key, right shift key, caps lock key and escape key. I do not need to press them, they click/rattle when i touch them... Especially enter key rattling is terrible... I compared with demo devices in store. They are fixed with quality and does not have these noises. I really hate this situation.

2) This device came with 5 battery cycle counts and some people told that it is a result of quality control in factory. But this explanation did not satisfy me because while the majority of devices coming with 1-3 cycles why mine came with 5? what kind of extra testing needed? The question: "is my device used before?" is still active in my mind. I want to ask Apple: Is it to hard to make a decleration about battery cycle count ranges so people can know the situation and feel themselves much more safe about their brand new devices...

3) Hinge gap assymetry between left and right side when close the lid

The only thing correct about this device is there is no dead stuck pixel...

I believe, i am so unlucky that if i buy a solid compact mac mini or mac studio, it is possible to came with defects too...

I could not return in 14 day period because i was making search about 5 battery cycle counts of the new device out of the box is normal or not... I have noticed clicking keys and gap asymetry later because the clicking sound occurs especially touching or pressing one side of the button.

Imagine I bought a very expensive device but i am not sure about assembling a used battery and some keys make click sound like mouse when you only touch their surface...

I wish i did not buy this device...

Gap asymmetry? What do you mean by this can you post a photo or show me what you mean
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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Dec 1, 2017
Gap asymmetry? What do you mean by this can you post a photo or show me what you mean

This is only one side photo but on the opposite side red area gap between body and lid is wider and also gap on the green area between two sides are also not symetrical. You can make a search with hinge misaligned gap asymetry keywords


macrumors 6502a
Jan 23, 2023
As someone mentioned, i would not be concerned about how much battery cycle your machine came in out of the box. I have seen some come with 5 charge cycles out of the box as well. Just use the machine. Not sure which country you are in but in US if your battery falls below 80% before 1 year warranty is up, apple will replace it for free.

Id be concerned if it came with 100 charge cycles out of the box. Apple doesnt reuse returned batteries on new devices. So let that rest.

If you are still not happy then as some said just sell it
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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Dec 1, 2017
I wouldn't be concerned about the battery cycle count. If you had somewhere around 20, then I would say that it would warrant exchanging the laptop. If you noticed the other issues within the return window, I'm not sure why you wouldn't start the exchange process?

I'm not sure how far out of the return window you are, but I would plead your case with customer service and see if they would make an exception. Regardless, the issues you mentioned (aside from the battery) should be covered under the 1 year MFG warranty as long as there's no signs of user inflicted damage.

People buy this devices to work with and be happy but buying a new macbook is just pain and suffer for me. If you know much about possible manufacturing defects then you have a long checklist

Here is my checklist when i get a new mac

1) yellowish display
2) dead or stuck pixel
4) keyboard without loose clicking and rattling keys
5) screen without fingerprints and smudges because of packaging
6) aliminum body wthout dent or scratch
7) fully clear and undamaged ports (type c, hdmi etc)
8) display check (pattern, uniformity, brightness)
9) warranty status and coverage starting date check
10) gap asymetry between hinge and body and also asymetry between body and lid on left-right sides
11) permanent stain on display

This is a long list for very expensive device.
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Lounge vibes 05

macrumors 68040
May 30, 2016
When I had a 2016 MacBook Pro I went through three top case replacements.
That’s the entire top part with the keyboard, trackpad, and battery.
None of the top cases were identical. Some of them the trackpad was more shallow, sometimes the trackpad more pronounced, sometimes the base and lid were perfectly matched, other times they were slightly off, sometimes the keyboard more clicky, sometimes the keyboard less clicky.
My suggestion would be, if it bothers you that much, take it and get a replacement.
But also keep in mind that absolutely no piece of technology produced by the millions is ever going to be flawless or identical to each other, and it’s very possible your replacement model could have these same tiny flaws, or different flaws.
It’s also possible that these little problems could disappear with time, as you open and close the lid over and over again, as you click the keyboard over and over again, it will age over time.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Dec 1, 2017
As someone mentioned, i would not be concerned about how much battery cycle your machine came in out of the box. I have seen some come with 5 charge cycles out of the box as well. Just use the machine. Not sure which country you are in but in US if your battery falls below 80% before 1 year warranty is up, apple will replace it for free.

