Just to clarify, My Mac has 896MB, I give VPC 512MB. This seems to work great and Win2K performance is fine. OS X continues to perform very snappy even with VPC running. I am very impressed with the set up. My next upgrade will probably RAM to 1.5GB (3 512 DIMMS, I currently have 1 512, 1 256, 1 128) and the new Gigadesigns 1GHZ since it easily overclocks to 1.3GHz and they still warranty it. It should be interesting how well win2k performs at those levels. Maybe I will be able to run multiple VPC sessions well in that configuration. (I'm thinking a Win2k AS with IIS and SQLServer, and a Win2kpro with VS.Net for development. With the network option set to virtual switching, each VPC will appear as a seperate host on the network.