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I'd use it if it offered a true multi-moniter UI. One thing I'd like to see go is the dock and menubar from screens other than your main on. If that happened, Virtual desktops would be for me :)
Originally posted by mac15
I'd use it if it offered a true multi-moniter UI. One thing I'd like to see go is the dock and menubar from screens other than your main on. If that happened, Virtual desktops would be for me :)

the problem with that (the menubar at least) is that you can't use an app just in one virtual desktop very well if the entire menubar is on another virtual desktop that you cannot see.
i just wanted to say that this app is soo cool

the eyecandy just reminds me once again why i will never regret switching to a 17" PB.

thanks so much for the app mnkey - you da man
it works great and but there is room for improvement :D

the different backgrounds is one, and clicking on an app and going to that virtual window would be nice.

it is only version 0.5 - so maybe we should send our comments to these guys and hopefully they'll add these options.

This thing is essential for smaller screens - and the active edges option is great - the different transitions quite fun.

After using this thing for a week or so now - I'm hooked. I've got it on all 3 of my machines and I can't imagine not using it.

Apple should be buying this and have it standard in the OS - maybe 10.4....:D

Great stuff!

total agreement with Mr. Anderson

gotta, it not only makes every1 in my comp sci class we theere pants when i switch between my iTunes/Music desktop to my Internet desktop

only suggestion - the bezzel that shows the name could stay a little longer on the new desktop and not show on the old as you switch

features id like to see -

1. sticky apps - having ie. konfab stay running on all desktops

2. different desktop backgrounds

other then that this alpha is so stable and flawless i cant believe its not a final release
i guess apple will never brint multiple desktops

although i dont see that expose and virtual desktop and multiple desktops exclude each other i dont see virtual desktops to come along with expose.

(virtual = scrolling desktop)

more likely will be expose + multiple desktops,

i still do not see that because it is not USABLE for dumb end users ;)

and apple has to care about them

if apple brings a 2 or 3 button mouse, we might once see multiple desktops,
until then: no chance ;-]

but who cares - if that app presented here is good enough! ;-]
Well, I downloaded it and gave it a whirl.

All in all, it's a neat little program, but I don't really see myself needing it. I hardly ever have that many things open, and when I do, expose easily takes care of any window management for me.

That said, if you need it, download it. It's a nice piece of software and I would reccomend it to just about anyone.

My 2 cents.

Edit: Any way I can set it to be just 2 windows instead of 4? I might play around with it a little more later, but 4 virtual desktops just seems a little overkill for me.
Originally posted by neoelectronaut
Edit: Any way I can set it to be just 2 windows instead of 4? I might play around with it a little more later, but 4 virtual desktops just seems a little overkill for me.

Well, I was actually hoping to get more than 4 :D and it doesn't do that. It seems as though its stuck at 4 for now, hopefully they'll add the ability to change the number of virtual desktops in future releases.

over the past couple days i've been trying to use it off and on and i just can't get used to it. i'm in love with virtual screens on my linux box, but in OS X Expose is just much more useful. i have it set up so that command-mouse3 does the "all windows" Expose function and that is hella quick and easy for finding stuff, much more so than switching around virtual desktops till i find what i'm looking for. i'll keep it around and keep trying to use it. i WANT to find it useful, honestly i do!!
here's the best way that i've found to use virtual desktops and expose at the same time...

i like to be able to see my entire itunes window whenever i need to, without waiting for hide/unhide or maximize, etc... so in my second desktop, i have the itunes window, and only the itunes window take up the entire screen.

i have my regular space (first desktop) set up for web browsing, chatting and miscellaneous tasks.

my third desktop i use for all my other work like photoshop, bbedit, ftp, or any other related tasks. i've found that when working with this kind of stuff, i always need to reference something from my browser or need to get to my desktop quickly without all those other windows. the hide all windows expose function just doesn't cut it sometimes.

that's all i do. three desktops is the perfect number.
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