Id be concerned if it came with 100 charge cycles out of the box. Apple doesnt reuse returned batteries on new devices. So let that rest.

If you are still not happy then as some said just sell it

Thanks for reply and kindness. I could agree with you about battery cycle but there are also misaligned keys with terrible clicking rattling noise both while pressing or touching on them. I have visited 2 reseller and checked 4 devices which do not have this issue. Their keys were assembled correctly. Why this happens to me?

Apple use the new keyboard design for more than 3 years but WHY there is same problem which still continues

Here is a post who suffers from same issue:
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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Dec 1, 2017
When I had a 2016 MacBook Pro I went through three top case replacements.
That’s the entire top part with the keyboard, trackpad, and battery.
None of the top cases were identical. Some of them the trackpad was more shallow, sometimes the trackpad more pronounced, sometimes the base and lid were perfectly matched, other times they were slightly off, sometimes the keyboard more clicky, sometimes the keyboard less clicky.
My suggestion would be, if it bothers you that much, take it and get a replacement.
But also keep in mind that absolutely no piece of technology produced by the millions is ever going to be flawless or identical to each other, and it’s very possible your replacement model could have these same tiny flaws, or different flaws.
It’s also possible that these little problems could disappear with time, as you open and close the lid over and over again, as you click the keyboard over and over again, it will age over time.

You are completely right. If I have noticed this keyboard issue earlier and made replacement, the new one might have dead pixel sth listed above. So there is a permanent concern about replacement because of this fear. Every unboxing is full of pain and suffer for me because of this.

When I watch WWDC presentations, I begin to hope about receiving a quality manufactured device like shown on Apple website but I am So unlucky :(


macrumors 68020
Apr 3, 2012
Everyone wants to be happy. If you don’t happy, take action, sell it and buy non-Apple product. No need to stay in negativity. It’s like law of attraction, you won’t get the good (and happy) life until you are grateful for whatever you had.
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macrumors 6502a
Jul 22, 2022
I haven't heard OP comment about operation. How has the laptop performed? Or are you too busy looking at the back of the hinge?

As others stated, the keyboard issues can be addressed under warranty, also the uneven hinge can be looked at under warranty. I am curious to see how bad that hinge alignment really is. Please show a photo of the entire rear of the laptop.

Maybe it's a case of buyer's remorse over the amount spent on the laptop and every perceived defect is just too much to overlook. This is not about being unlucky but rather procrastination. Should have returned it within the 14-day period and saved yourself the grief. At this point sell it for a small loss and get on with your life.

Love-hate 🍏 relationship

macrumors 68040
Sep 19, 2021
I have bought MBP 14 m2 max device but i hate it now. I am very unlucky person about Apple products. Almost %80 of my all devices (iphone, mac etc) came with 1 or more defects.

1) There are clicking and rattling loose keys on keyboard especially enter/return key, right shift key, caps lock key and escape key. I do not need to press them, they click/rattle when i touch them... Especially enter key rattling is terrible... I compared with demo devices in store. They are fixed with quality and does not have these noises. I really hate this situation.

2) This device came with 5 battery cycle counts and some people told that it is a result of quality control in factory. But this explanation did not satisfy me because while the majority of devices coming with 1-3 cycles why mine came with 5? what kind of extra testing needed? The question: "is my device used before?" is still active in my mind. I want to ask Apple: Is it to hard to make a decleration about battery cycle count ranges so people can know the situation and feel themselves much more safe about their brand new devices...

3) Hinge gap assymetry between left and right side when close the lid

The only thing correct about this device is there is no dead stuck pixel...

I believe, i am so unlucky that if i buy a solid compact mac mini or mac studio, it is possible to come with defects too...

I could not return in 14 day period because i was making search about 5 battery cycle counts of the new device out of the box is normal or not... I have noticed clicking keys and gap asymetry later because the clicking sound occurs especially touching or pressing one side of the button.

Imagine I bought a very expensive device but i am not sure about assembling a used battery and some keys make click sound like mouse when you only touch their surface...

I wish i did not buy this device...

