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macrumors G4
Jul 17, 2002
Even if the 20 million number were true, it would still not be that great. The PC market in 2006/2007 is substantially larger than it was back in 2001 when XP achieved sales of 17 million. Vista is doing well only in Microsoft PR statements.


macrumors G3
Dec 31, 2004
"No escape from Reality...”
New PC's...

While Kutz declined to break down the numbers by region or even for each of the six Vista editions, he did say that sales were strong across the globe and that many of Vista's sales came through people buying new PCs.

Two of my friends waited to buy PC's with Vista - that's why it's so popular, also happends to be time to upgrade to new PC's...

I bought a new Mini just a couple months before - I snicker each time they try to come to me asking about how to fix their new Vista machine...


macrumors 68030
Mar 7, 2006
Salt Lake City UT
Two of my friends waited to buy PC's with Vista - that's why it's so popular, also happends to be time to upgrade to new PC's...

I bought a new Mini just a couple months before - I snicker each time they try to come to me asking about how to fix their new Vista machine...

Hmm... stop fixing it for them? :rolleyes:

Mr Skills

macrumors 6502a
Nov 21, 2005
Three things to remember about this number:
1. Around twice as many PCs are sold now compared to when XP was released.
2. This figure includes everyone who redeemed a coupon to upgrade the XP that came with their machine to Vista when it came out
3. Vista was so delayed and so hyped, and XP had so much bad press for security, that there should have been an incredible amount of pent-up demand.

Taken in this context, 20 million is a disaster for Microsoft.



macrumors 68040
Jun 14, 2006
lol Vista is pretty laughable now, having used it a lot on quite a few different machines.

Friend of mine just got it on his 17" Alienware lappy (AMD 64), and while 'showing off how great it is', he loaded up one of the 'great new games included with Vista' called Persian something or summat like that. Anyways, he double clicked it and it bluescreened instantly. :rolleyes: People who were there could testify.

It was pretty hilarious seeing the look on his face, considering he invested in the machine to run Vista (all £2500 of it), ended up spending an extra £125 just to get Vista and it can't even run properly... :rolleyes:


macrumors 68030
Mar 7, 2006
Salt Lake City UT
Wasn't able to anyways - the components that came with their machines (CD-RW drives, wireless, etc.) weren't Vista compatible, hence the reason for them not working...

Hurrah, so can they switch to Mac soon ? :D :apple:

lol Vista is pretty laughable now, having used it a lot on quite a few different machines.

Friend of mine just got it on his 17" Alienware lappy (AMD 64), and while 'showing off how great it is', he loaded up one of the 'great new games included with Vista' called Persian something or summat like that. Anyways, he double clicked it and it bluescreened instantly. :rolleyes: People who were there could testify.

It was pretty hilarious seeing the look on his face, considering he invested in the machine to run Vista (all £2500 of it), ended up spending an extra £125 just to get Vista and it can't even run properly... :rolleyes:

Wow, I guess that perhaps I shouldn't try to install Vista on my Alienware then? Ouch...


Moderator emeritus
Oct 21, 2003
Portland, OR
I believe it.. Windows users a DESPERATE for a new OS! They've been looking at the same ugly 16-bit graphics and whatnot for many years! :)

Shotgun OS

macrumors 6502a
Dec 18, 2006
I don't see what's so great about Vista. A teacher of mine has it on his new laptop, and it looks ok, but as far as I know, there's hardly anything different about it than XP. It could really do without the glossy black start button. :rolleyes:

Also, I think the only reason people are buying Vista is because it 'looks cool' or is 'new'.


macrumors 68000
Jun 13, 2004
20 million Vista sold?

Microsoft just released this new press release yesterday.

Apparently, they have been inflating their numbers.

Fudging numbers are quite common but 20 million in Feb is way over the top. Even if they need to make themselves look good, at least try to do it convincingly. Another interesting fact is that they remain silence over their office 2007 sale numbers.


macrumors 68040
May 16, 2006
Central Florida!
I don't see what's so great about Vista. A teacher of mine has it on his new laptop, and it looks ok, but as far as I know, there's hardly anything different about it than XP. It could really do without the glossy black start button. :rolleyes:

Also, I think the only reason people are buying Vista is because it 'looks cool' or is 'new'.

Its amazing ......after 20 years of Apple.....this vista is great....


macrumors 68040
May 16, 2006
Central Florida!
lol Vista is pretty laughable now, having used it a lot on quite a few different machines.

Friend of mine just got it on his 17" Alienware lappy (AMD 64), and while 'showing off how great it is', he loaded up one of the 'great new games included with Vista' called Persian something or summat like that. Anyways, he double clicked it and it bluescreened instantly. :rolleyes: People who were there could testify.

It was pretty hilarious seeing the look on his face, considering he invested in the machine to run Vista (all £2500 of it), ended up spending an extra £125 just to get Vista and it can't even run properly... :rolleyes:

Hate to burst your bubble....but vista is running better then tiger..........


macrumors 6502a
Jul 30, 2006
i think most common folks don't see the "wow" and can't justify the cost. in addition, most universities, cooperations and even governments recommend against upgrading to vista. 20m is kinda sad for probably the most anticipated and possibly the best windows ever.

After G

macrumors 68000
Aug 27, 2003
Vista is really slow out of the gate. I'm thinking it's a Windows ME rehash.

The upgrades in Vista seem to be for developers, who will happily move to Vista in droves. Microsoft has given users what they can already get in Tiger.

Flip3D -> Expose
Aero -> Quartz/Aqua
Windows Search -> Spotlight

There's nothing new for a user except UAC, and UAC is annoying. I'm not going to pay a ton of money so I can have my computer ask me "Do you want to do this?" every time I change a setting.


macrumors G3
May 28, 2005
My friend installed Vista on his (somewhat old) dell. The thing can't even do youtube and AIM and the same time without the videos stuttering:eek:

For M$ to turn this sinking ship around, they really need to fix all the bugs and bloat. then, come out with that next OS they're promising, and pronto.


macrumors 68030
Jul 26, 2005
My friend installed Vista on his (somewhat old) dell. The thing can't even do youtube and AIM and the same time without the videos stuttering:eek:

For M$ to turn this sinking ship around, they really need to fix all the bugs and bloat. then, come out with that next OS they're promising, and pronto.

On a Mac i can't watch a youtube video in safari at full frame rate if there is another application on top. This is with a 2GHz core duo. What's your point?


macrumors 6502a
Mar 6, 2006
On a Mac i can't watch a youtube video in safari at full frame rate if there is another application on top. This is with a 2GHz core duo. What's your point?

That something is wrong with your Mac Mini.


macrumors 68030
Jul 26, 2005
Happens on my Macbook, Mac Mini and on my MBP when i had it.

Unless of course all three are bust? Try it yourself, open you tube, play a video and then switch to another program. You'll see a change in frame rate between safari being on top and not being on top.


macrumors G3
Dec 31, 2004
"No escape from Reality...”
Wasn't able to anyways - the components that came with their machines (CD-RW drives, wireless, etc.) weren't Vista compatible, hence the reason for them not working...

And the article at

Microsoft’s PC-maker industry partners confirm consumer interest is strong. “Since the launch of Windows Vista, Dell consumer customers have overwhelmingly chosen premium versions of the operating system that enable them to have a richer experience with music, video, photography and other computing applications they choose,” said Neil Hand, vice president of Dell’s Consumer Product Group. “Customers' initial experience with Windows Vista has been quite positive, and we will continue to try to deliver the best customer experience possible,” Hand added.

One of my friends I was talking about was his new Dell...
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