Every unboxing is full of fear stress and suffer for me.
I feel your pain buddy , no matter how much money you spend , there's a huge chance your device may have an issue in some aspect

I too had issues with 4 out of 5 MBP i got

As for keyboard rattling ,i believe there are 2 different keyboard manufacturers, guess u didn't get the "good" one with smooth kb

Don't worry about the 5 cycles , it's nothing, a non issue really
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macrumors 68020
Jul 11, 2013
I have bought MBP 14 m2 max device but i hate it now. I am very unlucky person about Apple products. Almost %80 of my all devices (iphone, mac etc) came with 1 or more defects.

1) There are clicking and rattling loose keys on keyboard especially enter/return key, right shift key, caps lock key and escape key. I do not need to press them, they click/rattle when i touch them... Especially enter key rattling is terrible... I compared with demo devices in store. They are fixed with quality and does not have these noises. I really hate this situation.

2) This device came with 5 battery cycle counts and some people told that it is a result of quality control in factory. But this explanation did not satisfy me because while the majority of devices coming with 1-3 cycles why mine came with 5? what kind of extra testing needed? The question: "is my device used before?" is still active in my mind. I want to ask Apple: Is it to hard to make a decleration about battery cycle count ranges so people can know the situation and feel themselves much more safe about their brand new devices...

3) Hinge gap assymetry between left and right side when close the lid

The only thing correct about this device is there is no dead stuck pixel...

I believe, i am so unlucky that if i buy a solid compact mac mini or mac studio, it is possible to come with defects too...

I could not return in 14 day period because i was making search about 5 battery cycle counts of the new device out of the box is normal or not... I have noticed clicking keys and gap asymetry later because the clicking sound occurs especially touching or pressing one side of the button.

Imagine I bought a very expensive device but i am not sure about assembling a used battery and some keys make click sound like mouse when you only touch their surface...

I wish i did not buy this device...

Every unboxing is full of fear stress and suffer for me.

The battery cycles are completely normal and so is the hinge, as far as I can tell from the photo.
I suspect there is nothing wrong with the keys either, but if you are very worried about it you should take it back to Apple and ask for replacement.
Looking at your previous posts you should know better than most that the perfect device doesn’t exist.
There are tolerances and devices just have to be good enough.


macrumors 68000
Feb 11, 2002
Is this thread a Joke, what am I missing. Don't like something return it. Especially if you believe there are some defects like in the keyboard. Problem solved. 🤷‍♂️

Exactly! The part of his story about not returning it within 14 days because he was searching for info about the gap issue hasa rotten smell to it.
He should of returned it immediately if it bothered him so much.


macrumors 68020
Oct 27, 2021
Lancashire UK
You need to realise you're buying mass-produced consumer products, not hand-assembled Aston Martins or a spacecraft. Your first post from six years ago was complaining about barely-perceptible flaws in the outer packaging of a MacBook Pro: literally the brown outer shipping box. Nearly every thread you've started since then has been some neurotic complaint about a similar non-issue. Can't you see that it's not Apple, it's you?

The miniscule faults you see in everything surrounding you must drive you crazy every day, and I think you need therapy. And I mean that seriously and courteously, not as an insult. But how you take that advice is of course up to you. I suspect you won't take it well, yet I doubt I'm the first person to recommend it.
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macrumors G3
Feb 13, 2012
Perth, Western Australia
1) There are clicking and rattling loose keys on keyboard especially enter/return key, right shift key, caps lock key and escape key. I do not need to press them, they click/rattle when i touch them... Especially enter key rattling is terrible... I compared with demo devices in store. They are fixed with quality and does not have these noises. I really hate this situation.

2) This device came with 5 battery cycle counts and some people told that it is a result of quality control in factory. But this explanation did not satisfy me because while the majority of devices coming with 1-3 cycles why mine came with 5? what kind of extra testing needed? The question: "is my device used before?" is still active in my mind. I want to ask Apple: Is it to hard to make a decleration about battery cycle count ranges so people can know the situation and feel themselves much more safe about their brand new devices...

3) Hinge gap assymetry between left and right side when close the lid

Return it.

1. not sure what you mean here, but also not sure how much time you spend touching your keys when not pressing them
2. - get over it, its 5 cycles and will have no bearing on your warranty period
3. if it bothers you, return it. maybe try a Chromebook.
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